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"You smell like weed and disappointment." I laugh sarcastically at Key as I walked into the dorm.

"Harry and Louis smoked that shit. Well I smoked but cigarettes, not that disgusting crap."

"And you drank by the smell of it. Don't diss marijuana Wilder it's a whole lot better than shitty cigarettes." I sighed as I grabbed a glass of water to calm my pounding headache.

"I just don't like the smell of it." I murmured scrunching up my nose as I sat down on my bed. I kicked off my shoes and slid them under my bed before lying back and sighing. "Have a good time with Liam and Niall?" I asked as she tapped away at her computer.

"Oh yeah Niall is pretty vanilla even though he sells weed. Do you know he doesn't smoke? He just sells it. What's up with that?" I shrugged.

"I asked him once. He didn't have a good answer. I mean, his parents are loaded. He has money to burn. I think he likes the thrill of selling it. The thrill of getting caught." Key snorted.

"Fuckin white boys." She murmured shutting her laptop. I nodded glancing over at her. "Liam's a whole lot nicer than he looks." Key continued as I began getting my clothes together to prepare for a shower.

"My best friend for ya." I say mildly.

"He seemed really worried about you." I roll my eyes, pausing by the door for our room.

"He's always worried about me."

"Yeah but were you two ever together? It seemed like a lot of worrying for people who are just firends."

"Liam and I are just friends. We've never gone out. Don't think I'm his type." I said with a shrug. Key stood up.

"Do you think I'm his?" I paused, thinking.

"Actually. I don't know what his type is but if you like him go for it. I'm not going to hold you back." I said with a small smile.

"Thanks for the permission mom." She said rolling her eyes, a smile on her face.

"I'm just saying!" I said moving for the door to our bathroom.

"I um also met your boyfriend." I paused in the doorframe and hugged my clothes to my chest before I faced her, hoping my face was blank and expressionless.

"Yeah, I saw him today too." I murmured with a shrug. Key's eyebrows arch. "My friends also lied to me." I pulled my phone out from my pocket and found several messages of confusion followed by apologies from both Niall and Liam.

"What did they do?" Key asked.

"Liam said he was roommates with Niall but Niall is in a fraternity and Zayn.. Is his roommate." I grumbled tossing my phone onto my bed.

"Are you mad at them?" Key asked flopping down onto her stomach and propping her elbows up, placing her chin in her palms. I shrug.

"Is it sad if I say I'm used to it?"

"Yeah you're pretty pathetic." I laughed, leaning against the door frame while Key slowly smiled. "I've got to hand it to you though. That Zayn of yours," She clucked her tongue and grinned. "Damn he's a looker." I sighed, a soft smile on my lips.

"I know. He walked into the room and all I could think about was kissing him." Key smiled lightly but seemed about ready to drop something on me.

"You know, he talks about you like you're still together." I pursed my lips and shrugged.

"I've heard that before, yeah." I murmured.

"I'm not saying you should but do you think you could forgive him?" I pondered that question for a minute.

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