I'll be back

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Warnings: Abuse and death

This a AU were Shoto is a villain and works for Nine

Shoto's past and pov

"Mommy! Daddy! stop please it hurts" I yelled out as my mother held me down and my father threw a glass bottle at me it broke... my mom let go of me and pushed me into the broken glass my dad came over, then hit me with a different glass bottle right to my back "Ahhhhhhh!" I yelled out and my dad dragged me down the wood floor I heard a door open and he threw me down our basement stairs "Wait please...." Slam! "I-i-i d-don't l-leave me..." 'why... do they hate me they all hate me on one helps me...' I layed on the cold bloody floor and fell asleep sometime in the morning 

I wake up to my oldest sister kicking me awake "GET UP!" I just opened my eyes and just look at her and began getting up I walk up the stairs walking up to my room I change into a hoodie. When get outside my room I see my mom "Y-yes ma'am?" I said as I looked up at her, "let's go we're going to the store. BUT if you say anything about what we do to you you'll regret it got that!" she grab my arm and pulled me "Yes ma'am..." my voice getting quiet at the end. I got into the car and sat in between Fuyumi and Natsuo... "M-m-may I have something to eat, please" I said and grabed my dad's arm "Sure..." I could tell he didn't want to get me food but, he did anyways so no one realizes that I'm abused in my family plus I've always been off to people cause my skinny body and scars but cause me parents are pro heros they said nothing I really just what someone the realize my pain and help me... Crash! I jumped and began to shake a lot "A VILLAIN!" I heard a random lady call out my mom grab me and my siblings and told us to stay in the bathroom, so we stayed in the bathroom my siblings of course staying away from me.... like they always do. I heard the door open "Mom?" Fuyumi said out loud "haha aww I'm not her but, thank you..." I looked over at the door it opened "For giving your spot away kids" The man with whiteish hair said and looked at me and my siblings "Gah..." I felt a kick and I was right there the man looked at me "Take him not us plus he's useless" Notsuo said. I sat up and seen blood... my nose was bleeding I felt the man grab me "P-p-pleasee don't h-h-hurt me"

Nine's pov

I grabed the skinny red and white haired boy "P-p-please don't h-h-hurt me" I just looked at him, He was shaking uncontrollably pulled him away from his siblings and walked away with him out the back door. He was still shaking "H-h-hey calm down I won't hurt you, plus you already look beat up. How come?" I said as I placed him down and went to grab the med-kit "You can tell me" "I-i-i m-my mommy and daddy like it beat me and my siblings just watch them and laugh... I don't eat much by chance do you have something I can eat..p-please" He said "Yeah sure..." I looked at him thinking ' He'll be useful two quirks just wonderful hehe... I'll make him trust me them I'll just stab him in the back and kill him... well actually maybe I'll just get him to help me and do what ever I said' I began to smirk "There you go buddy. Let's go" I grabed his hand slightly "O-ok" He said back to me and followed me al the way....

Now shoto's pov

It's been 9 years since I've been with Nine and it nice even though my health is not the best but he's trying to help I've been under weight for year now I don't know even when I was up to weight but the thing is that's my problem cause I don't like eating but I need to get better knowing I'm only 27 kg (60 Ibs) "Shoto are you coming with me" I hear Nine say and I leave my thoughts " Oh yeah" I say as I get up and me and the others leave. I put my mask on, after a little while me and Nine were about to get the kid we're after but a green haired boy got in the way which ended up in a fight I blonde hair boy came I went after him and we fought but soon I was stopped and I seen the two boy's my age at least fighting him and beat Nine I got out of my restans. I ran at the two and beat them down but pro's had just got there "UGH you've got to be kidding me" I said as I seen a flaming hero look at me as all might was trying to help the boy's after a while I felt my anger I went to run but I felt Nine grab me and I just blacked out...

What Nine was doing-Nine's pov

I grab Sho wrapping him up in my claw and gave him my quirk knowing I wasn't going to make it I laughed "haha go luck heros... this isn't the end" and I dead right there in the middle of many heros..."

Shoto pov

"Ugh... my head" I got up 'Ugh why dose my body hurt "Morning kid" I look over and see a pro hero " Your name is Shoto Todoroki" he said "Y-yes that is my name" I say back do be nice I guess... "So why were you with Nine if your family was goo-" I cut him off "NO they weren't they aren't good pro heros!" I realized I just yelled and then I seen my family "I get them out... I don't want them here" "Why there your family" He said me "What happened Shoto why do you hate us" I see my mom say "NO I don't want you here you beat me me and hit me with glass bottles everyday and even though Nine had kiddnapped me at least he didn't beat  me I got to be free and do things instead of FAKING EVERYTHING that I'm ok I don't get beat I'm just clumse. I still deal with weight problems even though I was kidnapped and actually loved as kid 9 years ago. WHY DO YOU LIE ALL THE TIME FACE IT YOU BEAT ME AND TOUYA WHICH HE DIED BECAUSE OF YOU!!!" I stopped when I seen other lisening and I realized I was yelling the whole time and I felt tears run down my face "Is this all true Shoto?" I see all might say "Yes yes it is... I'm tired of lying about the fact why I'm a villain I'm a villain because of what they put me through and WHY" I felt myself crying some more "Hey calm down Shoto" I feel natsuo put his arms around me " Don't touch me you hurt me to maybe not physcally but mentally everyday and called me useless I'm not that I am useful" I said and pushed him away.

That night, I was locked in the room but I knew a way out so I decieded to leave "Hey can I get some water please?!" I guy walked in and gave water anything else? before I go" the gared said "Yeah maybe some chips please" I said " sure one sec" he walked out the room but didn't close the door 'welp looks like I don't have to go doing my whole plan' I walked out of the room and seen him come bac k I hid and he seen he left the door open " Hey kid I got the chips-" I hit him with the water bottle which was metal so he was knocked out like that, so I draged his body into the room and locked the dorr and just walk out of there 'Haha wow the secertiy suck' I ran out knocking out a few workers and while I was at it I let out all the persioners in the villain jail so I watched them leave "Kid what are you doing leting us all out" I look back to see All for One "I'm just doing what Nine wants me to do plus I should go now bye-bye" I went of the leage into the water.

The next morning I woke up in the woods which is were I ended up staying for the night cause I was tired I got up and began to go to the city villain where everywhere and beating the heros. I ran into one kid the green haired asshole that beat Nine and killied him "You what are you doing out" He said "Oh nothing but this!" I kicked him and ran he started to chase me so I ran up a roof so when I got to the top I jumped off the roof and was gone... I ended up wirting a note that said 'I'll be back in a few years bye-bye...' 

So I did what I said when I turned 21 I start a whole beat against heros and won so I laughed. At this point I've been fighting heros for 6 years so I finally put it to a end... "STOP now" I look back and see the heros "haha you think you can stop me only I can and this time I am ending it" they looked at me as I said that " Only I can end and stop what I do... So this time I won't be back I need to die even though I can have longer life I've started this fight so you can see what it's like when your pushed to your limties so" I turned back and looked eage "Bye-bye..." I lyed I just jump off and lived qand I still fight the heros to this day with Nine's quirk... Shimano Katsuma and his cell activetion quirk and many more quirks. The heros won't make it with me around I've killed 1000 people now... I walked over to my basement and looked at the little girl I called my daughter " hey sweetie what are you doing down here" I sat next to her a said " oh nothing just bored" I looked at her and said "well how about we and play some video game Yuki" "Oh really!" She said and she looked so happy "Yes we can plus I know you like play shooting games so we can play together" I picked her up and we went up stairs to play.

"Good job Yuki" I had let her win

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