Extra: Trivia {Not Q&A}

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Hey everyone! I'm gonna just put some trivial facts about each character that doesn't really belong on their character sheet {and I'm anticipating won't be asked about in the Q&A} that I'm hoping would make you at least go, "Huh."

So without further ado, here's the trivia section!

(Y/N)'s trivia:

-I intended for her to be more open about her past but I didn't want readers to relate to her even less so I scrapped the idea
-Her personality of being kind to Shuichi and visiting him in the facility even after everything he did was based off of the reader's personality from another yandere book on Wattpad
-I struggled on the scene where Cody asked her to describe herself because I didn't wanna be forced to describe her exactly and keep her personality closer to an amoeba than something exact, but because it's a common interview question I sucked it up and went with it
-She would've adopted Samantha if she wasn't in college

Shuichi's trivia:
-I tried to give him a yandere archetype of depending too much on his object of obsession, in this case (Y/N)
-When he gets aggressive I purposefully tried giving him pregame vibes
-His therapist was based off of two of my therapists I've had but their personalities were mixed
-The facility he went to was an exact copy of the one I've been to, except the fact that he could stay for years {the longest you could stay at the one I went to was six months}
-Over time he and Maki separated and they stopped training together but he never stopped training altogether

Charles's trivia:
-He's originally a character from a RP I have which is why his backstory is so messed up {along with everyone else involved}
-His pervertedness came from me screwing around with autocorrect when he was still a baby in the RP and the exact autocorrect was, "Charles mewls happily petting Shuichi with a few other places too" so he became a pervert because of that
-In the RP he comes from... he is a neko along with everyone else
-I purposefully made his talent to support Henry's talent because Henry kept creeping into biology related things so I needed a biologist for an excuse for those things to happen without there being as many leaps in logic

Henry's trivia:
-Henry comes from the same RP as Charles
-Henry started the neko thing in the RP because he made a potion that turns people into nekos and it just spread like a virus after that
-He actuaully originally wanted to be a biology teacher but his chemistry skills were better and he sucks at teaching
-His childhood toy is a very detailed plush model of DNA, which he still has
-There's no reason for him to always wear the lab coat other than I thought it'd make him look attractive to others; this was before I chose to make his hair an absolute mess 24/7
-The design choice of his hair always being a rat's nest stems from that whenever I drew him it was always him doing an experiment like 30 hours into it, so his hair would be messy in the drawing to show how tired he was, and because he's a workaholic I decided to always make it like that

Simon's trivia:
-He was made to be a play of Shuichi's talent and personality but not quite an AU
-He's also from the RP Charles and Henry are from
-He was originally very innocent but I thought it'd be funny for him to secretly be a slut so I made that design choice for my own amusement
-I didn't know what I wanted him to wear so I chose a suit to be sterotypical of all lawyers
-I didn't intend for Simon to get so much screen time but things happened
-Simon's illness was pretty much caused by laziness. At first when he said he wasn't feeling well it was meant to be a mental thing at Charles's insult but that wasn't in character but I didn't feel like deleting that line so I just made him throw up. It was gonna just be him overworking and he was gonna get out of the hospital but I decided I wanted to make something sad happen.

Shaun's trivia:
-He's a self-insert OC for me
-Shaun used to be a girl named Margret Rostock, but later she became a separate person
-The symbol on his coat is actually the first initial of one of his exes {the L} and the other a yandere crush he had {the S}, both crossed out to show he's over them
-His lack of a mother in his life stems from the fact my mom was abusive and lost custody of me and my siblings
-His jealousy towards his sister is based off of actual jealousy I have but exploded into something much bigger than it really is
-He was the person Shuichi saw in the greenhouse at like 3 AM

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