Chapter 3

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You groaned as your alarm woke you up, making you wish you'd gone to bed sooner than you did. Not wanting to be late for your first class of the entire year you forced yourself to get up anyways, shutting off the annoying alarm. Looking over to Shuichi's bed you found that he was already absent and chuckled a bit. In the week you'd got to know him you knew he was an early bird so you weren't too surprised to see he was already awake.

"Okay... I need to shower..." You thought aloud, going to your wardrobe, "What should I wear?"

You thought for a few seconds before choosing your Criminal Minds T-Shirt and some (color) pants. You'd maybe wear a coat if you felt like it but that was your outfit for now. You grabbed your so-called 'hygiene basket' which was just a small basket that held your shampoo, conditioner, and other things like that. You put your clothes and towel in the basket and left your dorm to get to the community shower.

Each floor had its own community bathrooms and showers, but they were all rather comfortable. The bathrooms were more like their own individual rooms instead of stalls and the locks were much better than crummy stall door locks. The sinks were also a bit more home-y and the soap dispenser was't just the typical thing built into the wall! There were actual bottles of soap at each individual sink, and they were very large too.

The showers also had their own individual little rooms... actually, two rooms. The first was a small room with shelves so you could put your stuff in there without fear of it getting wet or stolen because it was behind a lock, and then there was a glass door that lead to the shower. The showerhead wasn't one you could move around your body to make it easier, but that was okay because it was still a nice shower. The floor actually looked like the floor of any other regular shower instead of looking like it belonged in a locker room, which made you happy.

You got into the shower and turned on the water, and while waiting for it to warm up you went back to the small 'storage room' and got your shampoo and conditioner. You'd got into the routine of bringing your things with you after you'd turned on the water so you didn't have to wait a few seconds for it to warm up. Sure enough, once you came back and shut the door the water was the perfect temperature. You took your shower in peace and dried off once you were done, then got changed into your outfit for the day. You brushed your hair with a little extra care and decided to put it in (hairstyle).

"Okay... now time to eat breakfast..." You thought aloud, grabbing your things and putting them back in your dorm. You put on your shoes, grabbed your backpack, and checked the time on your phone, smiling, "Now I'm glad I decided to wake up a little early... I got plenty of time to eat!"

You made your way to the food court and walked into a more breakfast-themed place. You ordered (food) and it was ready relatively quickly, and you ate in peace. After you were done with your meal you checked the time once more to see you had about twenty minutes before your first class started.

"Ah... looks like I made the right decision in bringing my backpack. I think it's a bit of a long walk from here to the science hall..."

You grabbed your phone to see the directions you'd written and sure enough, you had a bit of a walk ahead of you. You started your journey to the science hall, obviously where the science department was. Your first class of the day was a very advanced chemistry class, which made you smile. Though you weren't a chemist, it was valuable information to have nonetheless. Your walk was quiet and uneventful, but once you entered the class it was immediately eventful.

It was a very large classroom arranged almost like some sort of patchwork project, the entire classroom being a lab with several square islands so students had room to work. There were no normal desks and all the chairs were at the islands so you figured the entire class would be taught from within this lab. The teacher was sitting a bigger, rectangular island that had empty flasks and beakers off to the side, but he was more concerned with something on his computer that was facing away from you. He didn't seem to care about the student that was poking around the cabinets.

Valentine's Day {Yandere!Shuichi x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now