Hogwarts is... Interesting, as are the Waynes

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Title: Hogwarts is... Interesting, as are the Waynes

Minerva McGonagall wasn't sure what to think about the five new additions, one of which was in her house, to Hogwarts.

For one thing, they seemed to have their own language. She had been observing them for quite some time, and noticed the way they could read each other's minds.

A twitch of a hand resting on Jason Wayne's head, answered by a slight turn of the head from Richard.

A finger pointed downward by Cassandra, answered in unison by smiles of her youngest brothers.

It was an entertaining way to get to know them, that was for sure.

They were extremely protective of each other.

When Timothy was sorted into Slytherin, his siblings had all made eye contact before nodding. Cassandra had moved her head slightly to the right, causing the oldest boys to relax ever-so-slightly and nod. Damian had begun to speak, distracting the students from seeing the way Richard had snapped his fingers when Tim walked past him. Tim had glanced over, a smile coming across his face before he nodded.

Minerva didn't know what it meant, until a few minutes later when Cassandra was sitting beside Timothy at the Slytherin table.

They were making sure he wasn't alone in what was obviously a bad situation.

They seemed to move as one group as a whole, never not knowing what each other were doing.

It was made most clear when Jason had glared at the Slytherin table, squaring his shoulders. This made Cassandra frown and immediately start pulling food onto Timothy's plate, who had been drinking out of a mug the entire time. Richard had smiled and looked pointedly, whispering something to Damian, who, with a roll of his eyes, began to slowly eat his own food. Richard had only started eating when the rest of his siblings were a few bites in.

Minerva probably wouldn't have even realized any of this if it hadn't been for her years of experience with troublesome teens. The Wayne family was scarily good at hiding what they were thinking. Usually, you could tell a lot about a person because of the way they act with those they care for, and those they don't.

The Wayne's had no such signs.

They were an unreadable force to be reckoned with, and frankly, that bothered her.

Never before had she felt such unease about a family before.

But the Wayne's were anything but a normal family. That much was obvious in the way they moved.

Fluidly, gracefully. With a carefulness that Minerva hadn't seen in growing teens 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧. It was like they were dancing, she'd even go as far as to say flying.

But people couldn't fly without brooms. It was simply impossible.

So how did they seem like the world couldn't touch them? Couldn't make them stay grounded long enough to understand what it was like to walk like a normal human being? (Ignoring the fact that none of the people in Hogwarts were considered "normal".)

It just didn't make sense.

She'd have to watch them carefully, analyze their every move to try and gain some insight as to who they really were, what they were like.

It was obvious that the way they acted now was not how they really were. Maybe to some extent, but not completely. They were hiding their true selves.

Hiding who they really were.

Minerva did not like it. She did not like it one bit.


"WE'RE BEING WATCHED." Jason signaled with a twitch of his hand.

"BY MCGONAGALL. WHAT DO YOU THINK SHE WANTS?" Dick responded with a move of his head.

"SHE WANTS TO UNDERSTAND. TO KNOW." Cass said, moving her hand to tuck some hair behind her ear.


"PROBABLY WHAT OUR DEAL IS. WE AREN'T EXACTLY A NORMAL FAMILY." Tim answered, taking a sip of his coffee.

Jason narrowed his eyes at Tim, straightening his back with a glower. "YEAH, NO SHIT. HAVE YOU EATEN AT ALL TODAY, REPLACEMENT?"

Tim smiled sheepishly, shaking his head slightly.

"I WILL HANDLE IT." Cass said with a frown before she began to pile food onto his plate.

"YOU GUYS ARE SUCH MOTHERHENS." Tim rolled his eyes, beginning to slowly pick at the food on his plate when Cass glared at him.

Jason huffed, angrily taking a bite of the roasted chicken and veggies on his plate.

"Hiya, Jason!" a cheerful voice greeted.

"Welcome to Gryffindor!" another voice said, only slightly different from the first.

Jason watched as two red heads, obviously twins, sat down across from him with shit-eating grins.

Jason quirked an eyebrow at the two, assessing them quickly before nodding in greeting.

"I THINK JASON FOUND THE TROUBLEMAKERS OF HOGWARTS." Tim commented, causing Jason's siblings to snicker. Jason responded by discreetly flipping them the bird.

"I'm Gred!" The second twin -now known as Gred- said, reaching across the table to shake his hand in exaggerated movements.

"And I'm Forge!" The first one continued, winking.

"Together we are Gred and Forge!" The two finished in a flourish, the ring their hands up and then bowing.

Jason had to admit, they were amusing.

"Hi." Jason said. "I would tell you my name, but you already seem to know it, so why bother?"

"Oh he's a snarky one." Forge said, grinning evilly.

"You'll fit right in!" Gred said, his expression matching his brother's.

Jason smirked. He liked these two. They were the ones who knew the real definition of fun.

"Okay, but, what are your real names? No offense but your parents weren't in their right minds if they really named you Gred and Forge."

Gred and Forge sighed. "Damn."

"I really thought it could work this time." Greed said.

"It's not like he really knows us, how couldn't he?" Forge asked.

Both dramatically sighed again. "Alright, you've found us out."

"I'm George."

"I'm Fred."

Jason quirked an eyebrow.

"Okay, so, Gred is George and Forge is Fred." Jason said, nodding in understanding.

"What?" a mock form of shock came over their faces. "You've got it backwards."

"Right. Sure." Jason agreed, though the sarcasm was clear in his voice.

George and Fred watched him, glancing at each other with a serious look in their eyes before turning back towards him.

"Congratulations, Jason." they said, twin smirks on their faces. "The troublesome two just became the terrifying three." Fred continued.

"That is, if you think you can handle it." George finished.

Jason had a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Oh, bring it on."

"MAYDAY! MAYDAY! MAYDAY! Dick was saying from across the room.

"WHAT IS IT?" Tim asked, looking over.


Jason cackled as his siblings let out strings of curse words in unison.

Edited: June, 2022

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