In the Long Run

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"Hey best friend." If I can even call you that." Niall said leaning down so he could see me out of the passenger side window. "Hey Ms. Wilder!" He called, waving to my mom who waved back.

"Bye!" I called out to her, waving while smiling broadly. I knew she was still worried about me. Especially with what happened just hours before. "You're still my best friend." I told Niall, climbing into his car.

"Really? Because I haven't seen you in.."

"A really long time? Come on, don't remind me. I feel bad enough already."

"Good, you should." Niall said in a serious tone. I glanced over at him and he began smiling. "What do you want to do?"


"Let's go get ice cream."

Twenty minutes later Niall and I were sitting across from each other at a table eating ice cream out of paper bowls. I had explained to him what had happened with my dad, my step-brother and my dads wife and he grew more and more surprised as I continued.

"Sounds like a crazy day." I nodded my head slowly.

"Yeah but it's gotten a bit better." I said with a smile. Niall laughed and nudged my arm

"So hey how is everything with you?" He questioned. "I feel like I haven't seen you or talked to you in forever, what's new?" I shrugged.

"Nothing much."

"No new guys I should know about?" I hit him in the chest while he laughed. "Oh come on! I'm being serious. Do you even still talk to Kendall or do whatever with him?"

"Yeah, you guys just don't like hearing about it so I don't share."

"Good. Because you know me, I'll just.." Niall pretended to throw up and I rolled my eyes at him as he laughed. "What about you and Harry?"

"How'd you hear about that?"

"Harry talks to Louis, you mentioned something to Liam. Word gets around." I sighed.

"So that means Zayn knows?" Niall arched an eyebrow.

"You're still concerned about Zayn?"

"I'm always concerned about him. I don't want to hurt his feelings."

"If you're worried about hurting his feelings, that means you still have feelings for him." I stared at him long and hard.

"When did you become wise and all knowing?"

"College changes you."

"Oh shut up." I exclaimed, hitting his arm. Niall laughed.


"So, how was your visit with your father?" Harry asked, that Sunday when he picked me up, glancing over at me as I climbed into his car. I shrugged a little. I had gone over it with Zayn and I talked it over with Niall when I met up with him after my father fiasco and I knew Harry would ask about it, despite fathers being a subject we both hated.

"It was.. Weird."

"Elaborate." Harry said as we waved goodbye to my mom before pulling away from the curb. I shrugged again.

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