21. I wade between the waves of guilt and pain

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Tears of guilt stream down my face as I am guided towards the san, my heart still in more pain than my gaping wound. Gently I am put into a bed, curtains drawn between the beds preventing me from seeing any other injured demigod.

"That girl that I stabbed, is-is she okay?" The faces around me share the same looks of concern.

Next to me a kid that looks as if he has been raised from the dead pulls a chair to my side, "Percy, do you not remember Annabeth?" He asks.

I look around, earning worried looks from the ghost like kid and the blonde guy next to him. The three hooded figures share their own looks with each other.

Somewhere else in the room voices chatter amongst themselves discussing doses of nectar and ambrosia. The hooded figures excuse themselves, one first checks on Annabeth and walks past,

"Wait!" I call out to him, the hood stops and turns to me, even under a candle, a shadow blocks his face, "I know what Carter did was wrong, he is just some misunderstood kid that has had a tough life, please do not hurt him"

The guy scoffs mumbling words under his breath as he leaves without any promises made.

The blonde guy brings a tray with a vile of liquid and a block of something that I am unfamiliar with.

"I'm Will, by the way" The blonde guy says, "And this is Nico" He says pointing over his shoulder to where Nico sits, with his eyes staring intently at me.

Unsure of what to do or say, I mumble an awkward 'hey'. Exhaustion takes over my body as my eyes grow heavy, slowly I slide down my head onto the uncomfortable pillow, my wound crying with pain.

"Don't hurt Carter" I plead to anyone willing to listen as my eyes shut close.

My slumber feels like a long blink when my eyes open sometime shortly before dusk. The san is empty and quiet with the dividers down, unlike the black clothing that I had worn I now have an orange Camp Half-Blood shirt with my black khaki pants still on. Evaluating my side where my wound use to sit, a bandage now covers my woundless skin. Pushing myself up I slip into my sneakers that lay beside my bed side table, my memory still fuzzy with what had happened.

Walking out the memories start to strike, one piercing strike to the chest per hurtful memory. Stumbling out the san I head over to the beach, catching the attention of many demigods heading over to the dining hall for dinner. My chest starts to rise and fall as the panic sets in as I remember my actions.

How could I have been so gullible? I ask myself with disgust as I stumble towards the beach, my anger rises as I realise how much I cared for my so-called close friend, Carter who had stabbed me with a poisoned knife, had gotten an empousa to impersonate Annabeth causing my heart break to him threatening my family. The memory of the living room comes to mind and of the little boy who I am sure is my son. 

Shortly I find myself back at the beach, a place that I had missed more than I thought until my toes sank into the cool beach sand as the small waves wash over my feet. With my knees pulled up to my chest I allow the small waves to wash over my feet and to soak my clothes as the water tries to heal my troubled mind. I try to ignore the burning guilt as I play with the water by pulling it up and creating a water tornado that moves in front of my drenched feet.

The sky is an array of vibrant colours as the sun reveals its last rays as it ducks down beneath the horizon. The water calls for me, tugging me to swim in its depths. Obliging I stand up and throw my shirt on the sand where the sea can't touch it. Slowly I wade in towards the depths until I can no longer stand, swimming out I dive down into the depths of the sea, the water embracing my return as fish swim around me in large schools.  I allow myself to sink and crash onto the sandy floor, disrupting the sand around me. Confidently a few brave fish swims around me and under and over my arms. It takes me a few moments to realise the figure in front of me, looking down on me with pride.

"I heard a few rumours that you had returned but I did not want to allow my excitement to get the best of me" My dad says proudly.

I look up to him, a smile breaks my sad expression as I stand up, "Hi Dad"

My dad embraces me with open arms as he pulls me into a hug that makes me feel that everything is alright.

"I have been worried about you" My dad admits as we pull apart," Next time you disappear do me a favour and just give me a heads up"

My smile grows as my dad expresses his concern for wellbeing. For the past two years, Khaos had been the closest thing to a father for me, despite him not being anywhere on the same level as either Paul or Poseidon are, but his efforts were appreciated. For a while my father and I catch up until we notice the dark sky above us.

"I know that your guilt won't go away anytime soon, but understand that nobody blames you Percy, and only you can stop that pain from hurting you" He assures me as we part ways with one final hug.

I breach the surface, the cold air clings to my face as I wade back to my shirt. Not waiting for my back to dry off, I pull my shirt over my head to heat myself up. Once again, I find myself sitting in the cool sand with no place to go.

"There you are" A relieved voice sighs from behind me.

Knowing that voice immediately, I stand up and turn to face Annabeth standing a few metres away from me with a shy smile. My words are caught in my throat, unsure of what to say next.

"I was worried that you had taken off again" She says fiddling with her fingers.

As I watch her standing nervously my feet drag me towards her and as I approach her my arms wrap around her tightly ensuring myself that she is really there. At first, she is surprised but quickly responds by hugging me back, our grasps tight around each other as we both refuse to let go.

"I am so sorry" I apologise my guilt coating my words, "I swear to never hurt you in any way again, I swear on the River Styx" I vow.

As if it were possible, I feel her grasp tug tighter as I kiss her forehead, the smell of her head reminding me of happiness.

"It wasn't your fault" She says as she rests her cheek against my chest, "You didn't know"

I pull away, instantly regretting it as I feel the gap between us, I look into her eyes, "I should have given you the chance to explain, how could I have just expected the worst from you, and I trusted you so badly"

Annabeth raises her hand and caresses my cheek, the palm of her hand soft against my cheek, "You were in shock and the longer you were gone the more it sank in for you, I understand the way you acted you were clearly still hurt and were trying to cope with your emotions"

"The worst pain that I have ever felt was my guilt for when I stabbed you, I may not have remembered you, but the pain was there and once the nectar helped to cure my amnesia, I would have rather bathed in the river Styx for an hour than to do that to you again"

I look down to where I had stabbed her my hand covers it, Annabeth's hand cover's mine, "Percy do not worry, it was nothing that nectar and ambrosia couldn't heal" She assures me with a smile. 

I sigh away a lot of the grieve that I had been carrying over the years, "I missed you" I smile as I lean in and kiss her cherry lips under the dull moonlight and away my troubles.

For the remainder of the night, we sat in the sand, with my arm around her as we watch the calm sea waves rush over the sand and between our toes, as we discuss mostly my time on planet Chaos and the members of my team, leaving out their identities and reconciliate and as cliché as it may be, I haven't felt happiness like this since before I had left Camp on that day.

For the remainder of the night, we sat in the sand, with my arm around her as we watch the calm sea waves rush over the sand and between our toes, as we discuss mostly my time on planet Chaos and the members of my team, leaving out their identitie...

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