Chapter 9

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"When he puked, was there any blood in his vomit? So was there any red or even any dark red, maybe brownish or blackish stuff that maybe looked like ground coffee beans?" the nurse asked.

"I don't think so...?" Henry thought aloud.

"Hmmm... yeah, I don't think so," Charles nodded.

"I definitely would've noticed blood... so I can confidently say there wasn't," Shuichi was the only confident answer.

"Okay. And when he fainted, what was he doing just before that and how long was he out?"

"He was walking just before he fainted..." You stated the easy part.

"He was probably out for maybe thirty seconds or so... I know Henry poured something in Simon's mouth but I don't know what it was. But a few seconds later he woke up," Shuichi finished the explanation.

"It's an experimental formula I made that's supposed to cure sick people faster by making use of adrenaline... but without actually causing an adrenaline rush, just the speedy effects of the chemical and how widely it can be distributed is used..." Henry briefly explained.

"...That sounds dangerous for some teenager to be playing with," the nurse warned.

"Chill, lady! I'm the Ultimate Chemist, and just so you're aware you can thank me for my contributions to cancer research!" Henry huffed.

"Show-off," Charled muttered under his breath.

"I thought you said you weren't a doctor," Shuichi looked at Henry with puzzlement.

"Well yeah, I can't tell you what disease someone's got but as a chemist, if you tell me what somebody's got I can probably find a good way to stop it or slow it!" Henry bragged.

"I see..." Shuichi hummed in thought.

"Um... I'm sorry to interrupt but unless you're immediate family, it's now 3 PM so visiting hours are over for today... they're open 24/7 for family but otherwise on weekdays it's from 9 AM to 3 PM and on weekends from 7 AM until 8 PM..." the nurse sighed.

"Well... I guess that means we gotta go..." Henry awkwardly commented, looking over at Simon, "Get better, okay Simon?"

"Mm..." Simon barely groaned in response, and you hoped he was just tired and not hurt or anything serious like that.

"Well... bye Simon," You waved goodbye and left the room, everyone else saying their goodbyes and leaving. With a sigh you lead the group outside, "So what now...? We have no ride back to the college..."

"Ah, that's a lie!" Charles took out his phone, "It pays to have connections~"

He walked away as he made a phone call, and you hoped whoever he was calling got there fast.

"I'm hungry..." You thought aloud.

"When we get back on campus we could get something from the food court," Shuichi offered.

"Can we get a pizza? I'm kinda craving that," Henry smiled guiltily.

"Pizza sounds good," You agreed.

"Then I guess we'll have pizza," Shuichi chuckled.


"Sorry I can't join you guys," Henry sighed.

"It's fine! I get it," You nodded.

"Well, if you say so..." Henry still seemed pretty unsure about it.

"Really, it's okay. We'll hang out sometime later, okay?" Shuichi smiled a little.

"That sounds nice," Henry nodded.

Valentine's Day {Yandere!Shuichi x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now