Chapter 13

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"Hey Simon... how are you doing?" You greeted softly, walking into the hospital room. He had an IV in his arm which made you worry.

"I'm okay..." Simon quietly answered.

"Did they find out what happened?" You hoped they did, that was seriously scary!

"They said they thought it was maybe internal bleeding but because there was no blood in my vomit they weren't so sure... and that's all they told me," Simon sighed.

"Are you any better, at least?" You bit your lip.

"They said my fever went down a little but that's it..." Simon mumbled.

"Oh..." You were sad that you weren't getting good news like you had hoped for.

"Ugh... m-my apologies, I need to use the restroom-!" Simon got up in a hurry and rushed to the bathroom where you heard liquid splash against something, and you figured Simon had probably thrown up... you hoped he hadn't, though.

"Are you okay, Simon?" You worriedly asked. There was no response.

"Simon...?" You walked towards the bathroom slowly, the door still open so you could peer inside easily.

Simon was passed out on the floor with blood running down his chin, and there was a puddle of blood on the floor. You yelped in shock and ran out into the hallway.

"SOMEONE GET IN HERE!!!" You yelled in a panic, not caring that it disturbed the peace of the hospital because you were sure this was an emergency! A doctor rushed into the room quickly, realizing it was an emergency.

"What's wrong?" the doctor asked.

"Simon passed out in the bathroom, I think he puked blood!" You pointed towards the bathroom and the doctor looked inside, then pressed a button on a necklace he wore.

"I need doctors and nurses in room 576, possible trauma," the doctor spoke into the microphone and then motioned for someone else to come inside, the two of them picking up Simon on a stretcher and placing him back on the hospital bed. They inspected his IV which had almost been pulled out because despite it being portable it was being dragged by the cord. However, he'd managed to tear the skin around his IV and they had to treat that. You cringed at the thought of how painful that must've been.

Lots of doctors and nurses showed up and you were pretty much shoved out of the room without any explanation, and the blinds were drawn closed. You were worried sick and chose to stay and wait, though you didn't know how long it would take for whatever was happening to be over. You paced around the hallways anxiously hoping it would be over soon, but as time went on and they brought more equipment into the room, you realized it was going to be a while. Then, a question hit you.

What if Simon was dying...?

You whimpered slightly at the idea. He didn't deserve to die, he was so kind and helpful! Even if you didn't know him for very long the thought of him dying was horrible to you.

Minutes ticked by like there was an infinite amount and no need to conserve them. You'd stopped pacing and now you were sitting in a chair, waiting very anxiously for any news. Soon an hour had gone by, and then two. It was well past visiting time but you didn't care, you wouldn't leave without an answer.

At last the door opened and a flood of doctors came out, "Normally we wouldn't let you because visiting hours are over but you can see him..."

Immediately you rushed inside, eager to know if Simon was okay. He was asleep and you immediately felt like you were intruding but forced yourself to relax, pulling up a chair and waiting for him to wake up. It took another thirty minutes or so and a nurse waited with you, but once he woke up the nurse spoke first.

Valentine's Day {Yandere!Shuichi x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now