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Title: Veritaserum


"Professor Snape!" Theo exclaimed, hurrying down the corridor after the moody man, "Professor! Wait, please!"

Snape huffed in annoyance, stopping and turning to look at his student. "What do you need, Mr. Nott?"

"I was wondering about the components of-" he rambled, watching out of the corner of his eyes as Tim and Damian snuck past him and up the hallway to the Dungeons, where they'd hidden the potion that Damian had been working on since he and Diego had stolen the ingredients last month. Today was the day it would be done. Finally.

They slipped past unnoticed, successfully making it into the Dungeons. His work here is done. He gave himself a mental pat on the back, finishing his conversation with the annoyed teacher as soon as possible.


Damian led Tim through the dark halls, the duo slinking past empty cells, some of which were destroyed, some others in perfect condition.

Eventually, they came near the end, and entered the cell that was completely hidden in the shadows. There, waiting for them, was the finished Veratiserum potion.

"Good job, Dami." Tim said, ruffling his little brother's hair. "This is perfect."

Damian preened, bending down to place the vials they'd brought gently on the floor. "Tt, obviously, Drake. Now quit your dawdling and let's go." Tim rolled his eyes with an amused smile but complied.


Cass entered the office and smiled at the man behind the desk, carrying the mugs over to the surface and gently setting them down on the surface.

"Good morning, Professor." she greeted sweetly, settling down gracefully in the chair.

"Cassandra, hello." Professor Moody (or so he pretended to be) responded, taking a sip of the tea that she had so kindly gotten from the kitchen. "I must say, I've missed our daily chats."

Cass looked down shyly, nodding her head. "Sorry, Professor. My brother wanted help preparing for the Maze."

Moody waved her away, chuckling. "Oh that's today, isn't it? Silly me, so forgetful. Are you excited to see him attempt to win?"

Cass grinned, "Oh, sir, I know he'll win."

Moody let out a bark of laughter. "Sibling loyalty, eh?"

She shrugged innocently in response.

Moody coughed suddenly. "Must've had something in my throat," he muttered. Cass hummed, not saying anything else.

They were quiet for a few minutes, and then she decided it had been plenty of time for the potion to take effect.

Time to get answers.


The bats, along with the APV (who absolutely refused to change their name, much to the Wayne's chagrin) waited patiently for Cass to return. They had around two hours until the final task, and knew that Bruce and Alfred would be arriving soon. So they needed to do this now.

Cass walked in with a smirk and everyone turned to look at her.

"I've got it!" she announced.

They cheered. Now, all that was left was to stop Voldemort's plan from coming into play. Shouldn't be too difficult.


2 more chapters, left y'all!! I'm so excited! 

I've decided that I'm not even gonna wait to finish it. All my ideas for the ending have been written for soooooooo long, I just gotta put it all together. I have a feeling that this story will be done by tomorrow. 

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