And the Champions Are..

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Title: And the Champions Are...


Duke was sitting beside Tim and Steph, laughing as he listened to the two talk about all that Ruby and Eggo had done when they had reunited the other day.

They were in the Great Hall, just chilling, watching as multiple students from all three schools put their names into the Cup.

And cackling at those who weren't of age and tried to do the same.

"-and then she rolled over, looked me dead in the eye, hissed, and walked off, her tail flicking. It was the scariest threat I've ever gotten." Tim was saying, when Cass appeared beside him.

Duke definitely didn't jump. You're just imagining things.

"Hey, Cass." Tim greeted, smiling up at his older brother.

"Hello." Cass grinned brightly, sitting next to Duke as he moved his books to the side.

"Are you going to put your name in the goblet?" Steph asked. "You could totally win if you got chosen!"

Cass smiled secretly. "Already have." Duke blinked, ignoring Tim's and Steph's gasps of outrage.

"When? I've been in here all day and I haven't seen you."

Cass just winked, causing Duke to groan.

"Fricking Ninja, the lot of you." He grumbled, though he couldn't hide the smile on his face.

The Great Hall doors burst open and the Weasley Twins came in, jumping and cheering excitedly.

"We've done it!" They proclaimed loudly from over beside a group of teens.

Duke tuned them out, turning to face his kind-of siblings once more and coming face to face with Jason.

"Holy crap!" he exclaimed, jumping back. "What is it with your family and sneaking up on people!"

Jason had the audacity to snicker.

"So, what did they do this time?" Tim asked, nodding to the Weasley twins, who were dropping something in their mouths.

"Aging potion." Jason answered.

"Tt. Idiots." Damian said from behind them, Dick nodding in agreement from his place in Barbara's lap, who has also appeared.

This time, Duke fell out of his seat and scrambled away in surprise. "Oh for the love of- Will you guys stop doing that!!"

"Sorry Duke." They all chorused. Sorry, his ass. They didn't look a bit apologetic.

A loud boom echoed around the room, and George & Fred were thrown backwards, now with long white beards.

It was silent for a moment, then the room exploded into laughter, some students going as far as to roll around on the floor.

Dumbledore came in, and Duke tuned into the conversation the Bats were having, ignoring the conversation The Headmaster was having with his students.

"-ut you, Dickie? Are ya gonna enter the tournament." Steph asked.

Dick grinned. "Yup! That's what I was coming in here to do."

"Cass already did. I didn't even see her!" Duke spoke up, "It's creepy."

Cass just shrugged.

Dick grinned. "Well then." he said, holding his hand out, "May the best champion be chosen."

Cass shook his hand, and the conversation flipped to the latest story of the Quibbler, a newspaper they all enjoyed reading very much.


The next day, all the occupants of the castle sat on the edge of their seats in the Great Hall, each of them chittering with excitement and nervousness.

Dick's legs were bouncing as he stared at the Goblet on the stage. The next part of the plan heavily relied on either him or Cass getting into the tournament, and he wasn't sure what they would do if neither of them got in. They'd come up with something, sure, but it would be much easier for the plan to work out the way it was supposed to.

Two of the champions had already been called. Victor Krum, and Fleur Delacour, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons respectively. The next one would be the Hogwarts champion, and Dumbledore seemed to be taking hours to open the parchment, when in reality it was only a few minutes.

"And the final champion is... Dick Grayson Wayne!!" Dumbledore announced.

Cheers broke out around the room, and Dick stood with a huge grin on his face, winking over at Barbara as he made his way to the backroom to wait for further instruction.

And waited some more.

And even more.

"Vere are they?" Krum asked, grumpily crossing his arms.

Dick smiled. "I'm sure they'll be here soon."

"Zey will." Fleur nodded. "Headmistress is never late without reason."

The door opened, and a young boy stumbled in, around Tim's age. He looked up, and became recognizable as Harry Potter.

"Ah, have you come to summon us?" Krum asked. Harry just shook his head, shuddering slightly. Dick frowned, stepping closer.

"Are you okay? You look ill!" Dick said, placing a hand on Harry's shoulder. Harry shrugged him off, taking a step away, shaking his head.

The door opened again, and Dumbledore swept into the room, followed by a few others.

"Did you put your name in the cup, Harry?" Dumbledore asked 𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙢𝙡𝙮, standing in front of them.

Dick blinked. "Wait, what?"

"No. No sir." Harry said shakily.

"Did you get someone to do it for you?"

"Of course not!" Harry denied.

"Potter has to be lying!" Snape snapped, his face turned down in his usual sneer.

"I'm not! I don't know how my name was chosen!" Harry exclaimed.

Dick's eyes widened in realization. "Wait, you were chosen to be in the Tournament?"

Fleur and Krum gasped, looking at their respective Heads for answers.

Harry nodded, eyes downcast.

Well shit. This complicates things.

Edited: July, 2022

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