Are you okay?

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Jalyn hears her phone ring and sits up off of Jungkook, repositioning herself. She turns her head to the side and feels around for her phone. She finds it, then picks answers it, and puts it to her ear, not looking at the contact name. "Jalyn!" Her mom yells through the phone. Jalyn gets surprised by this and slightly jumps, making her fall off of Jungkook and onto the floor. "Ow!" She screams in pain. "Are you okay?" Her mom asks over the phone. Just then, Jungkook wakes up from the noise and looks over the bed down at Jalyn. He raises his eyebrows in concern and holds out his hands to help her up. "Are you alright?" He asks. "Yeah." Jalyn says and grabs his hand, standing up. "Who was that?" Her mom asks. 'Shoot, I forgot she was there for a second.' "Who was who?" Jalyn asks, letting go of Jungkooks hand. Jungkook looks at her confused and frowns. "That person who just said something." Her mom says. Jalyn laughs awkwardly and says, "Oh that was just my friend Lya. We had a sleepover." Jungkook just continues to look at her confused. "Her voice sounds pretty deep." "Yeah well, that's just her morning voice." Jalyn lies. "Um.. okay. I was just calling to make sure that you were up and ready for school." Her mom says. "Yeah, of course. When am I ever late getting up?" Jalyn asks. "Never, because I always wake you up." Jalyn rolls her eyes and says, "Well today I wasn't. Thank you for checking up on me. Bye, bye now." "Okay, bye. I love you." Her mom tells her. "Love you too, bye." Jalyn says quickly. Her mom chuckles and then hangs up the phone. "We should get ready for school." She tells Jungkook. "Okay. Do you want to take a shower first?" He asks. "No, you should. I have to get situated with my clothes." Jalyn says. "Okay." He nods and gets off of the bed, then he grabs a towel and walks out of the room towards the bathroom. "Wait!" Jalyn yells. "Yeah?" Jungkook asks. "Can you make a smoothie before we leave?" She asks and smiles. Jungkook smiles and nods his head, "Sure." He says. "Yay, thank you!" Jalyn says happily. "You're so spoiled," Jungkook says. "I know." She says shrugging her shoulders.  He chuckles and shakes his head continuing to walk into the bathroom. He closes the door behind him and takes a quick but effective shower. When he gets done, he does his facial routine and brushes his teeth. Then he wraps his towel around his waist and opens the door, walking out of the bathroom. He walks towards his room, but then he notices Jalyn on the couch and turns to face her. She looks up at him and raises her eyebrows, "Damn." She says while checking him out. Jungkook chuckles shyly and says, "Glad you like it." Jalyns eyes widen at his statement. "Did I say that out loud?" She asks. "Yeah. You even had an extra lip bite too." He says teasing her. Jalyn stands up and hits him on the arm, "Now I KNOW I didn't do that." She says. "Yes you did, but it's okay. I know I'm hot." Jungkook says looking her up and down. Jalyn rolls her eyes and chuckles, "Boy you are not THAT hot." She says. "It's okay, you don't have to deny it. I know." He says smirking. "You know what...Whatever, I don't even have time for this." She says and walks away. But then Jungkook grabs her wrist and pulls her back, "Do you have time for this?" He asks and kisses her on the lips. Jalyn rolls her eyes but still kisses him back. A few seconds later she feels that this kiss is going on for too long and she moves her hands toward his towel. She feels around for a second and then finds the place where the towel is tucked in. She subtly moves her hand around that spot and pulls that part of the towel out, making it drop from Jungkooks waist. He immediately stops kissing her and bends his knees to pick it up. But he tries not to bend over, so it's a struggle. Jalyn doesn't look down at all, instead, she just looks up and around the room. "Did I ever tell you how nice this apartment was? Shoot, it's pretty fancy." She says while not trying to look at him. He finally gets situated and ties the towel around his waist. He clears his throat and Jalyn looks turns back around to look at him. She tries to hide her laughter as she sees his hands grip tightly around his towel. "You didn't uh... you didn't see anything. Right?" He asks nervously. Jalyn laughs at him for a second and then looks at him, smirking. "Right." She says. Jungkook lets out a sigh of relief and then Jalyn continues talking, "Maybe." She says finishing her sentence. "Huh?" Jungkook asks with a look of panic on his face. Jalyn doesn't answer him, but instead turns around and takes her suitcase, walking into the bathroom. Jungkook watches her enter the bathroom, and lets out a sigh of relief. Then he quickly runs to his bedroom and gets dressed for the day. When he's done, he comes out and makes the smoothie, pouring it into two cups. Then he grabs a couple of apples, waiting for Jalyn to come out of the bathroom.

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