10. I investigate beyond the barrier

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Night falls bringing another night's watch duty to the camp. Many campers ran around stressed and anxious for how the night would play out.  Once again Clarisse barked orders to all of those on duty whilst we prepared in our tent. Whilst sitting backwards on a chair, my arms resting on the back of the chair, Huntress inspects my cut with caution.

"Thy wound is nearly healed" She comments, "But it is healing slower than normal wounds"

Rolling my black shirt down I turn to face my group, "With Carter M.I.A we should be on high alert" I suggest, "I want eyes on the fleece at all times"

When trying to determine how the monsters had been getting into camp, a suggestion had floated through our debate whereby somehow the fleece would be taken from the safety of its guardian's watch and returned once the barrier had been invaded. It may be a long shot but right now it is the only idea that is even close to making sense.

"Stay out of sight, I have told Clarisse that tonight is their problem as we cannot be expected to save them from everything"

This was an exaggeration, but it was said to prevent them from trying to ask us to join by maddening them ever so slightly. Maybe Mr D was onto something...

"So how do we get around without being seen?" Angel asks.

"Wait for Clarisse to send them to their stations then sneak through the dark"

Patiently we wait for another half an hour until the night is silent, with our swords strapped to our sides and bows on our backs, we pull our hoods over our heads and head out. We each find a tree and crawl up beneath its thicket of branches and rest on a thick branch, our eyes trained on the fleece. Every now and then I quietly change branches, looking out for the other campers.

The full moon tonight shines down on camp, her light adds a white glow to the night and awards the camp with a beautiful eeriness. For a few moments I sit in awe as I watch the silent camp bracing for another attack.

Below my tree two campers prowl with each careful step, their swords sit in one hand and a shield sits in the other, their armour shines under the moon easily giving away their position.

"There is something that isn't right about those Chaos guys" The one demigod comments with a hushed tone, "What if it is them that are causing the attacks and they are here to simply study our responses"

"They helped us with the attack" The other demigod says, "Surely if that was their plan, they wouldn't have helped us"

"Unless that is the plan, to gain our trust"

I shake my head listening to their conversation filled with doubt, if I had wanted to attack camp, I would have attacked them during their mealtimes when they are most vulnerable. But I wouldn't tell those guys that, I would rather have them wondering about my loyalties towards camp than my identity.

A rustling erupts from outside of the barrier, in the forest where many hid secrets and bad intentions. My curiosity gets the best of me, pulling me down from my post I walk towards the barrier.

"Omega, what are you doing?" a voice whisper shouts from the tree to my right.

"Stay in your positions" I order, "Do not move unless there is danger"

Lifting my sword in front of me I walk through the barrier and give the lurking dangers an opportunity to take their best shot. Remembering that unlike my squad mates, I am not immortal. A short distance away another rustle sparks, my conscious screams at me begging me to turn around I ignore the screaming and pleading as my curiosity continues to tug me forward.

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