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Namjoon starts the car and looks over at Jalyn. "You ready?" He asks. Jalyn nods her head, "Yep, let's go." Namjoon pulls off and they head towards the store in complete silence.
Five minutes later...
'Ok, this is getting boring, it's too quiet.' "So," Jalyn starts. Namjoon takes a glance at her, "Yeah?" "What was up with your outfit today?" She asks. "Looking all fancy and stuff." Jalyn adds. Namjoon sighs before speaking, "Well... I had a job interview today." Jalyn gasps and covers her mouth dramatically. "What?! A job interview, no way. I NEVER would have guessed." "Heh heh, you got jokes." He says. "No, but seriously what was the job interview for?" "When I tell you this, you have to promise not to tell Lya." Jalyn zips her mouth with her fingers, "I promise." She says. He sighs and looks up at her. "It was... To be a music teacher." Jalyn stares at him for a moment before smiling. "Aw, that is too cute." Namjoon rolls his eyes and Jalyn bursts out laughing. "What is so funny, again?" Jalyn wipes the fake tears from her eyes and says, "Nothing, nothing." "Then why were you laughing so hard?" "No reason!" She smiles again. Namjoon sucks in his cheeks and clenches his jaw. "I'm tired of you." He responds. "Ok, I'm sorry." Jalyn apologizes. "I do not accept your apology." Jalyn rolls her eyes. "Whatever, anyway why don't you want Lya to know?" "Because... She hates music, and kids." "Ok, and?" Jalyn holds a confused look on her face. "And I don't want her to hate me because I'm going to be involved in both of those things." He says kind of frustrated. "Well, I think it's cute." Jalyn puts her arm on his shoulder. Namjoon smiles showing his dimples. "So... You like kids huh?" She asks. "Yeah, they're so cute. And I'm suprisingly good with them." "Yeah, you sound like you could be a pretty good teacher." "Thanks." He says. "I could never." Jalyn says. "How come?" "Well first of all I don't really know any good ways to teach kids," "Mhm." Namjoon nods his head understanding. "And second, if a kid talks back to me or gets smart with me I would probably beat their little ass." She says casually. Namjoon nods his head worriedly, "Well, I think that you should stay at least six feet away from all kids." "I'm not THAT mean, I'm a sweetheart to them when they're sweethearts to me." Jalyn smiles innocently. "Yeah ok." Says Namjoon, who's obviously not convinced. Jalyn hits him on his arm playfully, "I am!" She yells. "Okay, okay I was just joking!" He says holding his arm in pain. "Man up." Jalyn says rolling her eyes. "Woman up." Namjoon says back. "What does that even mean?" "I don't know, it was the only thing that came to my mind." They stare at each other, then burst into laughter. "Ok, anyway we're here. Let's get out and get some snacks!" He says. "Whoo, ok!" Jalyn cheers with him. They get out of the car and head towards the door of the store. 'Oh, it's this one. Let's hope he's not here.'

"Bae, I gotta go. I'm late for work already." Jungkook says. Lya pouts, "But we were just getting started." "I know but-" Lya cuts him off with a kiss on the lips. "Mm mm, no" she says with her lips on his. They kiss some more and it starts to get deeper. Jungkooks hands slowly slide down her back and land on her waist. He pulls her closer to him and she tugs on his shirt. She turns him around still kissing and pushes him on the bed. She gets on top of him and kisses him again. She slides her tongue in gently and they start making out. The kiss gets deeper and deeper, then Lya starts unbuttoning his shirt slowly. She unbuttons it all the way, then moves to his belt. "Wait, wait-" Jungkook says pulling away. Lya sighs and pouts again. "I have to go to work. I'm sorry." She moves and he gets off of the bed and buttons his shirt back up. "I'm gonna miss you." Lya says. Jungkook smiles sympathetically, "I'll see you later okay?" She nods. Jungkook leans in and pecks her on the lips. "Bye." He says and Lya waves. He leaves her room and shuts the door behind him.

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