why didn't you?

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"Of course it's raining." 'typical' "I can do this." Jalyn says to herself as she steps out the door. She sees the bus right in front of her. 'I can make it, I can make it.' It pulls off right as she comes up to it. "I know you saw me asshole!" She yells at the back of the bus. 'great,' she starts walking towards her school, in the rain. With no reason to rush at all. 'this day is off to a great start'

She walks up to her locker with stiff pants and her feet squishing every time she walks because she's soaking wet. 'omg why?' she opens up her locker and takes off her soaking wet jacket and shoes. "Ooh, looks like you had fun getting to school today." Jungkook says. "I thought you wanted to avoid me, why do you keep talking to me?" Jalyn asks. "I'm only saying that you look pretty stupid right now." He says. "So you need to stand next to me to look and feel better about yourself. Good to know." She turns back to her locker and Jungkook frowns. "Shut up, stay out of my business." He says and slams his locker shut. He walks away and Jalyn looks at him. 'he's so bipolar' *Ring 'yay spanish, not'

Jalyn walks to the back of the class where her seat is and sits down. She notices that Lya isn't there yet. Neither is Jungkook. 'didn't he leave before me?'
Lya walks in the doorway, then Jungkook follows in. "Lya, and Mr.Jungkook late again are we?" The teacher asks. "Sorry." Lya apologizes, but Jungkook just walks to his seat without saying anything. 'rude, but not unexpected' Lya walks to the back of the class to sit next to Jalyn. "Hey, what happened? You're usually here before me." Jalyn asks. "Oh, nothing. My brother and I just got caught in traffic from the rain." Lya says. Jalyn nods her head and looks over to Jungkook, who's head is down again. "Did you see what Jungkook was doing?" She asks. "Nah, he just came in behind me when I walked to the door." Lya says. Jalyn nods her head again slowly while still looking at the sleeping Jungkook. 'why is he always sleeping in this class?'

"So, I'll see you at lunch?" Lya asks. "Yeah, sure." "I brought some of my snacks since you didn't want to come to our movie night." "Aw, thanks. Don't eat them all before you see me." Jalyn says, and Lya laughs at this. "Don't worry, I won't... Maybe. Why are your shoes all wet?" "Rain, this morning." Lya laughs, "Why didn't you, call Namjoon? He definitely would've given you a ride." 'cause I didn't want to' "No reason." "Mm hm." Lya says, looking at her suspiciously.

Jalyn looks over at Jungkook. 'should I wake him up again?' "I can wait for you if you want." Lya says, looking in the same direction as Jalyn. Jalyn looks at her weird. "What?" "Just wake him up, if he's rude then he'll have to deal with me." She says crossing her arms. Jalyn laughs. "Ok chile." She stands up and walks over to Jungkook s desk and taps on him. He turns his head to face her with it still on the desk. 'wow, he's so cute with his tired face, and his small lips, and straight brown hair, and pink shirt that his muscles poke through- Jalyn what are you doing?!' "How many times do I have to tell you to leave me alone?" He asks annoyed. "How many times are you going to keep falling asleep in class?" He frowns his face and begins to make a clap back at her, when Lya clears her throat and crosses her arms. His attention switches to her, "What is this? You need your one friend to protect you now." Jalyn chuckles and turns to him. She leans in, "What? Oh, I thought a insecure bitch said something." "An insecure bitch with no friends to be exact." Lya adds. Jungkook stands up out of his seat and looks down on them. "It's funny how y'all think y'all doing something." He walks past them and then leans over to Lya and whispers, "and you ain't gotta do all that." He leaves the classroom. Lya turns around to leave the class when Jalyn taps her shoulder. "What did he say?" "Same bullshit stuff, I guess he just wants me to be scared of him." She says. Jalyn scoffs. "Wow, he really gotta make threats individually huh?" Lya awkwardly laughs. "Heh, I guess so." "What a pussy." "I'll catch you later?" Lya asks. "Yeah sure." Jalyn responds still thinking about the whisper, and the way Jungkook woke up so cute. 'stop, dang, he's not that cute'

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