Chapter 21

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"The sad part is I can see why you'd wanna hide the fact you're siblings," You chuckled.

"I-it's not like that... there's reasons beyond social reasons, but... it's not my place to say that," Simon shook his head.

"I'm assuming Henry'd be the one I'd have to ask?" You humored.

"Yeah," Simon confirmed.

"Oh, hey (Y/N)," Shuichi greeted with a bit of puzzlement. You turned around to see Shuichi at the doorway, holding a present that had Simon's name on it, literally.

"Hey Shuichi. I see you came to visit Simon too," You awkwardly laughed.

"Yeah... and I got you a present, Simon!" Shuichi smiled as he turned to the lawyer, carefully handing him the wrapped gift.

Simon unwrapped the box and gently opened it, taking out a book a few minutes later, "Oh, this looks really interesting! Thank you Shuichi!"

"Ah... y-you're welcome," Shuichi stuttered.

Simon smiled and read the hook on the back of the book before setting it on a table beside him, "I'll probably start reading it tonight. This hospital's kinda boring, heh..."

"I mean, they're supposed to keep you healthy, not entertained," You pointed out.

"Unfortunately they're doing a bad job at both..." Shuichi sighed.

"I'm still alive right now, aren't I? And remember what I told you about them having to give me oxygen, they ARE trying!" Simon argued.

"You have a lot of faith in the hospital," You commented.

"Well, yeah... but it's not my position to say why," Simon apologetically smiled.

"Is it Henry again?" You asked, and Simon nodded.

"Based on what he's told us... he had to cure his own cancer, didn't he?" Shuichi inquired.

"Wh-wha-" Simon seemed shocked, "H-how'd you...?"

"You said because of Henry you have faith in the hospital... and multiple times Henry has boasted about his cancer research. He said he's cured some very specific types so I deduced he must've had to cure his own," Shuichi explained.

"Well... you're correct. I won't get into the details but had it not been for the hospital he would've died... they saved his life, so I know they'll save mine, even if it takes a while," Simon blinked away tears.

"Wow... that's crazy," You breathed, amazed that someone so young would have to go through all of that. Then again, it seemed the backstory of every Ultimate was very unusual and colorful.

"Uurgh..." Simon suddenly groaned in pain.

"What's wrong?" You asked.

"Hurts... h-hurts...!!" Simon clutched his head in pain, shutting his eyes and gritting his teeth as he started screaming from the pain.

Shuichi ran out into the hall, "WE NEED A NURSE IN HERE!!!"

Almost immediately a nurse ran inside and put something in Simon's IV that eventually calmed him down. But then, something caught the attention of all of you.

There was blood dripping out of Simon's eye.

"Wh-what the hell?!" You staggered back, unable to look away from the blood slowly dripping out like tears.

"What? Wh-what's wrong?!" Simon panicked.

"U-uuh..." Shuichi awkwardly froze, not knowing what to do.

Valentine's Day {Yandere!Shuichi x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now