Chaos Ensues

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Title: Chaos Ensues


The bats were all gathered in the Room or Requirement, each confused and very, very worried.

Things were not going as planned.

Tim was pacing, mumbling to himself as he did calculations deep in his mind in the middle of the room.

Steph was watching him from her position on the couch, brow furrowed and a frown visible on her face.

Damian was clutching a pen, staring blankly at his sketchbook.

Jason was in the corner, arms crossed and a glare in his eyes.

Cass and Duke were sitting on the floor, playing with Ruby, Alfred, and Eggo.

They were all anxiously waiting for Dick and Babs to arrive and tell them what to do. How to fix things.

They wouldn't have to wait much longer.

The doors flew open and Dick ran in, Barbara wheeling in just behind him.

Dick looked around, assessing each of his siblings before nodding once. "Good, you're all here. We need to talk."


A few weeks later, Damian was walking down the hall quickly, on his way to visit Sparkles when he was suddenly pulled into an abandoned classroom.

He acted immediately, flipping out of his captors hold and jabbing his wand into their neck.

"Hey, hey, hey, chill, chill, chill!!" a strangled voice called out, "I just wanna talk."

Damian just glared, but loosened his hold on his wand and stepped back slightly.

"Tt. What do you want, Potter?"

Potter sighed, brushing imaginary dust off his robes only lengthening the strained silence.

"You're Dick's brother, right?" he asked.

Damian rolled his eyes. "Obviously. Is there a point to this discussion?"

Potter took in a deep breath, as if to steady himself, and then said, "The first tournament? It's a dragon. We're fighting dragons."

Damian's eyes widened, and he opened his mouth to answer, but Potter had already left.

Blinking, Damian peaked out the door to see him racing down the corridor.

"Oh dear."


While Damian was having his discussion with Harry, Dick and Jason were charming buttons on the 7th floor to say something much more... Kind, then the ones the Slytherins had created.


Potter & Wayne

"I feel bad for the kid, honestly. He doesn't deserve all this hate." Jason was saying, with a shake of his head.

Dick nodded in agreement. "Yeah. And we still don't know who put his name in the Goblet. How far do you think Babs and Tim are from figuring out what spell was used?"

Jason shrugged. "There's no telling. I haven't seen either of them at all since breakfast."

From the corner, Steph's voice could be heard speaking, "Oh they're in the Forbidden Forest."

"What?! Why?!?" Dick exclaimed, turning to look at her.

Steph shrugged. "Research, Babs had said."

Jason gave a mock pout. "Typical. Nobody ever brings me along for fun projects. Instead, I get stuck on charming buttons."

Dick rolled his eyes. "You're so whiny! Steph, why don't you come and help?"

Steph had the audacity to laugh. "Hahaha, you're hilarious Dick! Nah, I'm fine watching. Y'all have fun though."

"Fuck you!" Jason said, throwing one of the buttons at her head. Unfortunately for him, she dodged.

Before she could retaliate, Damian appeared, seemingly out of breath.

"Dami? What's wrong?" Dick asked, hurrying over to him.

Damian gulped, looking his older brother in his eyes. "Grayson, I know what the first task is."

Dick blinked in surprise. "What? How?"

"Potter told me. I don't think he's lying."

"Well what is it then?" Jason piped up.

Damian looked them each in the eye, landing finally on Dick. "Grayson, do you want to know?"

Dick blinked, glancing at everyone present before taking a deep breath. "Yes. No. Maybe. Um. No. No, we should wait for everyone else. We'll put it to a vote on whether or not I know before the task starts. Deal?"

Damian nodded once. "Very well, Grayson. We'll wait."

Edited: July, 2022

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