Chapter 1

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"Hope's Peak College Program... designed for students to major in their talents or something related so they can really hone their talent!" You chuckled to yourself as you mocked the college a little bit as you drove to the very large campus.

It was like a miniature town, with stores, lots of dorms, and a LOT of classrooms! The buildings were also many floors high and were very high-tech, as expected from a prestigious school.

"I feel really stupid going here..." You mumbled to yourself. Your talent was okay but you were sure it didn't compare to other people's talents. You were the Ultimate Forensic Scientist, which meant that you took evidence from crime scenes and analyzed it in a lab.

You earned your title because you had helped solve a very complicated murder case that involved three accomplices and showed almost no motive until you found out the culprit had placed bombs inside the bodies of each of the accomplices, so they had to do it or they'd be blown to bits. You had to call a bomb expert to defuse the bombs before it was safe to surgically remove at the hospital, but once that was done you really had enough proof to get the culprit sent to jail for life without perole.

But other than that one moment of glory in your life... you hadn't really done anything special. You were otherwise an average college student majoring in forensics.

"Well... let's see here... my dorm building is the Eagel Hall, it says to take a left here..." You thought aloud, turning in your car. Today was move-in day for all freshmen so you had all your things in the back of your car, but you were nervous. What if your roommate was a really snooty person? The people at Hope's Peak College Program were said to have really colorful personalities, whether they were good or bad.

"Ah! Eagel Hall!" You smiled once you saw the large sign that labelled the dorm building and pulled into the parking lot in front of the dorm building. Because of how large the college was, each building needed a separate parking lot that was rather large and the parking lot was already rather full and busy.

You pulled into a spot as close to the building as you could, sighing in relief as it wasn't TOO far. You made sure you were neatly in the parking space before turning off the engine to your car and getting out, taking a few smaller boxes of your things first. You figured you might need to walk a while to find your dorm so you'd make the first trip the lightest. With that, you started walking inside the dorm building.

"Let's see if I can find dorm C314..." You thought aloud, "They said that A dorms are on the first floor, B on the second and C on the third so that should mean I'm on the third floor..."

You were in a large lobby area that had a community kitchen as well as a TV, a few tables with plenty of chairs, some beanbags, some couches... it looked rather comfortable! You smiled a little at the thought of the college being rather cozy but it was quickly replaced with nerves as you walked down a hallway, but you didn't have to go far because you saw two elevators. You pressed the call button and waited, and a few seconds later one of the doors opened. You walked inside and pushed the button for the third floor, the doors slowly closing.

The elevator started moving upwards to the third floor, and from being so nervous you felt slightly motion sick. You ignored it and soon the elevator came to a halt and the doors opened, ending your temporary discomfort. You stepped out into the hallway to find a rather expansive but simple layout of dorms.

You looked to the left to see dorms C309 and C310, so you figured your dorm was rather close. You walked down that hallway and sure enough, there was your dorm down the hall. You tested to see if it was unlocked but found it locked, so you figured your mystery roommate hadn't shown up yet. Shrugging, you took out your dorm keys that had been issued on orientation day {which you couldn't seem to remember anything from!} and opened the door.

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