Freezer burns

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This is the 30th chapter wow I didn't think it'd get the far but I'm so glad it did and for your love and support also 2h of reading time is coming up. so now on to the story

This is a Au this is a Au in which it's inverted Todoroki so he has black and teal hair with white and red eyes along with he acts happy and is still training to be a hero something happen to that part(long chapter) everyone is inverted


I'm on my way walking to the bus to go to school I wasn't at school for a little cause my father had me go to a hospital cause my therapist said I should at least for a few days or weeks so I was there for 2 weeks. I mean I didn't mind it at all I go more time to talk to my therapist and got to actually take the meds he proscribed me cause my father think if I'm going to be a hero I don't need them but I really do cause his abuse and training effects me a lot to the point were I can't really feel emotions like most. My father loves to put his hands on me and leave burns, while my mother whenever she comes leaves frost bite and my therapist is trying to help me get out of my home... along with trying to help me cause my sanity is effect greatly so to most I seem insane but I'm really not, it's hard for me to explain but at least some people care. Thinking of it I never really wanted to be a hero I always feel as if  villains are the real hero's and my brother Toya is Dabi and he loves me he also helps me and honsetly I don't know if hero's are good or villains are bad cause my therapist acting like a hero but is really a spy for the hero's she told me and it's cool... I also know the Ua trator we are best friend but don't like it so no one get who they are, I really like him but I'm scared to tell him cause he tells me he likes someone else and always talk about them not giving a name so I just accept it.

Once I get to the gate of Ua and continuing walking and my mind is racing now thinking of how it's going to be and how school is going to be. Soon I get to the classroom and open the door and I walk in seeing everyone looking at me and go to my seat and sit I had my bag on the side of my desk. I take out my notebook I write done how I feel cause my therapist wants me to so I do so when I'm done with that I put my notebook away. I hear the bell ring and I see Aizawa walk in "hello class I see your back Shoto" "Yes sir I am" "Glad to see you again so are you caught up yet?" "No" "Okay after class Kirishima help Todoroki with his notes" "Yes sensi" I look at Kiri and smile "Now on the the lesson" as I sit there in class writing my notes I get my notebook and write that I don't feel the best with what the teacher is talking about and explain. I put my note book away as soon as I finish and get caught up on the notes.

I just sit there through my class and soon I feel sleepy plus English is about to end and lunch will start so I stay up as much as I can and I finally hear the bell go off and I but my things in my bag. Walking out of the room I hear "Hey Todo wait up" I turn to see Kiri "Hey Kiri-kun" I say blushing lightly "Wanna share my lunch and go over the note that you messed for each class" "Yeah sure in the lunch room or no?" "Not in the lunchroom what about that tree you really like under it" "Yeah lead the way " I say as I follow him and we walk to my favorite tree behind the lunchroom it has lovely purple-ish white and pin petals so me and Kiri sit there he getting his lunch out and I get my and his notebooks.

I yawn and Kiri grabs my hand in which I jump "Hey  I'm not going to hurt you. You sleepy" "Yeah very" He pulls me closer "You sleep I'll finish writing you note for every class and we can go over it later if you wanna come the the base with me" "Of coruse and thanks kiri" I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes falling asleep...

Kiri pov

As Todo sleeps I wrote his notes and my mind starts to think how much I love him but he's not really into anyone I see the way he blushes a little when I'm around but he doesn't realize the one I talk about that I like is him, which is so funny and cute. I'm just glad he's back cause going to the base without him makes me sad. Knowing he wants to be a hero kinda is cool and I don't want to be a hero at all I'm just helping the leauge out on this mission/ job. I really love the time I spend with him cause I know everyone doesn't  really like him cause they say he's insane but he's not he just doesn't know how to show how he feels without telling people he's abused and beat for the way he looks but I try helping him and so does my mom in which is a villain so is my mama. They love Shoto and know how much I love him they say I should tell him but I'm not ready and I know he isn't ready for a relationship to so I'm waiting for the right time to tell him or when he tells me. I hear the bell ring and feel Todo jump "It's time for PE" "Yup thanks for letting me eat and sleep" "No problem" I say as I put his notebooks away and mine along with my food in which my mom is a amazing cook. I get up and help Todo up and I give him his bag and we walk to PE having a mini chat about dessert that we like.

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