My love~

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Bakugou's POV

"OI! HALFIE GET IN HERE" I yell to my boyfriend asleep on the couch in the common room. No one knows where dating because halfie wants to keep it a secret. I watch as he perks up and turn to look at me, "Get over here Half n' half you're helping my dinner with me Kirishima doesn't want to help because he wants to be with his girlfriend, bastard." I look back and cut the vegetables. He walks over quietly "Okay...What do I do??" "Gah! Shit halfie you scared me! Cut these vegetables." I say and give him the cutting board. He looks down "How?" I look at him angrily "You don't know how to!" I yell and see him frown . "I'm sorry here" I whisper into his ear, he shakes and watches as I stand behind him and grab his hands.

I toke his hand one holding the tomato and the other slowly gliding the knife cutting the tomato. I look down at him "you got it now. It's going to be the same for the rest of the vegetables." I smirk "Y-yeah, thank you" He's face was red and I turn seeing Deku looking at me "OH fuck off Deku!" I flip him off and turn to the boiling pot. "Oww" I hear next to me and turn to Shoto who cut he's finger, I got to help him but Deku pushed me out the way. "Oh no Shoto! Let me help you!" He looks at Shoto with a "innocent" look "Oh okay thank you Izu" Sho looking cluelessly at him and goes with him near the sink. I look back at the pot and make sure the vegetables didn't have any blood on them. I pushed past Deku and washed the knife "Kacchan, wat was that for" he yelped, "You did the same thing when you kept me from helping half n' half" I snapped. He puts a bandaid on Sho's finger and goes to kiss his forehead, Sho pushed away and turned his head Deku push himself on Sho "Stop Izu!" Sho snapped "Oh come on Sho please!" Deku wined and kissed his hand. "OI! Get out!" I yelled "Why did you care Kacchan!" Deku snapped "He's mine!" I say and grab Shoto's sides.

Shoto's face was bright red "That isn't true Shoto you're my boyfriend" Deku yelled "No! I was never dating you. Plus Bakugo is my boyfriend." Shoto snapped angrily at Deku. He turned away, pushing off me and left to the dorm rooms. 'You are not dating him!" Deku yelled "I am you bastard!" I turn and finished the food, once I finished I made everyone a bowl. I go up with a bowl for me and Sho I go to my dorm knowing he was in my room and sat next to him eat my food silently. I realized he's not even touching his food, so I grab him from behind and hug him "You okay, love? I ask, he sniffs "Yeah..." Sho says and turns to me hugging me. I move back and hold him rubbing his head "It's okay love" I say calmly "I'm not upset at you, I'm getting tired of Deku" I add" He says nothing and he hugs me tight crying. I feel something worse has happened to him, "Is this not the first time?" I ask "N-no he does it all the time but only once pushed himself on me and said it was an accident... It wasn't but I trusted him" He cried out, I don't have anything to say I hug him tighter. Soon I end up grabbing his bowl and keeping him calm as he cries and eats finally "I love you" I say and rub his head. 'Damn Deku that bastard hurt him. I'll end him' I put his bowl down on my nightstand and hug Sho laying down.

We fell asleep. I wake up the next day at 07:35, I don't move to get up as not to wake up Shoto and I kiss him and lay down on my phone being quiet till I  fall back asleep.  When Sho woke up I looked over that him changing into my hoodie and a pair of shorts "Those are to short" I said he turned around  scared ''Don't tell me what to do and wear" he says in a snarky tone. I get up and grab his waist and whisper in his ear "You're mean and I want everyone to know that" he looks at me "I'll wear whatever I want" he smirks "You  listen me change I don't want Deku touching what's mine" i say look at him "Ugh fine" He kisses me and turned to change I smack his ass. He turns and flips me off. I watch as he changes his shorts and i change into a plane black shirt and shorts. We walk out to the living area to go watch TV "So you're okay with telling people we're dating" I say "Oh shush not really but I know Izu told everyone most likely". Shitty hair walks over "Hey Sho, are you cheating on Deku?" He mentions to Sho "Umm no we were never dating!"  Sho responds. "Oh really have you seen what he posted?" Kiri say, I watch Sho take out his phone and look at Deku's insta story "What the hell!" Sho yells turning to Deku and yelling "Deku! What the hell!" "What babe? You upset you were caught cheating!" Deku yells "Don't yell at him damn nerd!" I snap at him "No! He cheated!" Deku yells "I WAS NEVER DATING YOU FUCKER!" Sho screamed out loud, we all looked at him everyone in  the dorms even Aizawa. 

Shoto walked out and Deku, me, Aizawa all followed. "Stop Deku! It's bad enough you posted that!" Sho snapped at Deku "You can't delete it once it's on there it is there forever!" Sho adds. "I like you is that a problem with you" Deku responded "I don't I've been dating Bakugo for a long time since like near the start of the year!" Sho yelled back Everyone was watching. "I'm done I'm going on a walk, Bakugo come with me" Sho demands so I follow and go on the walk with him I see Aizawa talking to Deku and once we turn and I look at Sho who's crying now I grab his hand and I walk by him. "I'm sorry love" I say to break the silence "I'm fine I just why everytime I make a friend they always hurt me in some way shape or form" he wipes his tears, I walk with him everyone we pass just looks at us. 

When we go back to the dorms and Sho goes to my dorm to sleep. i walk to the living area and watch TV because everyone went out. I fell asleep.  When I woke up everyone coming in, I checked my phone it was 15:58, I get up and walk to the rooms going to mine. It's been 4 hours since me and Sho got back to the dorms. I walk into my dorm Sho is asleep I take off my pants and lay down near him. I put my arm around him. I  turn on some music and just lay there, when Sho wakes up and turns to me hugging me "My dad called he's pissed" He whispers "I'm sorry do you want me to get you something to eat?" I ask "No thanks" I grab him close to me and kiss put my head in his collarbone kissing it. He pushes away laughing "Stop Kat that hurts" "Aww no you're mine and I want you to know that, plus break is soon so no one will see it" I say and kiss his neck leaving marks. Till I hear a moan and look at sho "What was that?" I tease him "Shut up" Sho says covering his face.

"I like it, I want more of it" I say and kiss his neck. I turn and grab my phone turning up the music. I continue and listen to the sweet little moans "Kat that's enough please..." I hear him ask "Fine but I want more of you later. Deal?" I say "Fine deal." He responds".

"You're my love~" I whisper in his ear and get up and put my pants on to get to eat food since it's 17:06. Sho stayed in bed on his phone. I walked down and go in the fridge getting strawberries and put some yogurt and put some in a bowl, taking up to my dorm. I go in and sit on my bed turning on my TV and pull Sho next to me and enjoy my berries and yogurt. I planted a kiss on Shoto's head "My love~" I whisper in his ear and rest my head in his neck leaving more marks.

He's noises where hot.... "My love~," 

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