Chapter 18

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Warning: Gore and lowkey rape

(Shuichi's POV)

"What's happening to me...?" I wondered aloud as I stared at the now empty classroom.

"Wh-why did I do that...?" I walked towards Charles's seat. I imagined the boy in it and immediately my heart just filled with so much... anger and rage. I didn't even know what I was so angry about!

"Why am I so mad...?" I gripped the back of his chair tightly, digging my nails into the hard plastic.

"Why do I...? N-no, I don't..." I shook my head from the thought but no matter what I tried to do it just came back.

I didn't even know why I wanted to kill Charles.

"I-I can't do that...!!" I exclaimed out loud. I'd proven that violence wasn't the answer by surviving the killing game without hurting anybody, why did I want to hurt him so badly?!

"I can't kill someone! I can't do it!!" I was practically yelling now. I was so mad I kicked over Charles's chair but that wasn't enough. I raised my foot and stomped it, and then I stomped again. I kept stomping his chair but the resilient material refused to give no matter how much I abused it.

"I-I can't... kill him..." I panted from the exertion I'd just had on my body, mentally and physically. I looked down at the chair that bore no evidence of me stomping on it, and I carefully picked it up, "What's wrong with me...?"

I sighed as I sat down, thinking about what I'd just done. Even now that I was calm the thought of killing Charles wouldn't leave my mind and I hated it. I wanted the thoughts to stop, I didn't want to hear them.

"Why won't they stop...? Can I not keep myself from hurting him...?" I whimpered at that thought. Would I really be unable to control myself if I saw him again? The desire to kill him was so strong just thinking about it that I could hardly stand it. I had to do something about it... but what? I couldn't just kill Charles...



The thought continued to swarm my mind. I was beginning to feel a little... different. My head felt like it was going crazy but it didn't feel bad- rather, it felt... good. It was a dull feeling almost kin to pleasure that I could feel in the back of my mind, and I felt myself wanting to feel it in a higher intensity. I knew what I had to do to make it happen, too.

I couldn't help but grin as I slowly brought out my phone. I didn't have Charles's phone number but since he was a consultant with the entire force, I could contact him on the encrypted app. I searched his name and found him, sending him a message telling him to meet me in the main chemistry lab in the science hallway ASAP. I made my way to the main chemistry lab as soon as I was done sending the message.

The main chemistry lab was (Y/N)'s chemistry room. It was the only classroom in the hall that didn't separate between lab and classroom but had the lab as the actual classroom. I got a response from Charles as I made my way there, and he said he was on his way. I ignored the text asking what it was for, since I didn't feel like responding. I sighed since I knew if my messages were checked that it'd be very incriminating, but I also knew they wouldn't first check my messages. They might check Charles's so I made a mental note to take his phone, but also a few other things so it'd look like commonplace robbery.

"Now I wait..." I thought aloud, though something caught my attention. Just my luck! There was a strong-looking cord that had been left out on one of the islands, so I'd be able to make sure Charles didn't run away. Unfortunately, I didn't know when the teacher would show up so I'd have to make my murder really fast.

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