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I'm not going to put warning anymore unless you guys really want me to but yeah I don't know if I'll continue putting warnings

anyways let's start this story


Izu pov-

I was doing a project with Iida and Uraraka for class since Aizawa had gave us groups to work in but someone was missing from my group Todoroki " Where is Todoroki-kun, he should be here help do this project" Iida said "He's in his room and plus I think we should just leave him be cau-" Iida interuped me "No he should be helping us and not leaving us to this ourselfs we need to work as a team" "Well he didn't seem ok and if he's sick or something we shouldn't stress him" I continued what I was saying before Iida interuped. "Hey guys sorry"

Shoto pov

I haven't been feeling the best since I woke up plus I had a headache earlier, I was laying on my bed I look at my phone the brightness hurting my eyes cause Iida told me to make my brightness higher so I don't hurt my eyes. "Ugh..." I lower the brightness and my room being really dark helps. I get up and change out of my uniform into a cat hoodie and shorts all black cause why not 'knock knock' I look at the door and continues putting my hoodie on I walk to the door up it to see Sero "Hey Todoroki by chance do have pencils that I can use" "Ugh... s-sure let me get that" I walk over to my desk and grab pencils "Here" "Thanks and sorry" He says and walks off to his room. I walk out my room and close my door to go down to Iida's room to do the project even though I still don't feel the best "Hey guys sorry" I say as I walk in cause Iida left his door open "Todoroki it is not good to be late to do your homework" Iida says as he waves his hands infront of me "Sorry plus I haven't been feeling the best today" I say "That is no-" I slap his hand out of my face "Please just stop I know... sorry again" I walk over to sit down and we do our project .

10 mintues later

We're all sitting their working on the pro ject but honsetly I can't continue my head is starting to hurt more and more "Umm... I need to go sorr-" "Why Todoroki to avoid the project" Iida interuped me "Iida-kun just late him go if he has to he did say he wasn't feeling the best earlier" Midoriya said "He look ok" Iida said "Ugh fine I'll just stay" I say and get back to doing reserch for the project.

Izu pov 

I look over at Shoto he dosen't look to good I'm worried "Hey Todo-kun do you need help, maybe I can do your part of the work and you can do mine since I just need to write a few things?" I look over at Todo who looks so tired of looking at screens "Y-yes please..." Todo said with a light smile and so we switch what job we have and so it's not so hard on Todo I make the writing quick. 

5 mintues later 

"Hey umm Midoriya I'm done for tonight my head is killing me" I look over to see Todo looking almost like a ghost "Okay! I understand I can come with you back to your dorm" I say "You two stop talking and do the jobs you were assgined" Iida say "Iida-kun I think we've all done enough for now, plus Todo-kun looks tired" I say as I put my things away and help Todo put his things away."Okay fine I guess your right" Iida says, and so we all leave Iida's room and go to ours but I stay with Todoroki holding his things for him since he looks like  his body hurts and/or is sick. Once, we get to his room I open the door and help Todoroki put his things away "Hey Midoriya..." "Yes?" I turn to look at Todoroki "Can you maybe stay here with me tonight?" "Of coruse, just let me get my things okay!" "Okay se you in a little" He says as I walk out to go to my room and get my things. When I get to Todo's room I open the door cause he left it open just in case he's asleep by time I'm back and I close the door and see Todo almost all the way curled up in a ball about to fall asleep, luckliy I was in my Pj's already so I layed next to him on the other foton he placed down for me I turn to him and look at my phone for a little, and after about 30 mintues I fall asleep...

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