Jalyn runs to the door and goes inside. She shuts it quickly, kicks her shoes off and starts to head upstairs until she hears someone's throat clear. She stops and turns around slowly to see her mother sitting on the couch. Jalyn swallows and starts, "Mom-" her mom holds her hand up and cuts her off. "No, I get to speak right now." Jalyn nods her head and looks at her mom. "You know that you can't be outside past 11, then you come home at midnight! You were already late." Jalyn starts, "Bu-" "No, I'm not done. Then you sneak out at 3 in the morning! God knows what could've happened to you this late!" She sighs. "It's actually mornin-" "Uh uh, shut up! Go to your room." Jalyn sighs and starts up the stairs, "Wait," Jalyn stops. "Give me your phone." She turns around, "What?!" Her mom starts walking towards her. "Raise your voice at me one more time!" She says. Jalyn looks down and doesn't say anything. "I'm sorry." She says softly "That's what I thought. Give me your phone." Her mom holds out her hand and Jalyn takes her phone out of her back pocket and gives it to her. "Thank you. You can go now." She sighs and stomps up the stairs. "I don't wanna hear NO footsteps!" Her mom yells from downstairs. Jalyn goes to her room and lays down. 'Oh my gosh, what am I supposed to do now?' Jalyn sits up and turns to her dresser to see her computer. 'Oh thank God.' She gets the computer and turns it on, going to youtube. Then her mom burst open her door. Jalyn then hurries to shut her computer and out it under her blanket. "Jalyn I-" Her mom stops mid sentence. Jalyn looks at her and asks, "Yes?" Her mom holds out her hand again. "Give it to me." She says. Jalyn sighs and takes it from under her blanket and hands it to her mom. "Like I was saying, I have to go to work tomorrow. I don't want you going ANYWHERE, you are on punishment." Jalyn nods her head, "Ok." Her mom points her finger, "I mean it, you better be here when I get back." "Ok mom, I got it. I can't go anywhere." Her mom nods her head then leaves the room. Jalyn rolls her eyes and lies down again. This time she closes her eyes and goes to sleep. ------------------------
*Knock *Knock "Good morning, Good-bye." Her mom says as she walks in and out of her room. Jalyn groans and waves, but her mom is already gone. She blinks her eyes open and turns on her lamp. 'Ugh, I'm so tired. But I don't want to go to sleep.' Jalyn lays in bed thinking for about five minutes before she gets up and heads downstairs to the kitchen. She gets and bowl, and pours some cereal into it. She then pours the milk and heads to the living room. 'Dang it, I forgot my spoon.' She heads back to the kitchen to get it until someone knocks on her door. 'What the hell? Who could that be.' She opens it to see Lya standing on her porch. Lya waves and Jalyn raises her eyebrow. "You know there's a doorbell right?" Jalyn says pointing to it. "Oh, sorry. Can I come in?" Jalyn nods her head and moves aside to let Lya in, "Sure." Lya walks in and stops in the middle of the room, noticing the bowl of cereal and the fact that Jalyn has on the same clothes since yesterday. Lya looks at Jalyn and sighs, "What's wrong?" She asks. Jalyn scrunches her face. "What are you talking about?" "I mean, you still have on the same clothes since yesterday, and there's almost-soggy cereal on your table." Jalyn points to the cereal, "That is because of you. You interrupted me while I was getting a spoon." Lya looks down, "Oh, sorry." "It's fine, I wasn't really hungry anyway." She gets the bowl and pours it into the sink. Then comes back to Lya. "Anyway... What's up?" "Hm?" "Like, why are you here?" Jalyn asks. "Oh, I wanted to hang out with you later and you weren't answering my calls. So I came here." Jalyn sighs, "Oh, I can't. I'm on punishment." She says. "What?! Come on, please?" Jalyn looks her up and down. "Girl no, I do not have my phone. I can't keep up with the time." She says. "So?" Lya asks. "If I come home late, my mom will beat my ass. I don't know about you, but I don't want to take that risk." Jalyn says. "Girl, you will be fine. I have a phone to keep track of the time." Lya says waving her phone. Jalyn sighs and thinks for a minute, "Fine, but I swear if I get in trouble I will kill you." Lya laughs and waves her hands innocently, "Okay, okay." "You think I'm playing, I'm dead serious." Lya giggles and hugs her. "Ok yay! I'll pick you up at 8." Jalyn shrugs her shoulders, "Ok?" "Oh, and it's an all-white attire." Lya says. Jalyn gives her a thumbs up and Lya leaves the house. 'Guess I'm going somewhere.' -------------------------
'Ok... And done.' Jalyn gets up from her bed and looks at herself in the mirror. 'This should be good, it's not that fancy anyway.'
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*Ding dong *Ding dong 'Wow, she actually used the doorbell this time huh?' "Coming! Hold on!" Jalyn yells as she runs downstairs. She opens up the door to find Namjoon. She stops for a moment before speaking, "Hey, Namjoon. You look nice." He looks down at himself, "Thanks. You look pretty good too."
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"So, should we get going?" Jalyn asks pointing toward his car. "Yeah, let's go." They walk to the car and Lya is sitting in the front seat. She waves at Jalyn then stops smiling, she gets out the car and looks her up and down. "What are you wearing?" Jalyn looks at herself. "What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" She asks. "I must've forgotten to tell you that this is a FANCY, all white party." "Oh, sorry I can go change." Jalyn says. "No, we don't have time. We'll get you something on the way." "Okay." They all get in the car and head towards the house where the party is. They drive past a formal clothing store. "Stop here!" Lya yells. Namjoon turns the car around and Lya gets out pulling Jalyn with her. "Okay, we have to hurry up. Look for all white dresses." Jalyn grabs her arm and stops her. "Um, no. White pantsuits." She says. Lys nods, "Okay. Let's go." Five minutes later.... "Oh! I found something!" Lya says. She goes over to Jalyn to see if she likes it. Jalyn nods in approval, "Yeah that's cute." "Okay." They go to the checkout and pay for it. Lya then pushes Jalyn to the dressing rooms, "Hurry up and go put it on." "Alright, you ain't gotta push me!" She goes to the dressing room and changes into the outfit. She comes back and Lya says, "That is so pretty. Let's go." She pulls her out of the store.
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