Chapter 16

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You were about to enter your homeroom until you noticed Shuichi standing just outside the door, which confused you a little bit. You walked up to the detective, "You okay, dude?"

"Ah, um... I-I actually wanted to talk to you about something..." Shuichi sighed, looking scared.

"What is it?" You questioned, wondering what could make him so nervous.

"I... I'm kind of concerned about the way Charles acts. It's... unsafe... a-and... I was wondering if you'd at least t-try to avoid him... c-cuz I don't wanna worry," Shuichi mumbled the last part, not meeting your eyes for any of his awkward request.

"I mean, I can see what you're talking about with the unsafe part..." You thought aloud, "He's kinda my friend so I won't stop talking to him but I'll be careful, okay?"

"Okay... I'm really sorry for talking about Charles behind his back like that..." Shuichi grimaced.

"No no no, it's okay to be worried!" You assured the male, but he didn't respond.

"Um... I guess we should probably go inside..." You gestured to the door before hesitantly walking inside, Shuichi following. Charles and Henry were in their seats, having another heated argument that you'd already grown used to.

"I am NOT addicted!" Charles shook his head.

"Thirty-four times in one day!" Henry exclaimed.

"So?" Charles shrugged.

"How is that even possible?!" Henry groaned.

"I regret coming here now," You joked as you sat down.

"Let's get (Y/N)'s and Shuichi's opinions!! If you cum thirty-four times in a day does that make you a sex addict?" Charles casually asked.

"Uh- yeah. Definitely and you should proooobably go see a doctor," You awkwardly responded.

"Yeah..." Shuichi agreed.

"Told you," Henry sighed.

"That's not fair!" Charles huffed.

"Y'know... have I ever heard Charles talk about something that wasn't sexual for more than five minutes?" You thought aloud.

"Oh believe me, I'd write it in a history textbook if it happened," Henry sarcastically replied.

"A lot can happen in five minutes! The world can be destroyed, a virus can spread around an entire building," Charles winked at the virus remark, "someone can die a number of ways, a few being drowning, heart attack, gunshot, blood loss, electrocution, falling... you get the point."

Shuichi looked terrified at the mention of the many ways to kill people and abruptly stood up, tears in his eyes, "I-I need to get out of here, I-"

Shuichi quickly left the room before anyone could ask any questions. Concerned it was about the killing game you stood up and ran out of the room, finding Shuichi out in the hallway looking out the window and wiping away tears.

"Shuichi? Are you okay?" You gently asked, approaching the male slowly. He didn't respond.

"Shuichi...?" You tried again, still slowly approaching him. He continued to look out the window, and you were glad you were on the first floor so he couldn't jump.

"Shuichi? What's wrong?" You were now starting to get worried and you slightly raised your voice. You were close enough to touch him now and you gently tapped his shoulder.

Shuichi jumped at your touch before putting a hand to his chest and panting for a couple of minutes, "S-sorry... I got... l-lost in thought..."

"Was it about the killing game?" You asked, and he nodded.

Valentine's Day {Yandere!Shuichi x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now