Chapter 5

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You and Shuichi exchanged a glance and you shrugged, so Shuichi took initiative.

"If it doesn't bother you then sure," Shuichi smiled slightly.

"It doesn't bother me at all. Follow me!" Simon cheerfully lead the way, and both of you followed him. It was on the first floor but kind of far down the hallway, so it took some time before you reached your classroom, "And here's room 1136!"

"Thank you Simon," You chuckled, about to open the door before Simon snatched it and held it open for you.

"Ah! I'm sorry for not getting the door sooner..." Simon apologized.

"Don't be sorry for something so small, you've been a huge help!" You assured the kind boy, walking inside the classroom. Shuichi followed, and you looked around the classroom.

One half of it was like a normal classroom while the back half was a somewhat large laboratory, though not nearly as large as your chemistry class's. The tables in the classroom were arranged in groups of four. Some students were already seated in chairs scattered throughout the room, and you looked around before awkwardly taking a seat near a corner. Shuichi joined you, taking the seat next to you.

"Can I sit with you two...?" Simon asked a little shyly.

"Sure!" You nodded.

"Thank you," Simon bowed before taking his seat across from Shuichi.

"Hello, (Y/N)! Who are your two friends?" Henry asked.

"Oh, hey Henry!" You gasped a little bit before giggling and looking at Simon and Shuichi as a silent cue for them to introduce themselves.

"I'm Shuichi Saihara, the Ultimate Detective."

"Nice to meet you, sir! I'm Simon Beamte, the Ultimate Lawyer!" Simon stood up and bowed to Henry before taking his seat again.

"Eh? No need to bow at me. Well, nice to meet you two! I'm Henry Rostock, the Ultimate Chemist!" Henry took the final seat at the table which was across from you.

"Now there's no room for me!" Charles huffed as he walked into the room.

"Dude, there's a really cool thing called pulling up a chair," Henry sighed.

Charles groaned a bit but pulled up a chair from another table and sat next to Henry. Then he looked over to Simon, "Damnnn! You lookin' fine! Who're you?"

"I'm Simon Beamte, the Ultimate Lawyer. It's nice to meet you!" Simon, like with Henry, stood up and bowed, seeming to ignore Charles's flirting, "What's your name?"

"I'm Charles Rostock, the Ultimate Biologist!" Charles grinned.

"That's an interesting talent," Simon commented.

"Mhmmm... and I sure wouldn't mind doing a meiosis demonstration with you~" Charles smirked.

"That's not even physically possible between two males. And, please don't make comments like that again," Simon sighed.

"Ehhh?! You're no fun!" Charles groaned.

Simon didn't respond, and it seemed his spirit had been slightly dampened.

"Charles, apologize to Simon," Henry glared at Charles who merely stuck out his tongue.

"But you always told me to be honest and apologizing is a lie!" Charles pouted.

"I'll make you sorry," Henry growled.

"Ohhh, kinky~ You gonna tie me up and spank me~?" Charles smirked.

Valentine's Day {Yandere!Shuichi x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now