Chapter 12

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(Your POV)

You walked into your homeroom to see Shuichi was already at your table, but nobody else was. You sat down next to him, and he smiled a little.

"Hey (Y/N)," Shuichi greeted, and you smiled back.

"Hey Shuichi. How are you holding up?" You asked.

"I'm fine," Shuichi gave the same answer as he always did.

"Haah... hey everyone..." Charles greeted tiredly, plopping himself down in his seat. There were bags under his eyes and his eyes were bloodshot to indicate a critical lack of sleep.

"Woah, what happened to you?" You blinked in surprise at the normally energetic male's disheveled appearance.

"I was up aaaalllll night last night~" Charles still didn't fail to make his comment sound suggestive.

"What were you doing...?" Shuichi looked like he was scared to know but asked anyways.

"Masturbating in the lonely corner... how sad," Charles hung his head like he was ashamed before lifting it back up and giving a tired smile.

Henry walked into the room carrying earplugs, "Learn how. To shut. The hell. Up," he glared at Charles.

"No fair! You know I can't just not moan!" Charles pouted.

"...Can someone please tell me why I was so unlucky to be your roommate..." Henry groaned.

"It's a father/son bonding experience!" Charles declared.

"I did not sign up for this-" Henry scooted away from Charles in his seat.

"I'm scared to ask what's going on..." You sighed.

"Me too..." Shuichi agreed, watching the two scientists continue to bicker and argue.

Charles suddenly turned his attention to Shuichi, "Heeeeeyyy detective daddy! Could you handcuff me and rough me up please~?"

"Wh-what?!" Shuichi blushed darkly, which just made Charles smirk.

"Come on, master~ Punish me~" Charles moaned sweetly, making you inwardly cringe.

"N-no! What the hell?!" Shuichi exclaimed.

"But I'm so hornyyy...~" Charles whined, and at that moment Henry grabbed him by the shoulder.

"That's enough, Charles," Henry warned.

"Whatcha gonna do, slap me? You know I'm a masochist~" Charles grinned, which just made Henry narrow his eyes.

"I will tie you in a cross and dump holy water down your throat if you don't stop," Henry threatened.

"Are you gonna dress up like a priest too? I wouldn't mind a little confessional roleplay too~" Charles smirked.

Henry groaned, "It is impossible to come up with something you won't somehow end up enjoying!"

"Just make it so he can't touch himself," You suggested.

"Sorry, I'm a huge BDSM fan and discipline is probably my favorite part... next to bondage~" Charles giggled.

"You need to go make a hooker your sex slave and like... don't talk about the details," You cringed.

"Ohhh! That's actually a good idea... minus the STD risk but whatever! See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya!" Charles raced out of homeroom despite there still being a lot of time left in the 'class.'

"...I'm scared," Henry froze.

"Why?" You asked.

"Last time he saw a hooker I walked in on them once cuz they purposefully set it up so I would and they made me watch..." Henry grumbled.

Valentine's Day {Yandere!Shuichi x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now