{My OCs Being Crackheads}

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{I forgot who made that art but Henry be lookin like a snacc in it sooo...}


Here's my OCs being crackheads
Aka incorrect OC quotes made from my actual conversations...

And I know I have an OC book but that's for more serious content, and plus I still need to heavily renovate it so I don't wanna pump out new content for it just yet.

Charles: My Bible app got deleted

Henry: God has left the chat


Charles: Oh~

Simon: Oh

Henry: Oh

Simon: O'Reilly


Charles: Eat.

Henry: "At least something small."
What is something small?

Charles: Your dick

Henry: I-


Henry, talking to Charles: That comment you posted... please tell me you're not a furry...


Henry: Do you wanna rp for a bit?

Charles: I'm busy cooking and being gay

Henry: You're always gay

Charles: Yeah but

Charles: Being gay for a gay more than friend


Charles: "Oh I will slap your ass hard."
Sorry, only my boyfriend is allowed to perform BDSM on me

Henry: What boyfriend
I thought Shuichi was bottom

Charles: I'm talking about my actual boyfriend, not my imaginary detective one


Charles: Nuts

Simon: Almonds?

Charles: Cums

Simon: *Comes

Simon: Where are you going?


Charles: I say shit is yummy when referring to yummy body parts

Charles: Like Shuichi's ass is yummy :)


Charles: Wait

Charles: If I'm eating because I'm enjoying the pain because I'm a masochist...

Charles: ...Does that technically mean it's masturbation?

Henry: ...

Henry: OH FUCK


Charles: Nig-

Charles: -erian prince who wants $5000


Charles: Anygays my pasta's done now, it has to sit for the sauce to thicken now tho

Simon: Oh okay

Charles: Me watching the sauce get thicc like 👀

Henry: Bruh I hope you don't think it's anything like Shuichi's cum or something

Charles: I don't think it is

Charles: I know it is

Henry: Oh my fucking god

Charles: I always add that special ingredient ♥


Charles: I will inhale an entire salt shaker

Simon: It better not be my sea salt

Charles: I got my own salt to inhale

Charles: {Neatly puts some cocaine into a line}


Simon: How do you hate tea??

Henry: I'm not British, that's how.


That moment when most of Charles's incorrect quotes came from things you said and it's painfully obvious cuz the Shuichi simping rlly be at 1000

Oh well, I wrote this cuz I just got some devastating news today that made me have a mental breakdown and burst into sobbing, so I wanted to help myself cheer up.

If you're wondering what the news was, I'll TLDR it. Basically my school has failed to provide me an equal opportunity for education because I'm poor and unable to provide the materials for myself and my grades for first semester were all F's cuz I only got a total of 99 hours to even attempt to complete the entire semester's work. My school blames me for it despite the fact they're breaking laws by counting it against me and it's most likely going to prevent me from getting into any good colleges in the future, and since I want to become a chemist college is kinda very important. So yeah I just broke down sobbing when I got all that news today.

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