Extra: Character Sheets

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Hello everyone! This is just a little bonus material if you were curious about a character or even multiple! I'll separate it into two categories of major and background characters.
NOTE: The characters' ages are for when the book begins. The kids at the end of the book will have different ways to state their age because endings cause it to vary so much and they don't appear until the end.


(Y/N) (L/N)
Talent: Ultimate Forensic Scientist
Height: (Your height)
Weight: (Your weight)
Blood type: (Your blood type)
Age: (Your age)
Personality: Kind, caring, gentle, etc. Sometimes is down on herself but also doesn't really like to talk about herself too much, instead listening to others and responding to them. Easy to surprise, easy to manipulate, a little slow to figure things out sometimes.

Backstory: She came from a rather average family, but her shining moment is the one that got her her talent. She helped solve a murder that included three accomplices that were forced to help out because the mastermind behind it all implanted bombs inside the accomplices' bodies, forcing them to literally do or die. She got a bomb specialist to defuse the bombs and then they were surgically removed, the bombs being kept as evidence to get the mastermind in jail for life without perole.

Appearance: (Your appearance)

Shuichi Saihara
Talent: Ultimate Detective
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 128 lbs
Blood type: AB
Age: 19
Personality: Shy and reserved. Introverted, doesn't usually talk much except to people he's attatched to {but so long as someone's really nice and encouraging to him he usually gets attatched}. Has PTSD from the killing game which has caused him to be mentally unstable, except the worst of it just hadn't been reached yet until he met (Y/N).

Backstory: His parents are overseas as a director and screenwriter, so he was raised by his uncle and learned to see him as more of a fatherly figure. He lived in the city with Hope's Peak College Program his entire life by chance, and so it was easy for him to become scouted as the Ultimate Detective. He attended for a while before being kidnapped and forced into the killing game, which traumatized him forever. Once he got out he re-attended Hope's Peak but this time in their college program.

Appearance: Navy blue hair with an ahoge and yellow eyes. Usually wears long sleeves and pants, but on rare occasions can be seen with a short sleeve shirt on. Except for white button-ups, most of his clothes are dark colors.

Henry Rostock
Talent: Ultimate Chemist
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 114 lbs
Blood type: A
Age: 20
Personality: Henry tries to act like a mature adult a lot of the time but is also easily lured into being childish to his kids. He has a huge soft spot for them and would pretty much turn the entire world upside-down just for them. However, Henry's also a huge workaholic and often spends long hours in a lab doing some crazy experiment. He has bad problems trying to put down a project once he starts it until he completes it.

Backstory: Henry grew up in an abusive household, raised by just his mother Margret Rostock. She believed that trauma to a child at a young age forced their brain to age faster and thus made them smarter, but the problem then became handling mental illness. She was experimenting with how to silence Henry's bipolar issues and made him just continue to do chemistry, sometimes not letting him sleep for several days. She was later found and arrested for child abuse and he was brought to an orphanage. He was adopted as a son by Shaun, and they later learned they were biological brothers. Henry used a potion to age himself up and although it was biology, got into gene experimentation. He needed a test subject but with only his brother to test on, used him as a subject. As a result of the experiment, he got triplets that he absolutely adores.

Appearance: Henry has black hair that he's never combed for as long as he can remember, but he keeps it short so it doesn't get in the way of his work. His eyes are light blue like the sky. He always wears his lab coat and usually wears a dark red shirt underneath. He's unnaturally pale from being in a lab so much and from malnourishment because he works more than he eats, but he doesn't care.

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