Extra: Q&A Answers

431 14 18

Mr. Author: I'm so sorry that my 'name' is super cringe but we can deal with it for a chapter. I'm going in script format cuz that's a lot easier for this, so without further ado let's get to the questions!


Shuichi, why do you have a shock collar in your closet?

Shuichi: Ah, um... b-because I do? ...That's... for me to know.


Is Charles Teruteru in disguise?

Mr. Author: Since a name wasn't specificed I'll answer that. No, Teruteru's too fat. Sorry to disappoint.


Mr. Author, who's everyone's crushes?

Mr. Author: Okayyy, prepare for a long list!

Me- That's a secret~
Shuichi- (Y/N)
(Y/N)- Shuichi at most parts. I also tried to subtly hint that she gets a sliiiight crush on Cody but just a tiny one and she doesn't know he's got a wife and a kid.
Simon- Charles, tiny crush on Shuichi.
Charles- Literally everybody. He's sexually and romantically attracted to pretty much everyone, though he has encountered a few exceptions that were too repulsive for even him.
Henry- Shaun, Charles, Simon, and Ingrid. Yes, he is a man of incest.
Shaun- Henry
Cody- His wife.
Mr. Brown- His wife
Mr. Wells- Nobody
Mrs. Smith- Her husband. Yes, she loves him despite the abuse {see her character sheet if you're confused}.
Ingrid- Nobody. Despite being so nice she's aromantic and asexual. Plus she's too pure for even something like love.
Brad- Nobody.
Nathan- Nobody.


What's everyone's sexuality, Mr. Author?

Mr. Author: Prepare for a liiiist!

Me- Bi
Shuichi- Bi {or (Y/N)sexual whatever floats your boat}
Simon- Pan {but 99% straight yet he crushes on Charles}
Charles- Pan
Henry- Bi {but like 90% gay}
Shaun- Bi
Cody- Straight
Mr. Brown- Straight
Mr. Wells- Straight
Mrs. Smith- Straight
Ingrid- Asexual
Brad- Straight
Nathan- Asexual


Simon, why are you so cute?

Simon: Oh, thanks for the compliment! But... I'm not sure why you view me that way. I guess I just see myself as... polite and small? My apologies for sounding so negative or like I'm not accepting the compliment!!


Henry, would you ever be able to cure corona virus?

Henry: Um... if I've cured some cancers then probably! I haven't taken a closer look yet-


Simon, what exact cancer did Henry have, what stage, what were the symptoms, etc.?

Simon: That's... a really long question. Henry's very private about that unfortunately so I can only tell you a few things, my apologies! All I know for certain is it was lung cancer in a later stage and he was though to be dead for sure... he was in the hospital and I wasn't allowed to see him so I don't know his symptoms, my apologies for not being able to inform you very well!!


Mr. Author, you weren't very clear about what Shuichi has said to (Y/N) in the chapter he didn't want her to leave. Were you aware of this? If not, clear it up please!

Mr. Author: I was very aware I kept behind the scenes stuff to be extremely vague, and this was done intentionally to draw attention to the plot because things are just... weird. Kinda like how this answer is vague~


Henry, why did you let yourself become Charles's sex slave for life? And when did he start raping you?

Henry: First of all... it's not really rape if I consented to it. Second of all, I did it because I know the way Charles deals with depression is my fault so I have to fix it somehow. Plus he's my kid and I'd do anything for him...


Shuichi, what made you snap in chapter 18? That was super random.

Shuichi: I just... had a lot of pent-up rage towards Charles and when he kissed (Y/N) it was the last straw... I kept telling myself it was wrong and tried to talk myself out of it but it was too late...


Simon, why can't big companies find the cure for cancer then say they don't have anything?

Simon: If they cured it in a normal setting somebody would leak the word and it wouldn't be secret anymore. There's already several people who beg Henry to keep his few cures as quiet as possible so they can keep getting more money for treatments instead of a single cure... it's terrible how rotten people are!


Mr. Author, are the characters romance-able?

Mr. Author: Ah... some of them are, I guess?? Here's a list of those I'd say that maybe are:

Shuichi {DUH}
Shaun {That's my self-insert OC... please don't I'm sure he's gross anyways he's written to be that way-}
Mr. Brown {If you do this I'm- w h y-}
Mr. Wells {I'd also question you if you did this}


Mr. Author, how'd you come up with the character's names? Are there any irl connections?

Mr. Author: Honestly, 90% of the names were spur of the moment, "Oh that sounds nice!" Simon was loosely taken in part by Simon from the three chipmunks but mostly because it sounds like a smart name. Charles was done because I used to know a stoner guy named Charlie but that name sounds too... bleh for me so I changed it to Charles.

Mr. Author: Dramatic inhale

Mr. Author: Henry was done because it's a common name, and later I learned there's actually a famous chemist of the past named Henry Cavendish so hey, lucky me! Background characters like Cody and Nathan were taken from real people I've heard of {I just took their names, not their personalities}, and Brad was taken from a choir warm-up {yes I did choir in middle school} where we sung about someone named Brad. Teacher names were entirely the first common last name I thought of.


Mr. Author: That's all the questions, and sorry for the delay on publishing this! I've had a lot of action happening lately, but I hope this doesn't disappoint anyone!

Mr. Author: If I missed any questions feel free to yell at me, my notifications have been really crazy lately so sometimes I miss important stuff!

Word count: 1025

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