A chance

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"Jalyn wake up." Her mom says. "Why? its Saturday." Jalyn asks, "It's not even early in the morning, and I woke you up because I have something to tell you." She says. "You couldn't tell me after you came home from work?" Her mom crosses her arms, "You know what? I kinda don't want to tell you at all, and I actually might not." She turns around and heads out of Jalyns room. Jalyn sighs and hurries out of bed to grab her mom's arm. "Okay, sorry. Please tell me now." She says. Her mom turns back to her and thinks for a moment before speaking, "I'll tell you. But come downstairs for breakfast first." Her mom says and walks out of her room. Jalyn watches her mom walk out of her room, then she turns around and makes up her bed before going downstairs. She goes to the kitchen and sees pancakes, waffles, eggs and sausage on the table. Jalyn looks at her mom with suspicion, "What's all this for?" She asks. Her mom smiles at her, "Today is a very special day." she says. "Why?" Jalyn asks quickly. "Don't have that attitude." She says. "What attitude?" Her mom shakes her head, "Nevermind. Sit down." She says pointing to a chair at the table. Jalyn sits down and looks at her mom sit down as well. "Eat some food." Her mom says putting food on her plate. "Mom, I can fix my own plate." Jalyn says stopping her mom. "Oh sorry, go ahead." Her mom says nodding. Jalyn chuckles and shakes her head. She decides to put 3 pancakes on her plate, cut them up, then put some syrup on them not getting anything else on the table. "That's all your gonna get?" Her mom asks. Jalyn nods her head, "Yeah for right now." she says. "How come?" "Because I don't want my syrup to get all over the other food." "Oh." Her mom says and nods. "Are you gonna tell me what you were going to say back in my room?" Jalyn asks. Her mom shakes her hands, "I'll tell you when you finish your food." "Why do-" Jalyn starts, but her mom cuts her off, "I'll tell you when you finish your food." She repeats. "Okay fine." Jalyn says and starts eating again. Her mom also gets some food and starts eating.  It takes both of them about 10 minutes to finish their food. Jalyn puts her fork down and looks up at her mom, "Are you gonna tell me what you're so excited about now?" She asks. "Yes I will now." "Thank you." "I was going to tell you that I have a new job." She says. Jalyns eyes widen, "Really?" 'Maybe she'll be home more often.' "Yes, I got a new position as a surgeon now. I start next week." 'Maybe not.' Jalyn stares at her mom for a moment, "What?" She asks in shock. "Yeah." Her mom says smiling. Jalyn presses her lips together, then puts on a fake smile. "That's great mom." She says. "What's wrong?" Her mom asks basically studying her face. "Nothing, I'm happy for you." Jalyn says with the fake smile still on her face. 'I don't want her to not take this opportunity because of me.'  "Oh okay, thank you." Her mom says, and Jalyn just nods. "I have some more exciting news." She says leaning towards Jalyn, smirking at her. "What's up?" Jalyn says not very excited. "I noticed that you haven't done anything to disobey me recently -that I know of at least- so I decided that you are off of punishment." Her mom says. "Shut up, really?" Jalyn asks. "Don't tell me to shut up." "Sorry." "But yes, you are officially off of punishment." Her mom says nodding. Jalyn pouts and stands up from her seat. She goes over to her mom and hugs her, "Thank you mom." She says. Her mom chuckles and pats her arms, "You're welcome." "Mmhmm, can I have my phone now please?" Jalyn asks. "Girl, that's all you care about huh?" "No of course not!" She says defensively. "Really?" "Yes, but can I have my phone now please?" She asks again. "Wow, that really convinced me." Her mom says sarcastically. Jalyn sighs and stops hugging her mom but her mom pulls her arms back, "Wait, I like your hugs." She says. "Ma-" Her mom throws Jalyns arms off of her, "Ow. My hand." Her mom stands up, "Fine. I'll go get your stupid phone." She walks away and goes up the stairs while Jalyn chuckles. Jalyn sits back down in her seat until her mom comes back down with her phone. She places it on the table next to Jalyn and sits back down in her seat. "Thank you mommy." Jalyn says smiling, "Uh uh, don't get all baby-ish on me." Her mom says. "I'm not!" Jalyn says whining. Her mom points at her, "There you go again." "Sorry, I'm just happy." Jalyn says in her normal voice. "Oh, we're back. Thank God." Her mom says. Jalyn turns on her phone and goes to almost all of her apps, "Oh look at that. No notifications." She says showing her mom her screen. "Why is that a bad thing?" Her mom asks, and Jalyn laughs. "I never said it was a bad thing, I don't really like people." She says. "What? That's not nice." Her mom says concerned. "I never said that I was nice either." Jalyn says not caring. "Why aren't you nice?" "Because I don't like people, what are you not getting?" "If you don't like people, what did you go to that party for then?" She asks. "Okay, I don't like people ANYMORE." Jalyn clarifies. "Um, I think you need help." Her mom says quietly looking her up and down. "What's wrong with not liking people?" She asks. "Nothing, nothing. You do you I guess." Her mom says quickly. "Sure mom." Jalyn says. Her mom opens her mouth to talk, but a knock at the door interrupts her. "I'll get it." Her mom says and goes to the door. She opens the door and Jalyns auntie Patrice smiles. "Hey!" She says. "Hey." Jalyns mom responds. She moves to the side and lets her in. Jalyn notices her aunt and her eyes widen at her mom, "Um, what is she doing here? I thought I was off of punishment." She asks worrying. "Well hello to you too." Her aunt says. Jalyn gets up and gives her aunt a hug, "Sorry. Hi auntie." "Hey baby." Jalyn comes out of the hug and turns to her mom again, "No but seriously, what is she doing here?" "Jalyn!" "What? I just wanna know." She says. "If you must know, I invited her over so we could all hang out before I go to work" Her mom says. Her aunt just smiles waiting for her reaction. Jalyns mouth drops open, "Oh I actually had plans to go out with some friends today." Jalyn says. "Huh?" Her aunt asks. "What? you just got off of punishment, how you do that?" Her mom asks. Jalyn smiles and waves her hand at them, "I'm just playin'. You know I ain't got no friends." She says. Her aunt and mom both realx their faces and smile, "Oh okay." They say looking at Jalyn. They all walk to the couch and sit down, "So... what are the plans for today?" Jalyn asks. "Well, I was thinking that we could all go out and maybe do some shopping, get something to eat, then come back and play some card games." Her aunt says. Jalyn nods her head, "Okay cool lets go." She says. Her mom stops her from getting off of the couch, "AFTER you take a shower." She says to Jalyn. "Yes, I know." Jalyn says. "Oh, okay. Go now." Her mom says. Jalyn nods her head and gets up off the couch. She heads upstairs and takes a shower, then she goes back to her room and gets dressed. She puts on a black shirt with yellow writing on it and some fishnets with crocs on her feet. Then she grabs her purse and goes back downstairs.

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