Chapter 23

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"These DNA traces... they're blood... Charles's blood..." You mumbled. You were trying to do a detective's job, but you didn't care.

"That glass shard had the waste of a parasitic worm on it..."

"They said there was some acid missing and the chemistry teacher felt like there was one less flask than he remembered and something else felt missing..."

"...Was Charles... tortured...?"

You shuddered at the thought, not wanting to know the details. If a flask had been shattered, there was a parasite, and there was acid, that was not something you wanted to know the details of because the idea of those being used was horrifying enough. Scared, you walked to Shuichi's office and told him about your findings and your theory.

"It's... possible he might've been tortured. But that does sound really brutal... we'd have to find someone who had motive to do something that horrible if we rule it as torture," Shuichi sighed.

"How come nobody's found him yet?! It's been almost a week!" You whined.

"I'm starting to get really worried too..." Shuichi admitted, "The evidece we're collecting every day makes it more and more likely that he's dead..."

"D-dead...?" You almost felt like choking on those words.

"Unfortunately, yes... I'm really worried that there might not be enough evidence to find where he is or who did it, either... but, we have collected enough evidence to prove there was a kidnapping so the FBI was called in to help with the investigation," Shuichi explained.

"I hope that helps..." You bit your lip.

"I'm sure it will," Shuichi sounded like he was also trying to convince himself.


"Ch-Charles...?" You choked at the sight of his corpse. It had started to rot and the smell filled the entire forest, making the usually fresh place smell terrible. Flies were swarming his body, eager to get their hands on the free food. You couldn't believe how cruel nature was to your friend.

"That is one fucked up way to kill somebody..." an FBI agent commented.

There was blood all over his pants and the back of his lab coat, as well as holes that almost looked like bullet holes all over him but you all caught occasional glimpses of the parasite that acted like a watch dog inside his corpse, attacking anyone that tried to move his body. Somebody had got bitten by it and even their heavy gloves hadn't done much to protect them, blood pooled up quickly and they had to get out the first aid kit. Nobody dared shoot at the parasite though because that would ruin the corpse which was already fragile and necessary for investigation.

Eventually with a lot of trial and error the FBI agents managed to get the parasite to latch onto a tree branch long enough to throw it far off to the side and shoot it until it didn't move anymore. Green-white guts spilled out everywhere and made you feel a little sick, but maybe it was also the stench of death that was already thick in the air starting to take its toll.

Charles's corpse was carefully marked before being taken away to be examined in the lab, the forest area being marked as a crime scene and more cops and detectives showing up. You stayed at the scene to see what evidence you might find, and after crime scene photos had been taken and everything measured, everyone started to collect evidence.

You took a small piece of cardboard from the box he was stored in because you wanted to know if you'd find traces of any other chemical besides the acid that had been discovered as missing a little bit. You also tested for fingerprints, but because of the age of the crime scene there was nothing. Then, you overheard Shuichi talking to an FBI agent.

"We'll have to wait for the lab to confirm it but we're pretty sure he was killed very shortly after disappearing. With that in mind, try to remember back to any suspicious activity you saw at school a few days before and after Charles went missing," the FBI agent commanded, and Shuichi nodded.

"I'll start by asking around his classmates to see if I can find anything," Shuichi promised.

They continued to talk amongst themselves about ways to try and find Charles's murderer, and you felt relieved. You'd get the closure you needed, his killer was going to be found! You were sure that with Shuichi and the FBI to back you up that nobody could ever get away with this.

Then, you noticed something written on the box in very familiar handwriting. It read: 'To my precious (Y/N)~'

"Um, guys? I think you might wanna take a look at this!" You announced in a bit of horror. Quickly there was a group of people around you, and they documented the writing. Where had you seen that handwriting before...?

"Why would someone... dedicate a murder to (Y/N)...?" Shuichi almost furiously questioned.

"I don't know, but whoever that psycho is needs some serious mental help," You cringed at the thought.

"Th-this might mean someone's stalking you..." Shuichi growled.

"Wh- stalking?! Why would someone stalk me?!" You exclaimed.

"The person who did this is obviously mentally unstable... if they dedicate a murder to you it wouldn't surprise me if they'd be willing to stalk you... which also means that because I'm so close to you I might be in danger too..." Shuichi sighed.

With that theory a few pieces of the puzzle fell into place, "He went missing right after he kissed me... and when we found him he was brutally murdered... did they do it out of... jealousy...?"

"Probably... You should try to keep an eye out for anyone you may see often, even if it's just walking down the hallway or they're a complete stranger. It could be anyone, even someone you don't expect..." Shuichi warned.

Suspicion and anxiety began to crawl throughout you. The idea of possibly being stalked was scary, but it seemed like the most likely explanation which was even scarier.

"I'm scared... and what about you? What if they come after you?" You looked up at Shuichi, whimpering a little.

"I'll be okay... I'm not as defenseless as I look. You just worry about staying safe, okay?" Shuichi warned gently, and you nodded.

"I hope whoever they are stops what they're doing..." You whispered.

"Hey, lovebirds! You coming back to the station or you wanna camp here overnight?" someone called.

Both of you jumped and looked around to see everyone getting into their cars and vans.

"S-sorry!" You and Shuichi both ran over to an available van, getting inside and starting your journey back to the station.

It was a silent ride back to the station, and you thought about what Shuichi warned you about. Could you really stop a stalker if you had one? And what if it really was someone you didn't expect it to be? What if it was just some random stranger you didn't know and had no way of knowing? What if it was some creep?

Thoughts and fears swirled your mind, all of them just making you panic more and more. You wished you knew who was behind Charles's murder so you could finally get some closure and peace of mind knowing the case had been solved. He didn't deserve to be killed, especially so brutally. He'd just been playing around, you didn't agree with what he'd done but he didn't deserve to die for it!

"You doing okay?" Shuichi asked once he noticed how tense you were.

"I'm fine. Just... thinking," You kept it vague but Shuichi seemed to understand exactly what you meant. He gently placed a hand on your shoulder, not caring that there were other people in the van to see and hear this conversation.

"Don't worry too much, okay? We'll figure out who killed Charles..." Shuichi promised, and you nodded.

"I hope so..." You bit your lip, unaware that you were talking to the killer.

Word count: 1348

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