Science Projects

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"Okay class that's all I have for today." I sighed in relief and Louis smiled next to me. Niall immediately turned around on his stool to face us as he jumped off. "Oh wait, I forgot." The entire class groaned. Dr. Henry rolled his eyes as he motioned everyone to sit back down. "Yeah, yeah this will be quick." He assured us. "Soon you will begin dissecting with your partner." I shuddered at the thought. I could barely dissect the frog back in high school much less whatever marine animal he was going to throw at us.

"What is it?" A blonde girl up in front asked.

"You will find out but I'm suggesting, since you and your partner probably don't know each other very well, that you get to know each other the rest of the week. Go out for lunch, hang out in the quad because you're going to be spending a lot of time together anyways so you might as well make something out of it. Okay?" There were mumbled agreements and nodding of heads. "Okay, get out of here." He said ushering us toward the door.

"Good thing we already know each other then right?" Niall said smiling at Louis and I.

"I guess but I don't really know you Louis." I said, leaning forward with my arms on the desk. He ran a hand through his silky brown hair.

"I don't really k-know you either." He mumbled, a slight stutter coming through.

"Well Liam and I are covered." Niall said happily.

"Unfortunately." Liam said as he grabbed up his backpack. Niall shoved him a little and he grinned. I turned back to Louis who was nervously twirling the strap of his backpack.

"Want to hang out sometime today?" I asked Louis. He stiffened slightly when I asked.

"Um sure, want to bring Harry along?"

"Naw. He's a looser. Besides, he's not in our science class or one of our partners." I could see Liam mouthing something to me but I was focused on Louis who swallowed hard and looked at the ground for a really long time.

"Um, yeah okay." His stutter was easier to hear this time. Louis practically ran out of the classroom after that. He collected his things in such a hurry I didn't even have time to ask for his number or what he wanted to do. I frowned at his retreating form.

"You should have just said yes to the Harry thing." Liam said as we headed out of the classroom.

"He looked completely spooked." Niall piped up. I rolled my eyes at him, focusing on Louis.

"He has this thing about being alone with people he doesn't know." I frowned as Liam spoke.

"He knows me."

"Not well enough."

"He acted like I was going to hurt him though." I said, furrowing my eyebrows.

"He's just.. I don't know." Liam said, shrugging as he ran a hand through his hair. "He's skittish." It made him sound like a kitten.


"Beats me. I think Harry knows but I don't." Liam said with a shrug but he looked.. Suspicious. I frowned again and even though I could no longer see Louis, I turned and looked back the way he had fled, wondering what he was afraid of.

Hey assswipe.

Is that any way to greet a friend?

You're more like an acquaintance.

😣 you offend me Em.

So you do know what emojis are! 😋


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