12. I get wise advice from an old friend

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My fist knocks against the solid wooden door of the big house hoping to alert Chiron of my presence, but I receive no response. On a hunt, I search for Chiron asking many half-bloods who shrug off my question. The more I move around the camp the more familiar the memories grow. From playing capture the flag to the beads that we would get each year, my necklace feels cold against my skin as the memories come to mind. Soon enough I find Chiron at the stables with a few campers, a pleased smile sits on his face until he sees me.

"Can I help you with something, Mr Omega?" He asks with a friendly tone.

All of the camper's eyes turn to face me, curiosity sits on all of their faces. Understanding that I do not need an audience, Chiron dismisses his class

Together we start to stroll like we used to during my days as a camper. At first a comfortable silence sits between us until Chiron asks,

"I trust that you have settled into your tent and around camp"

"We have thank you, although the campers do not seem to be very fond of us yet" I admit.

"Well, what can you expect of them, they do not know whether to fear you or applaud you and with you mostly keeping to yourselves they would rather fear you"

"I prefer that they fear me" I admit, "It creates less attachments and makes the job easier"

"It may be easier, but it will be harder for you to gain their support if you ever need it" He suggests, "Also if I may warn you, the more reserved you are the more curious they will be, and curiosity never is a good thing when it comes to demigods"

His words add a perspective that I am yet to consider. I nod my head as his words sink in, Chiron is right, I knew that they did not trust me and it did not bother me like it should but my job here is to protect them from whatever is to come, how can I do that if they do not believe that I will do that.

"Chiron, do you know why we were asked here" I ask as the question comes to mind, "The threat does not seem to be as severe as I expected"

A sad smile falls onto his face, "Yes" He sighs as he stops our stroll, "Have you noticed the age of our campers?"

I shake my head.

"Well majority of them are quite young and are not skilled enough to even face a monster on their own"

"What about the seven?" I ask, realising that I have not seen most of them.

"They have lives and school, Frank and Hazel reside at Camp Jupiter and do come around every now and then, Piper and Jason are finishing school"

"What about Clarisse and Annabeth or even any roman?"

"We cannot solely rely on them either, Annabeth has a lot of her own demons and troubles that she has to face alone, and Clarisse is not here all the time either it is just when she has vacation days or wishes to see her godchild, Chuck and the rest of the Roman's they need to defend their camp from whatever dares to try and invade"

My curiosity about Annabeth peaks, as I get a feeling that I am only one of her mentioned troubles. Deciding not to ask questions I instead find myself watching Nico walk towards the arena with Will by his side.

"That boy Nico has been through a lot himself" Chiron comments as he notices me watching him, "He has lost his entire family and a good friend of his too, I cannot rely on him either as I fear the pressure would be too much for the boy, but he is loyal, and I know if I ever have to rely on him that he would be there"

Suddenly guilt strikes me, as I feel like my decision to send Bianca back was too rash and that maybe it would be a good thing for him if he discovered that Bianca was here. But the consequences begin to list in my head, how it might hurt him even more if he were to find out that she had been here this whole time and did not tell him.

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