I love you

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"We're home!" Namjoon yells and shuts the door behind him. Lya comes out of her room with a hydrating face mask on. "Ok, I'll be right back. I'm gonna wipe this off of my face." Namjoon nods his head while taking off his shoes. Jalyn does the same. They go to the bar and set the bags on the table. "We can throw the plastic bags away and just set the coffee table in the living room." Jalyn nods her head and takes the snacks to the living room. "We should still have some pops and juices left behind the bar, I'll get them." "Ok!" Jalyn yells from the living room. Lya comes out of her room with a clean face and pajamas on. "I'm ready!" She says and hops down on the couch. Jalyn sits down next to Lya and takes the snacks out of the bags. "What did you guys get me?" Lya asks. Jalyn shrugs her shoulders. "Just take what you want!" Namjoon yells. "Okay." Lya says and reaches for the Takis. Jalyn puts her hand out to stop her. "Um, no." She says. "Okay." Lya sighs and grabs the hot funyuns. Namjoon walks into the living room and hands Lya a grape crush. "See I knew you would find something." She rolls her eyes. "Here you go." He hands Jalyn the same thing and she looks up to take it. "Thanks." He smiles and sits down next to her. "So, what are we gonna watch?" Jalyn asks. "Shadow in the Cloud." Lya says and grabs the remote. "Uh, what?" Namjoon asks. "You heard me." Jalyn looks over at Namjoon. "What's it about?" She asks. "It's about this pilot flying in the air, but something attacks her." Lya answers. "Oh cool, sounds good." "I know right?" Jalyn turns back to Namjoon. "You scared?" She asks. "Pfft, no." He says. "Well that was convincing." Lya says. "Shut up." He responds. "It's okay, I'm here if you get scared." Jalyn says and pats her shoulder. Namjoon presses his lips together. "You know what-" "Shush, the movie's starting." Lya interrupts. Namjoon gets up to turn out the light, then plops back down next to Jalyn. He opens up his oreos and offers her one. "I'm fine." She says and holds up her Takis. He smiles and nods.

"Ah!" Namjoon yells. He puts his head on Jalyn's shoulder and closes his eyes. She leans over to him and whispers, "I told you you would get scared." He sits up quick and leans his arm on the sofa. "I'm not scared, I was just resting my eyes." Namjoon says. "Oh, and were you measuring your voice when you screamed?" Jalyn laughs. Namjoon turns away from her. "Shut up." He says low. Jalyn leans toward him, "What was that?" She asks. "Nothing." "Oh, ok." Lya turns to them. "Hey," They both look at her. "Can y'all be quiet please, the movie is almost over." "Sorry." Jalyn says. They start watching the movie again.

Jalyn flinches at the screen, and keeps her eyes closed. Namjoon taps her. She opens her eyes slowly and faces him. He pats his shoulder and says, "I'm here if you get scared." Jalyn smiles and takes his hand that was on his shoulder. She uses her other hand to punch him in the arm. "Ow!" He says. "Stop playing with me." Jalyn says, then smiles to herself. 'He's so irritating, but it's nice.' "What are you smiling at?" Namjoon asks Jalyn. "Nothing!" She yells. Lya turns to them, "Bro, be quiet. The movie did not end." "Sorry... again." Jalyn says.

When the movie is almost over Jalyn starts to doze off. She lays her head on the back of the couch and falls asleep almost immediately. Namjoon looks over at her and laughs lightly. He puts his arm around her shoulders and pulls her to lean on his shoulder. But she moves and lays down on his lap. He shrugs and leans his arm on the arm of the couch and falls asleep as well. Lya looks over at them. "Y'all cute." She whispers.

"Namjoon... Namjoon!" Lya whisper-yells. She taps him, and he opens one eye. "Wake up." He stretches his arms out and yawns. "Wake her up."  She points to Jalyn, who's laying in Namjoon's lap. He looks down at her, "Oh yeah." He shakes her lightly and she shifts closer to his stomach. He looks up at Lya and she raises one eyebrow and smirks. Namjoon frowns and shakes her again. She squints her eyes open. "Hey, it's time for me to take you home." He says smiling. Jalyn sits up and says, "Okay." They get up off of the couch and Namjoon grabs his keys. They both head out the door and leave the house. Lya takes out her phone and calls Jungkook. "Hey bae." He says in a sleepy voice. "Hey." Lya responds. "What's up?" "Wanna do something fun?" She asks.

"Welp, we're here." Namjoon says. "Thanks." Jalyn says to him. "No problem." He responds. "I'll see you later I guess." She says and gets out the car. He gets out the car too. "Call me if you need anything." Jalyn nods. "I'm serious, anything." He says. Jalyn chuckles, "Okay I will." "Okay." He sighs and smiles. She waves to him. "Bye." Namjoon says. She walks in her house and shuts the door. She leans on it and closes her eyes, 'I am so tired.' "Jalyn!" She opens her eyes quickly. "Mom?" "Who was that? And why are you coming home so late?" Her mom asks. "That was my friend Namjoon, he was giving me a ride because we had a movie night." Her mom gasps, "Like a date?" She asks. "No mom! With him and my friend Lya." "Oh, okay." Jalyn sighs, "Okay." "Don't come home so late without telling me, I was worried." Jalyn smiles, then pouts. "I'm sorry mom." She hugs her. "It's okay, I love you." "I love you too. Goodnight." Jalyn jogs upstairs to her room and goes to sleep. 'Maybe we could make it a date one day.'

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