Family Ending

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"James!! Get your ass down here now!! We're late for Alexis's graduation!" You called.

"There's still like two hours 'till it starts!" James complained.

"Yeah, and traffic's gonna make two hours nothing! Now get down here or I'll unplug your video games!" You threatened.

"Uuuugh!!" James groaned but you heard him pause his game and a few minutes later he emerged, "Do I REALLY have to go? Even Alexis says she doesn't wanna go!"

"Well, your dad and I want graduation photos. Now get your shoes and coat on and let's. Go!!" You crossed your arms.

"You don't have to be so pushy about it..." Shuichi sighed, walking into the room.

"Yeah! Dad's way nicer!" James agreed.

"Well I'm not dad, now am I?" You challenged.

"Hmph!" James pouted but didn't say anything else.

You looked over to Shuichi, "You ready to go or do I gotta yell at you too?"

"Nope, I'm ready," Shuichi chuckled.

"Good! I hate yelling..." You sighed.

"Okay, I'm ready," James sarcastically and unenthusiastically called. You huffed a bit but walked to the door and opened it.

"Then let's go right now! C'mon, everyone!" You were slightly irritated.

"I can drive for you," Shuichi offered. You looked over, a bit surprised.

"Really?" You slightly gasped.

"Mhm," Shuichi confirmed.

"That'd be awesome," You smiled.

"Okay, then I'm driving," Shuichi declared, and all of you got into the car. Shuichi started it up and soon you were all on your way to Alexis's graduation.

Just like you and Shuichi, Alexis had an Ultimate talent. She was known as the Ultimate Biochemist, which made you think of Charles and Henry every single time. You never mentioned those names though and so she lived in ignorance of the painful memories her talent brought up. James was attending Hope's Peak as a freshman in high school and was known as the Ultimate Judge.

However, he pretty much tried to throw away his talent and he had no interest in anything related to criminal justice. Actually, he only cared about video games. He only attended Hope's Peak because you could graduate with a 0.0 GPA as long as your talent improved and attendance wasn't mandatory. Because of that, you refused to let him stay at the dorms so you could make sure he did his homework and went to class.

"Why is there so much traffic?" James groaned.

"There's about a thousand seniors in Hope's Peak high school, of course there's lots of traffic!" You pointed out.

"Didn't the school used to only have like, sixteen students per class?" James huffed.

"Yes, but after accepting students on an international level attendance increased significantly. About 99 percent of their students were Japanese but now it's closer to 15 percent... apparently most of their student body is made up of Europeans now," Shuichi explained.

"I don't care! And why do you even know that off the top of your head?" James sighed.

"Because I used to go there?" Shuichi laughed drily.

"Yeah, don't forget your dad and I are Ultimates too," You chuckled.

"Ultimate, shmultimate... how come Ultimates get this stupid red carpet treatment, too? If something happens to an Ultimate the world bends over backwards to help them. If an Ultimate dies it's a tragedy. What was it... oh yeah! I learned about the case of this Ultimate Biologist who went missing before I was born and apparently the cops went crazy and just immediately went full alert, full force to find this guy!" James complained.

Valentine's Day {Yandere!Shuichi x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now