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Key groaned as I turned off my alarm clock. "What the fuck Wilder." She complained, covering her face with her covers. I laughed quietly.

"I have class and it's not even that early. It's eight-thirty." Key groaned again.

"Why don't you have later classes." She mumbled.

"This is a late class for me." I replied as I began to get changed and fix my hair. At the moment I was only going through my general ed classes. I wouldn't get into any of the fun psychological shit until later. I did have one class for my major though. That was a plus.

"Get out of here. I'm going to wake up with the regular people." Key muttered rolling over in her bed. I laughed quietly.

"I'll see you after class Key." She made a muffled reply but I didn't hear it as I walked out of the room. I got some breakfast down at the cafeteria before heading over to my class. I ate while I walked, trying to finish my yogurt before I got there.

"You're walking pretty fast." Zayns voice startled me and I came to a halt. His arm bumped against mine and I turned to look at him. "Where are you going?" I swallowed my yogurt before answering.

"Class." I replied, like it was obvious. He rolled his eyes and smiled.

"What class Emma." God I really didn't want him to say my name.

"English with Mrs. Cooper." I murmured. Zayn arched his eyebrows surprised, before pulling out a folded piece of paper from his back pocket. He glanced down at it, his long lashes nearly hitting his cheeks. The defined lines of his jaw plus his long messy hair made me want to do bad things to him. I never thought much about sex until Zayn came around. I wanted him to be my first and now he was my nothing.

"We um.. I have the same thing." He murmured lightly handing me over his schedule. I nearly chocked on my yogurt.

"Are you serious?" I asked talking the paper firm his hands. But there it was Mrs. Cooper, nine o'clock, in room A-15 of the english building. "Okay, cool." I said nonchalantly, folding up the paper and handing it back to him. "Let's go, we'll be late." I said, shoveling the rest of my yogurt into my mouth. Zayn followed me. I could hear his footfalls behind me.

"Do you want me to switch out?" Zayn asked suddenly, surprising me. I thought he would have been glad to have a class with me. Ecstatic even but here he was asking me if I wanted him to switch out. I wasn't holding that big of a grudge. I glanced up at him.

"No Zayn it's fine." I murmured as we entered the building. "I'm actually glad this happened." I said slowly.

"You are?" Zayn asked, surprised.

"Yes. I want us.. I want us to be friends." I made sure I was looking straight ahead when I said this. I didn't want to see that hurt look cross his face. It might break my heart. "You know a lot about me and I think... I think we would work better as friends." I chose this moment to look up at him. His face was unreadable though. Was he glad? Upset? I couldn't tell. "Do you think we could be friends?" I asked quietly. Zayn swallowed and nodded stiffly.

"Friends. Yeah." He muttered. I nodded.

"Sit next to me?" I asked as we stepped into the classroom. Zayn nodded again looking a little happier than he had been before. We sat toward the middle of the classroom on the left side. I took the seat by the window and Zayn sat next to me. Suddenly, I was glad he was here. I was a lot less nervous now about everything.

Class started up right on time. Mrs. Cooper seemed like a lovely person. She was kind of stout but easily excitable and fascinated about literature. I could tell I would like this class. I watched Zayn doodle in the margins of his notebook when he was supposed to be taking notes. Every now and then he would write something she had written down on the board but that was it. I decided to give him the notes after.

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