Chapter 15

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"Can't believe I walked in cuz of an orphaned girl and walked out with a job..." You thought aloud as you drove back to the college campus.

The drive was peaceful and once you were back in your dorm you began reading the packet Cody had given you. It was pretty self explanatory for most of it. The back page was 'personalized' and had information specific for you. It explained that starting tomorrow, from Monday to Friday you'd work from 4 PM to 9 PM since you could old go part time due to being a college student. You chuckled, figuring the 9 PM part might get a little challenging but you could adapt around it easily.


"First day on the job..." You thought aloud as you nervously walked into the police station, not knowing what to expect. You saw Cody talking with someone and he motioned for you to wait there, so you waited until he was done talking and he walked over to you.

"Hey (Y/N)! Welcome to your first day of work," Cody greeted.

"Thanks," You nervously laughed.

"Alright, I'm gonna give you the grand tour so you're not lost, on my first day I didn't know where anything was and had a panic attack right there in the hall," Cody pointed to a spot on the floor a little past a group of offices.

"Oh geez..." You clenched your teeth at the thought of having a panic attack.

"On a brighter note... tour time~! Though this place is kinda small so it'll be fast..."

"Since we're on the first floor we'll start here. This floor is the gun guy floor, the detectives' offices are to the left and the cops' are to the right, and this open space here is where they talk about stuff, sometimes with a few of us! It's pretty boring down here to be honest though, it's mostly paperwork and complaining about coffee."

You both went up to the second floor.

"Welcome to the second floor, which will soon become your best friend. The lab which you saw last night is to the right, I'll give you the detailed tour after the rough one in a minute and to the left is our paperwork and storage area! We don't like the paperwork and storage area, pretty much none of us go back there unless we ran out of something. By the way, I've found crazy teen couples sneak in there and decide to do stupid stuff. Don't do that, there's a security camera in there and pretty much everwhere in this building, except the bathrooms."

Finally, you went to the third and final floor.

"This is the scary third floor where all our supervisors' offices are! If you're up here you're either bringing them coffee, a final case report, you're being given a raise, or you're being fired. Hopefully not the last one. Now let's go back to the lab where the interesting stuff happens!"

The two of you returned to the second floor and entered the lab, where Cody showed you where everything was and told you about all the procedures of the lab. The rules were simple and you figured working here would be fun.

"And for your first assignment, you need to figure out who's blood this is. It was found at the scene of a crime no violence should have taken place so while the gun guys figure out why there was violence and how it happened, you figure out who was hurt!"

Cody handed you a number of small blood samples, which you carefully took to your now claimed area of the lab. Everyone was given an area to work in and yours was right at the edge, so at least nobody would easily see any first-day-failures you might be stupid enough to make.

You got right to work and first tested if all the blood samples were identical, and to your surprise you found you were holding samples to three different people's blood. You sorted them out based on who it was, finding that your unnamed 'Person B' had the most blood samples by far while your unnamed 'Person C' only had handful of samples.

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