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"Hey Em." Kendall said, shaking my chair with his foot. I tried to ignore him as best as I could. I didn't want him to get in my head. I didn't want him to know that hearing him call me Em kind of bothered me, (but it was also kind of hot). Being around Kendall was uncomfortable for two reasons. One: He was hot and Two: he knew it. He was cocky and arrogant and ignorant. Everything I didn't need but everything I loved.

"Yes Kendall?" I replied curtly, glancing back at him. Kendall grinned at having won my attention.

"What would you say to ditching this class right now?" He smirked. I rolled my eyes and shook my head for good measure.

"I would say, "Hell no." Kendall." I turned back around as he laughed lightly. I caught Zayn's eye. He was gripping his pen so tightly, I thought it might break. He licked his lips and turned to the front when I looked at him though.

"Oh come on. What's teach gonna do? We can leave right now and she wouldn't care." I refrained from telling him that I cared. School was something I was good at and I took pride in my grades. I heard Kendall chuckle behind me again and the rustling of a bag as he shouldered his black backpack. "One day, I'm going to get you out of this classroom sweetheart." Kendall whispered in my ear before walking right out the door. Mrs. Cooper didn't even try to stop him. I breathed easier knowing Kendall wasn't behind me.

"What did Kendall say to you?" Zayn asked quietly after class. I shoved my notebook into my bag before looking at him. He was consciously running a hand through his dark hair, pushing the strands back. I guess he hadn't heard what Kendall said. He did kind of whisper it into my ear.

"He said he would get me to leave class one day." Zayn smiled lightly.

"That's never going to happen. I know you. You wouldn't leave class unless the building was on fire." I laughed. Zayn was right.

"I like school. Is that such a bad thing?" Zayn shook his head.

"No, it's not. It's part of the reason I.." He stopped talking, closing his mouth so quickly I swear it made a noise. Zayn had frozen as well, like he had said something wrong. I knew what he was trying to say. At least, I think I know.

"Part of the reason you what?" I asked nonchalantly. Zayn swallowed hard and shook his head. "You can tell me Zayn. We're friends remember?" I watched him cringe at the word friends.

"Part of the reason I fell in love with you." He finished with a sigh as we walked out of the room then out of the building. I but my bottom lip. I didn't want to say I knew he would say that, even though it was true.

"Okay." I said lightly. Zayn stopped walking, spun around and put a hand on my arm, blocking my way. "Zayn." I said quietly, knowing full well that if I looked up at him right now he would look broken down and lost.

"Can we please talk."

"About what?" I whispered, unable to speak any louder.

"You know about what. Us Amelia. Us." I continue to stare at the ground. "We never talked about what happened."

"There's nothing to talk about Zayn." He groaned lightly, grinding his teeth.

"We have a lot to talk about Amelia okay? Don't you remember what I said when I refused to have sex with you?" He hissed. I blushed red.

"Of course I remember." I whispered back harshly before pushing him out of my way. "But it doesn't matter."

"Doesn't matter?" Zayn repeated, grabbing my arm. "How can it not matter to you? I said no."

"And you lied! You lied to me everyday we were together." Zayn grimaced.

"Aren't you glad that Louis dared me? Aren't you at least, a little bit happy that we were together. You changed me for the better and I love you." Love. Present tense. I looked away from the beautiful brown eyes.

"I changed you. I loved you. I left you." I tugged lightly on my wrist and he let me go. I walked away and didn't look back.

"You're early." Niall says with a wide grin. I roll my eyes as I pass him and sit next to Louis at our assigned seat.

"Shut up Niall. I got lost last time." I said, giving Louis a small wave. He sat up straighter when I sat down next to him and gave me a small smile.

"So you found the classroom fine this time?" Niall asked.

"No Niall. I didn't." I replied sarcastically. Liam and Louis snickered as Niall rolled his eyes. Dr. Henry arrived moments later and class began. He was already talking about us diving right into a lab next time he saw us on Monday, not Friday. Wow, the week was already half over. All I had to do was get through Thursday, Friday and then maybe go home and see my mom this weekend. She probably missed me.

"Hey." Louis said after class, touching my arm to get my attention. "Harry asked me to ask you to come over sometime tonight or something." He said with a shrug. I rolled my eyes.

"He couldn't text me?" Louis shrugged. Liam pursed his lips from his place on the other side of the table. He didn't approve of my friendship with Harry as much as Zayn did but he never questioned it and he never told me to stop talking to him. He probably thinks Harry is a bad influence on me. He wouldn't be wrong.

"So what should I tell him?" Louis asked as we headed for the door.

"Tell him I'll come but next time, just text me. You don't have to do everything he tells you to do you know." Louis bit his bottom lip and shrugged again before walking away quickly. I watched him go. "Why does he listen to Harry so closely?" I asked Liam. He also shrugged

"It's just something he's always done. Ever since I've known him he's done that." Liam said thoughtfully. I watched Niall tap his chin before shrugging.

"Hey, you guys want to come to my frat party this Friday?" Niall asked with so much enthusiasm it hurt. I frowned and shook my head while Liam said,

"Maybe." I did a double take, hitting Liam's arm.

"Maybe?" I asked him. Liam laughed.

"Yeah, I've always wanted to go to a frat party. How come you don't want to go?"

"I was going to go see my mom." Niall groaned while Liam smiled down at me. "What? I'm an only child. My mom will miss me." Niall rolled his eyes.

"I'm an only child too. My parents don't miss me." Niall pointed out. I didn't know how to reply to that. Niall's parents have always been distant, I knew that but lately he's been making comments about how his parents don't care about him and I never know what to say.

"But it's always been just my moment I." I argued lightly.

"But you're going to need someone to take you home." Niall pointed out. "Which means you're going to have to ask one of us and we want to go to the party." Niall said gesturing to himself and Liam. I laughed.

"I don't have to ask just you guys. I could ask Key, Harry, Zayn or hell I'll even ask Louis." I taunted them. Niall groaned again as we continued to walk.

"Okay okay, one of us will take you.." Niall paused. "On Saturday."

"Niall!" I whined. "I don't want to go to your lame party."

"It's not lame!" Niall said defensively. "It will be lots of fun and I want you to be there. Bring Key." I narrowed my eyes at him. I'm not a party person. I don't go to parties and I'm never invited to any.

"Come on Em, your mom can live a day without you, clearly." Liam said with a smile. I sighed. It wasn't just that I wanted to see her. This week had tired me out. I wanted to relax at home in my own room.

"Yeah Em, come. Please." Niall begged. Any second now he might just get on his knees to ask me. I signed and nodded.

"Fine, I'll go." Niall cheered loudly while Liam and I laughed at him.

"This will be so much fun! Promise." Niall said cheerfully as we began to hug each other goodbye.

"It better be." I murmured as we headed separate directions.

I'm a day late in posting this 😁 oops.

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