17. We fly above the clouds

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Red dots interrupt my vision as I see Annabeth unable to hide her fear for that little boy. Taking it upon herself, Callista applies the nectar to my wounds. Thalia walks up to me, the panic on her face tells me just how dire the situation is.

"Take Annabeth" She says as if reading my mind,

I put two fingers in my mouth and let out a loud piercing whistle as I run to grab my sword. In the direction from the stables a black Pegasus flies in.

Boss! You are alive! He says with excitement.

"Now is not the time" I suggest as I climb onto his back, not wanting to waste time I ignore the suspicious looks that are being sent my way by all present half-bloods, "Get on" I order Annabeth.

Annabeth does not think twice and gets on behind me, I suggest that she holds on, she wraps her arms around my waist sending butterflies fluttering through my stomach.

"Blackjack take us to Sally Jackson" I command.

Sure, thing boss

Blackjack takes to the sky, his wings pulling us up above the clouds, the wind carries her hair as the clouds wisp by.

"How do you know where he is?" Annabeth asks.

Not wanting to surprise her I ignore the question as we soar into Manhattan, my rage boils hotter than before as my hands sweat with hunger for blood. Still unsure who this boy is, my mom's safety comes to mind as I begin to question the importance of this child and whether Carter lay a finger on my mom to get a hold of this child.

Promptly Blackjack lands in front of my mom and Paul's house, as he settles on the ground, I slide off his back, Annabeth does the same.

"Stay behind me" I command, as I pull out my sword.

I run up the stairs and gently turn the front doorknob and softly press the door open, hoping to avoid it from squeaking. I stop to listen for a noise, at first it is quiet until an infant's cry disturbs the silence. My plan of silence is forgotten as I run towards the sound in the living room, my boots knocking against the wooden laminated floors. I reach the entrance of the living room to find my mom lying unconscious, an open cut sits on her cheek, in the corner Paul sits with his terrified daughter in one arm and the boy in the other, an empousa stands next to them with a spear pointed at the boy.

A pleased yet evil grin shapes Carter's face, "Ah Omega" He chuckles, "It seems that I was right about you" Annabeth appears behind me the scariest look I have ever seen sits on her face as she grips her knife.

"I am going to kill you for hurting her" I threaten him through gritted teeth, a force holds me back from impaling my blade into his neck.

"Step away from him" Annabeth growls at the empousa.

Carter turns to look at the boy and chuckles, "I must thank you for your child" He chuckles, my attention snaps from Carter to Annabeth as the surprise momentarily controls me and then the obvious dawns on me.

My attention moves to the blonde boy as I take a good look at him, his sea green eyes are filled with terror as he clutches to Paul's cardigan. Thalia's words ring in my ears, there is so much that you do not know that will make you stay, she had told me. Now I see the light and the truth that I may not be re-joining my team when they leave for good.

"He really was the best way to get both of you here" Carter says proud that his plan worked.

Behind us another empousa appears and takes our weapons away.

"What do you mean both of us?" Annabeth asks although something tells me that she already had been putting the pieces together by the confused look on her face that she always pulls when she starts to think about things.

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