"Jungkook... We really don't have time for this. Can you please come out of the bathroom?" Jalyn asks. No response. 'Of course' She knocks on the door again. "Bae, can you come out here please. We have things to do-and mainly because I have to pee-but come out of the bathroom!" She yells. Jalyn sits down in front of the door and leans her head back on it. No response again. Jalyn sighs and closes her eyes. "Jung-" Jungkook opens the bathroom door, making Jalyn fall back, groaning as she hits the floor. "Ow," She says and closes her eyes for a moment. She opens them back up to see Jungkook looking down at her. He looks at her for about a second, then he steps over her body and exits the bathroom. He lies face down on one of the beds and Jalyn sits up and just watches. She sighs, and stands up from the floor. She walks up to him and hops on the bed next to him, rubbing his arm. "What's wrong with you?"
She asks sentimentality. "Nothing." "Well obviously it's something, you're pouting again." She says as she teasingly pokes him in the arm. He looks at her with no expression and scoots away. Jalyn looks him up and down and blinks rapidly with thoughts flowing through her brain. "The fuck? I know you ain't just scoot away from me." Jungkook doesn't respond. Jalyn looks around the room and laughs hysterically. "So you just gone ignore me now? You know what? I can play that game too." Jalyn gets up to gather her things. "I'm finna go" she says as she walks towards the door. "Call me when you act right."
She opens the door and walks out letting it shut behind her. Jungkook looks at the door then back at his hands, biting his lip. Guilt overpowered by frustration boils in his skin as he rethinks his actions. He pushes himself off of the bed and storms over to the door. He opens it roughly and begins to walk out but stops abruptly when he sees Jalyn standing in front of him with her arm up. He looks at her but still doesn't say anything. "I was about to knock.." Jalyn says as she looks back and forth from her hand to Jungkook. "Yeah... I got that." Jalyn puts her arm down and says, "I forgot my room key." "Oh.. I was just- uh- going to get some ice." "Without the ice bucket?" Jalyn asks. "Yeah I didn't really want that much anyway." "Okay sure, excuse me." She squeezes past him and reaches for her key, but Jungkook grabs her wrist and pulls her into a hug. She frowns and pushes away from him. "Nah you ain't want my sympathy earlier, get away from me." "Okay, I'm sorry I'm sorry. Okay! I get it your mad at me. I get it I'm being emotional, I get it I'm being petty, I get it I'm ignoring you, I get it I'm sensitive, Okay I get it I'm clingy, Okay I get it I'm unreasonable, Okay I get it I'm a bad boyfriend, Okay I get it I'm broken!" Jungkook yells with tears streaming down his face. He drops to his knees and rests his head in his hands, crying uncontrollably. Jalyn looks down at him and stands there trying to process everything he just said. She slowly drops to her knees as well. "Jungkook..." Jalyn starts, putting her hand to the back of his neck. She puts her head to his, and closes her eyes slowly, taking a deep breath against Jungkook's sobs. They sit there for a little while, hesitating to make the first move. "I'm sorry.." Jalyn says as tears fill her eyes as well. She looks up, guiding Jungkooks face to where his eyes meet hers. "I'm not mad at you. I'm just frustrated because I made you feel this way. I like that you're clingy and you were never a bad boyfriend, most of the time when I would get mad it's because I didn't realize how much I needed your love. I need your love Jungkook, I want your love, because I love you. I love that you get mad when I don't give you enough kisses. I love that you're sensitive. I love that you're smart. I love that you're touchy. I love when you pout if I'm not giving you enough attention. I love when you tease me. I love that you're not afraid to show your emotions to me. And I love that I have reassurance from you every day. I love you, and broken or not I'm gonna be here to help pick up the pieces. Okay?" More tears fall down her cheeks. Jungkook smirks and sniffles. He lifts his hand to her face and brushes away the tears. He reaches down and grabs her hand with both of his hands, and then looks her in the eyes. "Took you long enough." He says and rolls his eyes. Jalyn chuckles and shrugs her shoulders. "Sorry." She says. " Nah I'm glad you said it first, I thought I was the only one." "The only one what?" "The only one that fell in love." Jalyn cries some more while smiling. "So what does that mean?" She asks. "It means... That I love you too." Jungkook smiles as well and embraces Jalyn in a hug. She hugs him back and closes her eyes. They stay like this for awhile. Jungkook comes out of the hug and looks at Jalyn. "That's it?" Jalyn asks. Jungkook chuckles before wiping his tears and sitting up straight. "I love you, to the moon and back. " Jalyn then interrupts with her laughter, and Jungkook looks at her disappointed. "Quit interrupting my speech." Jalyn clears her throat and nods her head. "Sorry, sorry, continue, please." Jungkook rolls his eyes, "As I was saying," He starts. "I know the first time we met wasn't exactly ideal, but I have loved you ever since I laid eyes on you. And your personality just makes me love you even more. You're loyal, fun to be around, you push me to be better, you love me as I am, despite my past, you trust me despite past experiences, I know that you care about me, and I know that you care about your friends and family. I admire that so much. I admire you. We both have things we need to work on and we both need to spend a little more time with each other. I want to get to know you better than I already do. I want to know your dreams, your fears, your desires, and your turnoffs, I want to be with you so bad it physically hurts. And I know we're young and we're only in high school, but you made me realize what the real definition of love is. That romance drama type of love. I want that with you, and I want you with me, I want us to grow together and become the best versions of ourselves because of each other. I think that's what love means, but I'm willing to figure it out with you, because I love you." He finishes his speech and looks at Jalyn with soft eyes. Jalyn's eyes are more watery than they were before, She blinks and as tears stream down her face, she wipes them away quickly and smiles at him. Jungkook wipes her tears away and smiles as well. "You even look beautiful when your crying, but stop, you've cried enough." "Shut up, I rarely cry, let me have my moment." She pushes his hand away playfully. He gasps at this and looks at his hand. He then turns away and crosses his arms. "I see how it is." He says. Jalyn chuckles and rolls her eyes as she tries to grab Jungkooks arm. "Okay fine-" She stops mid sentence and screams playfully as Jungkook takes her hand and falls back onto the floor, making Jalyn come down with him. She ends up on top of him close to his face, when she tries to sit up Jungkook puts his arm behind her back, keeping her close to him. She looks him in the eyes innocently. "Want me to express my love to you?" He asks. "Didn't you do that already?" She asks. "I have another way." Jungkook says and bites his bottom lip looking Jalyn up and down slowly. He takes his arm off of her back as Jalyn sits up on top of him and he sits up with her. He leans his face toward hers and looks at her lips. She looks into his eyes as he gets nearer. "Oh really?" "Yeah." Jungkook says as he's leaning in closer. Jalyn wraps both arms around Jungkooks neck and pulls him toward her, kissing him. She leans back and takes Jungkook down with her as he kisses her back. He places his hands on both sides of her body and then lifts her legs to wrap around his body. He starts to tongue kiss her as he grinds on her in between her legs slowly. Jalyn loosens her grip on his neck and feels through his hair. Jungkook gets on his knees, taking Jalyn with him. He stands up from the floor and lifts Jalyn by her butt while still kissing her. He turns toward the bed with her in his arms and walks to it. He sets Jalyn down on the bed and gets on top of her again, kissing her and feeling her from head to toe, slowly.
1 hour later...
Jalyn and Jungkook arrive at the hospital where his dad is staying. Jalyn looks to her right at Jungkook, "Are you ready to go in?" "No let's leave" Jungkook says and tries to walk away. Jalyn snatches his arm and pulls him back. "Uh uh, I did not come all the way here for you to only talk to your father once. You gon' say goodbye." She says. "I know, I was just going to get some... water... obviously." He scratches the back of his neck. "Yeah.. right.. let's go." She opens the door to his fathers room and pulls Jungkook with her. They both walk inside and close the door behind them. His father looks at the both of them and smiles. "Hey, I didn't think I was gonna see you again after last time." "Aha..aha.. right.. I just came to say goodbye." "Oh, so you're not gonna let me explain myself?" "Nah you should've explained before you left." "Son..." "Nah, know what? This is some bullshit, why am I even here? You left me when I was 16 YEARS OLD! You and mom. And now you want to explain. I was left to fend for myself. Working day and night to make sure I had a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and food in my stomach. That was YOUR job! Homeless and scared of whether or not my family was gonna come back. I was alone for 7 months, and then I got a call that you're dying? I had to force myself to grow up. Which I should've done a long time ago because you were barely there from the start. And now y'all living it up in this mansion and couldn't leave me not even a dime? What am I to you?, 'cause I'm obviously not your son." "I-" "yeah that's what I thought." Jungkook says as he leaves the room. Jalyn looks back at him and stares for a moment. She then turns back to Jungkooks dad and gives him a soft smile. "He kinda has a point, why did you leave?" Jungkooks dad looks at her and rubs his forehead before speaking. "I-"
Jungkook turns around as Jalyn closes the door behind her. She looks up at him and breathes through her nose. "You okay?" She says reaching for his hands. He takes both of them and looks at his feet. "I don't know." "Have you ever been?" "What do you mean?" Jungkook replies. "I mean this whole time I've known you, you always seem like you've had something on your mind, I mean besides me of course." Jungkook chuckles. "But no, seriously, what's on your mind?" "It's just that... After they left I felt like I had no one. You know? Like they're my parents. They are my entire world, my role models. So when they didn't show up, I didn't want to show up, for ANYTHING anymore. But I had to, or else I'd be fucking living on the streets. I had to have more than two jobs. They didn't HAVE to do SHIT, and I'm tired of them acting like it was less important than it actually is." Jungkook says, not looking Jalyn in the eyes. She nods her head, "I get it." She says. Jungkook looks up at her surprised. "Well, I get some of it. I get how your feeling. Cause I've felt it too, remember?" She says. "Yeah, I'm sorry." Jungkook apologizes. "Hey, you don't have to apologize for anything. You're feeling a lot of emotions right now, and I felt a whole bunch when my dad left. And that's okay." She tells him. "I know." He says. "But what isn't okay, is you not listening and leaving on bad terms. You can't do that... Or else you'll have this feeling of regret floating over your head at all times. And trust me, you don't want to do that to yourself." Jalyn says. Jungkook nods his head, then smiles at her. "How'd I get to have such a wise girlfriend?" He asks playfully. Jalyn shrugs her shoulders. "Who knows, maybe if you keep listening to her she might stick around." She says and pokes him on the head. Jungkook nods his head and sighs, "Yeah yeah." He says. Jayln brushes his jacket with her hands to straighten it out. Then he starts walking back inside the room with Jalyn, but she doesn't move. He turns to look at her and frowns. "Hey, what are you doing?" He asks. "Um... I think you guys should talk this out only with each other." She says. "What? Why? What did he say to you when I left the room?!" Jungkook asks, getting red in the face. Jalyn puts her hands up. "Nothing, nothing! I just think that this should be...." She thinks for a moment. "A Father-Son conversation." She says and smiles. "Jalyn I swear to God if he said someth-" "Just go inside!" Jalyn says and pushes him. Jungkook looks at her and presses his lips together. "Fine," he says and walks inside, leaving Jalyn in the hallway.
Jungkook walks inside the room angrily and snatches his jacket off, throwing it down onto the floor. He then sits down on the bed and rests his head in his hands. Jalyn walks in the room and slowly closes the door, making very little noise. She looks at his jacket on the floor and picks it up, hanging it on the back of the door. She begins to walk some more, but stops when Jungkook stands up breathing heavily. He kicks the dresser in front of him as hard as he can. Then he rapidly walks back in forth and then stops and rests his head and arms on the wall. He taps his foot irritably, and then softly bangs his fist on the wall. He then sits up and winds his arm back. Jalyn realizes and yells, "Hey!" She runs over and stands in front of him before he can punch the wall. He stops his arm in front of her, and she grabs his balled up fist. He looks at her as she also grabs his other hand that's balled up, resting by his side. He takes her hands in his and puts them on his forehead, then brings them to his eyes. Jungkook stands there for a minute before bawling his eyes out. Tears stream down his face and he tries to catch his breath, but just can't. Jalyn let's go of his hands and places her hands on his face, wiping away the falling tears. He backs up and sits down on the edge of the bed, crying in his hands. Jalyn gets on her knees in front of him and rests her hands on his neck. "You're okay," she whispers. "You're okay." She says again. "You're okay," she tells him, or tries to tell herself. "You're okay," she says for the last time. Jungkook continues crying while not saying anything. He takes a deep breath and then looks at her. "I just don't understand," he starts; "Everything was begining to go so well." Jungkook says. "I know, baby, I know." Jalyn says and hugs him. "Why?" He whispers. Jalyn doesn't know the answer so she just says, "I'm sorry, Jungkook. I'm sorry." He begins to cry again, and Jalyn continues to hear bawling on her shoulder. "I'm sorry," she repeats.

He's not THAT hot
FanficJalyn keeps denying how attractive her classmate Jungkook is... can she keep this up forever?