Chapter 25

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Warning: Not a lemon but light sexual content

Shuichi snored lightly, and you knew that now was your chance to walk around the campus. Pretty much everything was closed at this hour but you didn't care, you just wanted a break from being stuck in this place and not being allowed to attend your classes. Shuichi had made you take them all online but wouldn't let you leave your dorm to move in somewhere else, despite it being more practical.

Careful not to disturb him, you slowly turned the knob of the door and then slowly opened it, barely enough to slip through so the dim lighting of the hallway didn't reach the pitch black room too far. You then shut the door behind you and began your journey to a specific place, where it all began...

You were going to visit your homeroom.

You stared at the now empty classroom. It was once your homeroom but now it was just an empty classroom. Nothing could be heard in the silence of the night as memories from lighter times tried to cheer you up.

Being shy on the first day of school but meeting such great people, talking about the nasty school project, making jokes about the college... you wished for those plain times. You wished life was normal.

You looked at your old table. You, Shuichi, Henry, Charles, and Simon had sat there... in the beginning, at least. The images of your friends that forever stained your memories of them were dug up like fresh wounds, making you grimace. And Shuichi had been behind it all, laughing...

"(Y/N)! I finally found you..." Shuichi gasped, out of breath like he'd been running. You turned to face him, though you didn't hold an expression of happiness or sorrow. You were too broken for that anymore.

"Yes, I'm here," You simply stated in an almost robotic way, refusing to say why in case he got mad at you.

"It's cold here though... come on, let's go back to our dorm... I made hot chocolate," Shuichi offered with a small smile, holding out his hand.

You took it, knowing you had no other choice as you followed him back to your dorm. You nuzzled Shuichi's arm like a child, knowing he liked that to hopefully make him less angry. He didn't seem angry but you knew better than to always trust how he acted in the hallways...

"Awwwe, you're so cute~" Shuichi purred as you nuzzled his arm, smiling widely. He seemed genuinely happy.

"Nuuuu," You played along, hoping that'd make him happier.

"Yes you areee~ Stop denying it~" Shuichi giggled, lightly patting your head as you both kept walking.

"Hmph!" You pouted, letting him pat you.

Shuichi chuckled and kept a smile on his face as you both walked back to your dorm, and once you reached it Shuichi held the door open for you. You walked inside and saw two cups full of a liquid sitting at the table. Shuichi smiled and shut the door behind him, taking a spot at one of the chairs.

"Sit down (Y/N), if you don't drink it now it'll cool off!" Shuichi warned.

You did as you were told and sat down, picking up the mug from the table. The sweet aroma of the hot chocolate made you smile, until you also smelled something that wasn't so sweet inside the hot chocolate.

"Something in here smells a little weird?" You raised a brow.

"Oh, I added a secret ingredient. It's delicious, I promise!" Shuichi took a sip of his hot chocolate and smiled innocently.

You hoped it wasn't some kind of drug and took a sip. It definitely had the sweet taste of hot chocolate you loved but something tasted a bit... off. Something in it almost reminded you of the taste of metal but it wasn't quite metallic? It was hard to place a name to the taste.

Valentine's Day {Yandere!Shuichi x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now