Wait to see

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Deku's POV

"Babe don't leave me please" I turn to see Shoto. I walk up to him and hug him "I have to I'll be back" I say "No please you're the only one that helps me when he hurts me" "I know Sho I love you but I'll be back I promise" I kiss him and we sit down for a bit waiting. Soon I get atext from All for One 


AfO- who's with you?

Me- Shoto Todoroki, my love. He knows I'm doing this and he won't say anything about it I promise

AfO- IS he going to join?

Me- No, he can't his father is a jackass

AfO- Ahh I see welp I'll there now


I look up to see All for One, Sho gets up about to leave. "Wait Shoto" AfO says "hmm yes?" he answers back "Do you wanna join but no one knows that you are a villain?" "Sure, plus I'm going to be going to UA also All Might is going to be a staff member there" Sho smiles "Alrighty, let's go Deku. Have a wonderful night Shoto" "You too bye Izu love you" "Bye love you too I'll text you everyday promise" I say and watch him leave.

I follow AfO into the warp gate.

Shoto pov

I had ran home because I know it was really late and my father was going to be really mad and beat me. I got home and see Endeavor "Shoto where the HELL where you?" he yells out "I was out I got lost" he started to look angry, Endeavor is walking to me he pulls me arm "Don't ever lie to me Shoto!" He starts taking me to the training room I realize this and start trying to get out of his arms. Once I do I start to run up the stairs and try to get to my room, but I feel Endeavor grab me and throw me to the floor. "No please dad don't!" "Shut up Shoto!" I start kicking at my father trying to get out of his hands "SHOTO STOP IT NOW" he yells "No please I'm sorry I lied I'll tell you why I was late" "TO LATE" 

He drags me to the stairs and throws me downstairs I get up. I feel him stand on my back, I choke on my words as I tried to speak, Endeavor grabs me and throws me down the rest of the stairs I don't try getting up since I'm the bottom of the stairs. I physcially felt to much pain to get up so he grabs my arm and takes me to the training room. I don't remember much of what happen but all I remember is that in the end I'm in the basement. I sit up and look at my injuries 'I feel so tired right now just a little nap' I stop myself and look at my broken phone and text Izu 


Me- Hey Izu you awake?

Babe- Yes, why? whats wrong?

Me- He hurt me and it's fine you don't have to come but if I don't text you in the morning. Come to the basement of my house please

Babe- alrighty darling. It was that bad I guess

Me- Yeah and it really hurts and I'm tired, though I don't remember anything

Babe- I understand okie I will sleep while you can


I lay down and fall asleep I wake up  to Izu over me "Hello love" "I didn't text" I say looking at him "Yeah but I came and you where fine just really sleepy" "haha thank you" I get up a little and hug him "SHOTO! you can come out now" IZu leaves and AfO stays. Endeavors come down and sees me in the  corner of the room and  grabs me arm with force "oww I can walk stop please" "Shut up!" I whining because it hurt when my arm was yanked "Shut up" he throw me downstairs, I see AfO watching as Endeavor came down the stair to me " You speak when I tell you or you can promise that you'll not be waking for a week!" He says in anger "I can walk myself then" he yanks my arm pulling me upstairs. We got to the dinning room "I'm letting you eat out of pitty, so hurry up before I change my mind" I take me seat and eat my food as fast as I can "Do you want me to clean the whole house today again, father" I get quiet at the end "Yes and make it fast we have guest coming for dinner!" Yelling at me almost.

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