Chapter 26

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"Too bad you're too sh- eh?!" You gasped as Shuichi suddenly flipped around so he was on top and you were on the bottom. He smirked down at you.

"I never expected little (Y/N) would be so desparate for my attention... but I don't mind~" Shuichi started to kiss and bite your neck roughly, not caring if marks were left behind.

"Mmn~!! Haah~!" You clenched your teeth at the feeling, feeling your face heat up in embarrassment. Shuichi seemed to be enjoying your new embarrassment.

"Don't hold back, (Y/N)~" Shuichi purred, suddenly pulling off your shirt. He chuckled when you squeaked, his hands then going to your bra which he unhooked, then took off. He stared at your breasts with a bit of drool, "They're perfect...~"

You squealed when he suddenly groped you, not wanting to admit that it actually felt kinda good. He then pinched your nipple teasingly which caused you to whimper and look up at him helplessly.

"Sh-Shuichi~" You whimpered quietly. He smirked at your response and left hickeys all over your chest, having no remorse for the sensitive skin. You were so distracted with the pleasurable feeling you didn't notice one of his hands snake down your panties until it was too late and he began to tease you under your clothes.

"Ahh~!" You moaned in surprise, your legs trembling just a little at the sensation. You felt your brain start to get hazy and shut down rational thinking, instead replacing everything with a sort of high feeling. It made you want more without even thinking about the consequences.

"Someone looks desparate for more~" Shuichi chuckled, and he suddenly stopped teasing you. He used his now free hands to take off your remaining clothes, leaving you naked. Shuichi stripped down to his boxers, showing a very visible bulge between his legs.

"We'll get to that part later...~" Shuichi promised once he noticed you staring, making you blush darkly and quickly look away, "Aw, I don't mind you staring~"


You panted, feeling embarrassment at your actions but you didn't know if you would've been able to stop Shuichi if you'd tried. Plus, it felt good anways so it wasn't that bad... right? Other than the fact he didn't use a condom...

"That was fun~" Shuichi smiled, pulling you close. You nuzzled him tiredly.

"Mmn... I'm tired..." You mumbled, and he chuckled as he kissed your forehead.

"Then get some sleep. Good night, (Y/N), sweet dreams~" Shuichi cooed, and you quickly fell asleep because you were so exhausted after that physical exertion.


"Ah... arrrgh!!! This stupid pasta!" You groaned, trying desparately to grab a box of pasta that was on the top shelf of the cupboard. The weight in your torso made it harder to reach up to grab it, but you still refused to give up.

"A-almost got it... NO!!!" You anguished and despaired once you accidentally pushed the box back, knowing it would forever be out of your reach unless you got a stool.

You were about to do just that until an arm reached up and grabbed the pasta for you, setting it on the much more accessible counter. You turned around to see Shuichi who had an apologetic smile.

"Sorry for putting it on the top shelf... but if you need help just ask me, okay? I don't want you to accidentally hurt yourself..." Shuichi sounded a little worried.

"I'm fine, I didn't hurt myself," You almost growled, a little angry that Shuichi was almost treating you like a little kid. You understood why but it wasn't like you were suddenly disabled!

"Just ask for help next time, okay?" Shuichi didn't budge an inch on his end.

"Fine..." You sighed in defeat, knowing that was the only way you'd make him happy. Shuichi smiled and kissed your cheek.

Valentine's Day {Yandere!Shuichi x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now