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So are you going to the party tonight?

Who is this?

Key, duh.

Oh.. I guess I never got your number. Did you get it from Niall?

Yup, I got it from my boy toy.
Kidding, he's not a boy toy.

Alright and um I'm not sure.

You should come. It'll be fun.

Is it at Niall's frat?


I'll think about it.

I most definitely was not going to think about it. I just wasn't going to go. I didn't want to go. Parties, drinking, smoking and I don't get along too well. Sure the high was fun while it lasted but it was awful coming down from it. Besides, it was a school night.

After Niall and I got back late Sunday night, Key and I hung out for a bit talking and passing a cigarette back and forth between us because neither of us wanted a full one and we didn't want to waste either. I didn't see Liam, Harry or Zayn at all that day, though I did text them.

On Monday, I saw Zayn and his new haircut. I barely recognized him. In fact, I almost walked past him on my way to class, believing he was running late or something. "Amelia." The use of my name startled me. Turning around has I tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear I found Zayn with the sides of his head freshly shaved. I smiled wide.

"Wow! Zayn." I said excitedly, walking back to him. He grinned. "I didn't even recognize you!" I exclaimed. "When'd you get it cut?" I asked as I found myself reaching out to touch it. He stayed still as I lightly ran my hand through his hair and then down the side of his head.

"When you were gone. Harry and Liam went with me." I shook my head.

"Jackasses didn't say anything!" I exclaimed. Zayn laughed lightly. "I'm sorry I walked past you, come on." I said motioning back down the sidewalk towards the building for our class. "It looks really good." I told him honestly.

"Thanks, I thought I might look stupid." He replied slowly.

"No, I like it." I think I replied a little too quickly. Zayn was smirking, staring at the ground. His hair still hung in his face a little. God I wish he didn't look so good. "We're going to be late." I told him.

"We're never late." He's right. We're always early, by at least ten minutes, but it's just thinking about being late that riles me up. He walks faster with me anyways.

Kendall wasn't in class that day, much to my relief. I didn't want him bugging me or Zayn about his haircut. I left that class in higher spirits than I usually did and headed straight for my next class.

Before long, darkness fell and I got a text from Key. She asked about the party again.

So are you going?

I don't know.

It won't hurt. Come on. You'll have fun.

Do you know if Kendall will be there?

He probably won't. Said something earlier about trying to hook up with some girl. I sighed in relief as I looked at this text. Perhaps he was loosing interest in me. God I hoped so.

I'll be there then! Key never replied to that but I just shrugged it off. I imagine her as that kind of person. They'll text you first, you'll reply and there won't be another message after that. Sighing, I decided to get ready and then wait for Key to come back to the dorms. I didn't want to walk to the party alone, even though I knew where it was. I would've called Harry but he would probably advise me from not going, especially after what happened last time.

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