"Why did I do this?" Jalyn asks Jungkook. "I don't know, but you look hot." He says inspecting her tattoo. "Thanks, but it still hurts." Jalyn says wincing. "It does? I should kiss it better." Jungkook says leaning towards her. "Boy, stop." Jalyn says pushing Jungkook away. "Come on, let me help you with the pain." He says. Jalyn rolls her eyes and stops pushing Jungkook. He looks at her and smiles, then goes to her tattoo. He starts with the stem of the flower and kisses it gently, then he moves up to the first petal continuing to kiss it softly, then he moves to the second petal and kisses it, moving his head different ways. Jalyn laughs looking at Jungkook, "You making out with my tattoo now?" She asks. Jungkook stops and looks at her face, "Well I would much rather like to be making out with you." He says. "Well come on then." Jalyn says. He smirks and slowly goes up to her face, he stops right before he's about to kiss her and says, "Nah nevermind." Then he turns away. "So that's how you feel?" Jalyn asks. He quickly turns back around and kisses her on the lips. They both suck in breath and then Jalyn pulls away, "Nah nevermind." She says. Jungkook chuckles, "Where to now?" He asks. "Uh, my house. I think it's time for me to go home." Jalyn says. "Or we could go to my house." Jungkook says winking.
"And what would we do there?" She asks. "We would finish what we started this morning." "Finish? That's all you get." Jalyn tells him. "But the thing is... I didn't GET any." He says. "Exactly, and you're not going to." She says. He kisses her on the lips and pouts, "But why?" He asks. "Boy do you even know how to GIVE any?" Jalyn asks. "You know what, I think I'm just gonna take you home." Jungkook says starting the car. "Nah I'm serious, because when I came over your house this morning all we did was make out. Then you decided to fall asleep." "You fell asleep too!" He says trying to defend himself. "Yeah, after you." Jalyn points out. "Well... Now if anyone asks, I can tell them we SLEPT together." Jungkook says laughing and nudges Jalyn's arm. Jalyn just stares at him and fake laughs, "Ha ha, that's not funny." She says. Jungkook stops laughing, "You're no fun." He says.He pulls off and Jalyn puts her Jacket back on her body. She looks out the window as he gets on the highway going about eighty mph. Jalyn takes a look at the lit up the city in the night and all of the cars driving past, as well as the sky scrapers. The tallest one she sees is lit up as a color red and changes to different colors like purple, pink, and blue. Jalyn looks across the highway and behind the car they're in, trying to look for how the building is being lit up from the outside. Jungkook looks at her from the corner of his eye and chuckles, "What are you looking for?" He asks. "You see that building?" She asks pointing to it. Jungkook leans forward, towards the windshield to get a better look. "Yeah I see it, it's cool." He says. "It is, but I wanna know how they're doing that." Jalyn says. "So what were you looking around for?" He asks. "I was looking for a projector because a lot of times that's what people use, but I don't know if there is one or where it's coming from." Jalyn says. "Ah, I see." He says. "Maybe I'll just look it up." She says taking out her phone. "No!" Jungkook yells. Jalyn jumps in her seat, not expecting him to yell. "Sheesh, can you stop yelling?" She asks. "Sorry." He says. "Why'd you tell out of nowhere?" Jalyn asks. Jungkook clears his throat, "Well, I think that you might be right about the projection thing." He says. "Okay?" "But if you look it up and see that, that's not what happens it could easily be disappointing. So just... keep your imagination as your answer." He says. "Mm" Jalyn says nodding. She continues to lift up her phone, "But I wanna see if I was right." She says tells Jungkook. He sighs and looks at her, "Well if you keep your own imagination as your answer... You'll always be right." He says and smiles. Jalyn pouts and squints at Jungkook, "Okay fine. I won't look it up." She says putting her phone in her pocket. "Good." He says. "What?" Jalyn asks. "I said, Good." "Oh, I thought you said God." She says. Jungkook shakes his head "Nope." "Okay." He clears his throat before speaking, "So... Do you wanna hang out tomorrow?" Jungkook asks. "Tomorrow?" She asks. "Yeah." "Um, I have to go to Church." She says. "Aw, how about you don't go and hang out with me instead?" He asks. Jalyn raises her eyebrows and thinks for a minute, not responding to Jungkook. "Hm?" She finally says frowning. Jungkook looks at the road, then back at her smiling. "I'm just kidding." He says and starts laughing, "Oh. Ahahaha!" Jalyn says and starts fake laughing obnoxiously. 'Yeah okay.' "Um, but do you wanna hang out tomorrow?" He asks. "Sure, but most likely after I get out of Church. I would like to keep living past tomorrow." She says. Jungkook nods, "Okay." He says. Jalyn nods and turns back to look out of the window again. She sighs dramatically, "I wish I lived in the city." She says. Jungkook frowns to himself, "You do live in the city." He says. "Yeah I know- I mean, like downtown. Where I can see this view every night." She says. He nods understanding, "You can." He says pointing. Jalyn looks him up and down pressing her lips together, "Yeah. Maybe in the future when I live on my own." She says. "On your own?" Jungkook asks himself quietly. "Huh?" Jalyn asks. He shakes his head, "Nothing." Jalyn slaps him hard on the arm, "Ow! What was that for?" He asks. "Tell me what you said." She says. He shakes his head 'no' at her. "Nah, you'll be okay." He says. She raises her arm to hit him again but slowly puts it down, letting out a frustrated breath. "You know what? I don't even care." She says crossing her arms. "Really?" "No! Of course I care, tell me what you said." Jalyn says coming closer to Jungkook and glaring at him. He gulps and looks at her from the side, she comes closer and closer and puts her face to his neck. He swallows again and tries to move his head, but Jalyn's face is still on his neck lightly. "Is your seatbelt on?" He asks Jalyn. "Maybe, maybe not." She answers. He sighs and rolls his eyes, pushing Jalyn's head away from him. "Put on your seatbelt." He says. "Okay fine, daddy." She says putting on her seatbelt. Jungkooks eyes open wide and look at Jalyn with a worried and surprised face. She doesn't notice at first, but then she looks up at him to see him staring at her. "What?" She asks. "What do you mean what?" Jungkook asks back at her. *Honk* "Hey, eyes on the road." Jalyn says pointing out of the windshield. Jungkook looks back and focuses on his driving again. They drive in silence for a little while and get off the highway before Jungkook starts speaking again, "You called me daddy." He tells her. "What?" She asks. "You called me, daddy." He repeats. "Yeah, I did." "Huh?" Jungkook asks. "Because you told me to put on my seatbelt... Like a worried parent." Jalyn tells him, finishing her sentence. He swallows and nods, "Oh. Good to know." He says. Jalyn smirks and looks at Jungkook, "What did you think I meant?" She asks. He shakes his head quickly, "Nothing." He says. "You sure?" "Yep." "Are you sure you didn't think that I was calling you daddy in another sense?" She asks. "Yep, I'm sure." He says keeping his eyes on the road. Jalyn puts her arm on the armrest and licks her lips, looking up and down at Jungkook. "Stop looking at me like that." He says. "But you like when I look at you like this." She says. "Not right now I don't." He says. Jalyn smirks and puts her hand on Jungkooks thigh, rubbing it and squeezing it. "What are you doing?" He asks. Jalyn slaps his thigh a couple of times while saying, "Strong man, that's a strong man." He grabs her hand before she can hit him again and holds it. "Stop it." He says. Jalyn thinks for a moment while looking at Jungkook, then uses her other hand to hit his thigh one more time. He looks at her and Jalyn smiles, "What? You got some thick thighs." "That doesn't mean you have to slap them." Jungkook tells her. "Whatever, you probably secretly liked it anyway." Jalyn says looking back out of the window. Jungkook looks at her and slightly smiles. "Probably." He says quietly to himself. "I knew it!" Jalyn turns around quickly, pointing at him. "Huh? Knew what? Not important, we're almost at your house." He says basically all in one sentence. "Don't try and change the subject, you know I heard you." Jalyn says. "Heard me say what? Nothing. Exactly. We're here." He says stoping the car. Jalyn raises her eyebrows and looks out the window at her house. 'Huh, that was faster than I expected.' "What time is it?" She asks. "About 9:00." Jungkook says looking at his phone. Jalyn looks back at him and smiles, "You know what? You're place sounds great, we should go there." She says. Jungkook shakes his head, "Uh uh. You refused my offer earlier." He says. "But now I'm excepting it, let's go." She says. "What are you so afraid of?" Jungkook asks. "Nothing, I just want to go to your house now." "Or, you don't want to hear your mother's voice." He suggests. Jalyn sighs, "She never told me what time to come home... I should be good, right?" She looks up and Jungkook. He shrugs his shoulders, "I don't know." "You're no help." She says. She gets out of the car on her own and shuts the door behind her. Jalyn turns around to see Jungkook still inside the car. She walks up to the car and opens the door she got out of, "You aren't gonna walk me to the door? Nice first date." She says sarcastically. He pulls her back inside quickly and she sits in the seat. He leans toward her and kisses her on the lips and then pulls away. "Awesome, why couldn't you do that while walking me to the door?" Jalyn asks pointing behind her. Jungkook shrugs his shoulders, "I didn't want anyone to think that we were making out on the porch." He says. "Ah, okay then." Jalyn nods understanding. He gets out of the car and comes around to Jalyn's side, helping her get out. "Gamsahamnida." She says. Jungkook looks at her weirdly, "You're welcome. That was random." He says walking with her towards the door. "I know, sorry. I'm just tryna learn a new language." She says. "But you take Spanish though." He says. "Exactly, learn a language in school and learn a language outside of school." Jalyn tells him. "That's cool. But Hanguk-eo, that's an interesting language to try and learn." Jungkook says. "Han what?" Jalyn asks. "Oh my bad, that's what other people call the Korean language." Jalyn nods her head slowly, "Got it." "So anyway, why Korean?" He asks. "I don't really know, it just seemed like a cool language to try and learn in my downtime. But since you know it, maybe we could have some study sessions." She says. "Yeah okay I guess, just make sure you're actually trying to study with me." He says. Jalyn gasps and puts her hand on her chest, "Of course I am!" She yells. "Okay then, we can have some study sessions soon then." He says winking at her. "Yeah, make sure YOU'RE actually trying to study." Jalyn tells him. Jungkook grabs her hand and chuckles as they walk up the steps to Jalyn's porch. They stop at the door and face each other, "Did you have fun with me tonight?" Jungkook asks. "Eh, it was okay." She says. "Just okay?" He asks worriedly. Jalyn laughs, closing her eyes. When she's done, she looks back up at him and smiles. "I'm just kidding, yes I had fun." She says. "Good, me too." He responds. Jalyn grabs Jungkook's other hand and pulls him close to her, looking him in the eyes. "I thought you didn't wanna get caught kissing on the porch." He says. Jalyn scrunches up her face, "Mm... No that was you." She says. He chuckles and Jalyn leans in, kissing him on the lips. Jungkook closes his eyes and kisses her back. He leads her hands up and around his neck and he puts his around her waist. Jalyn rests her arms on his shoulders, folding her hands behind his neck and pulls him closer and deeper into the kiss. She takes her hands off of his neck and puts them on his waist, still kissing him. She then wraps her arms around his waist and moves them down to his lower back. Jungkook pulls Jalyn's waist closer to his body and moves his hands up her back. While Jalyn's arms are resting on Jungkooks waist, she slowly unhooks her hands and moves them down to his butt, squeezing it. He quickly stops kissing her and backs up, "Jalyn!" He yells. "What?" She asks cluelessly. "You know what." He says. "I don't see the problem here." She responds shrugging her shoulders. He sighs and looks at her, "I'll see you tomorrow." He says. 'Oh yeah.' He starts walking down the steps to get to his car, but before he gets down the first one Jalyn smacks his ass again. He jumps down the rest of the stairs and turns around putting his hands on his butt to protect it. "Bruh!" He yells at her. "What? I can't help it that you're thick." She says. "Oh my gosh." He says to himself. He looks at her and backs away towards his car, "I'm backing away so you don't get any ideas." Jungkook says. Jalyn rolls her eyes playfully and chuckles. He makes it to the car and gets inside of it. Then he rolls down the window, still looking at Jalyn. "Are you gonna leave?" She asks. "I'm gonna wait here until you get inside the house." He tells her. "Ah, okay." Jalyn says nodding. She turns around towards the door and smiles to herself while knocking on it. "Coming!" Someone yells from inside. But Jalyn doesn't hear them, so she keeps knocking. Her mom opens the door and looks at Jalyn like she's crazy. "I said I was coming, you don't have to keep knocking." She says. Jalyn puts her hand down and says, "Sorry." To her mom. "Come in." She says waving her hand. Jalyn steps inside and closes the door behind her. She takes off her shoes and starts heading towards the stairs. "So... how was your date?" Her mom asks. "It was good." Jalyn says. "What did you guys do?" She asks. 'I Got a tattoo.' "Um not much, we just went to a carnival." "A carnival? He didn't take you to dinner, at a fancy restaurant?" Her mom asks crossing her arms. "What? Ew, no." Jalyn says. "What do you mean ew? That would've been nice." "Maybe for you. I hate the sound of people eating, I need talking and games and rides to drown that noise out." "You can't hear people eating." Her mom says. "Maybe you can't, but I can. You can especially hear it at those fancy restaurants because ain't nobody talking." Jalyn says. "Here we go again." Her mom says. "What do you mean 'here we go again'?" Jalyn asks. "You are being so dramatic." She tells her. "No I'm not, I'm certain that this is a real thing and I'm not being dramatic." "Oh really?" Her mom asks. "Yep." "And what's this real thing called?" "It's called Misophonia." "Is it?" "Yep, I can pull it up for you too." Jalyn says taking out her phone. She types in her phone before showing her mom her screen with the definition. "Well, you don't have any of those other symptoms." She says. "I don't have to." Jalyn says turning off her phone. "Okay, so what? Are you never gonna go on a fancy dinner date your whole life?" Her mom asks. Jalyn takes a dramatic deep breath before speaking, "I might have to." She says. Her mom rolls her eyes and starts walking up the stairs, "I'm going to bed." She tells Jalyn. "Uh, okay me too I guess." Jalyn says following her. Her mom walks into her room with Jalyn right behind her. She stops and turns around to see Jalyn, "What are you doing?" She asks. "I'm going to bed." Jalyn says. "Your room is over there." Her mom says pointing outside of her bedroom. "I know. I'm sleeping with you tonight." She says and walks towards her mom's bed. "Uh uh! Don't get in my bed with those outside clothes on. Go take a shower and put on some pajamas." She tells her daughter. "I wasn't gonna get in the bed with my clothes on." Jalyn says. "Then what were you doing?" Her mom asks not believing her. "Plugging in my phone." Jalyn says pulling out a charger from her pocket. Her mom looks her up and down and says, "Mmhmm." Jalyn smiles and goes to her room grabbing her pajamas, then she takes a shower, does some skin care and comes back to her mother's room. Her mom is watching TV when she walks in, and doesn't look at her. Jalyn gets under the covers and turns out the light. "Goodnight." She tells her mom. Her mom also gets under the covers, but leaves the TV on. "Goodnight." She says back.

He's not THAT hot
FanfictionJalyn keeps denying how attractive her classmate Jungkook is... can she keep this up forever?