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I can't believe its over.

I started this fanfiction on February 11th, 2021.
I had no expectations, little to no plans, and I definitely didn't expect the amount of support I got.

So, thank you.
Thank you to my commenters, and my voters.
Thank you to my quiet readers, who stuck with the story even if I didn't know they were there.
Thank you to everyone who gave me the strength to finish this story. I appreciate it so so so so sooooooooooo much.

Thank you, specifically, to the 2 following people, who've been here pretty much day one, who have commented and voted and just all in all been the best online friends one could have.

1. ZeninaD
2. Queen1Anonymous

There are many other people who have also been here since the beginning and even more have shown up during the end, and I'm grateful for you as well, even though I might not show it very well. I'll be the first to say say that I'm TERRIBLE at answering comments. Just know, each one was read, and made me smile, even if I don't know how to show it. It is much appreciated.

After almost 300 pages (297, to be exact); and 43,000 something words, exactly 2 years after it's beginning, and I'm finally done.

So. What to do now?


On Tumblr, I've posted a poll. (Polls are so cool whoever did this was a genius)
On this poll are most of the story ideas I've had. Go and vote for which one you want me to write next.
You have about a week, cause that's about as long as the polls last. Please please please vote.

Here is my Tumblr:
Here is the poll:

If the link doesn't work, check out my profile, cause I've linked it there too.

I hope you have a wonderful week.

Until next time?

~Joy4Joy 😁

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