So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye

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Title: So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye


The rest of their time at Hogwarts went by quickly. 

They spent their time chilling out, hanging around with their friends, and just... being a family. 

They no longer had to worry. 

And then their time at Hogwarts was over. 

It was a long year. 

But it was worth it.


Their goodbyes were said with tears, and long hugs. 

They wouldn't be returning to Hogwarts. They were done with their mission. But that doesn't mean that they won't still visit their friends. 

"You're stuck with us now," Jason could be heard saying to the Twins. "Sorry, not sorry." Duke shook his head, elbowing his brother in the side while he and Lee did a secret handshake. 

Damian shook hands with Lucas and Johnathan, waving them off when they rushed from the train platform to their parents. Diego was the only one who he hugged. 

"Write?" his friend whispered, clutching at his shirt nervously. 

"Tt. Of course." Damian responded. Diego grinned, before he too rushed off. 

Tim and Steph were with Blaise and Theo, laughing over some movie they'd all seen. They planned on watching more together. 

"We have to introduce Theo to muggle culture, obviously." Tim said, much to Theo's mock annoyance.

Blaise nodded empathetically in agreement. 

Cass had given her three friends long hugs, kissing each of them on the cheek with the promise of seeing each other again for coffee soon. 

Babs and Dick were standing with Alfred and Bruce, watching this go down with proud smiles on their faces. 

"Job well done, I think." Dick said. Babs kissed him in agreement. 

It was finally time to go home. 


On the plane, Bruce couldn't help the smile on his face. 

He had missed them. 

But then he saw something that made him rethink every decision he'd ever made in his entire life.

"IS THAT A DRAGON?" he shouted, staring in shock at the small winged creature that had appeared in his lap. 

"Tt. Don't be afraid, father. She's harmless. She and her sisters will not grow any bigger." 

Bruce felt faint. "Sisters?" 

His children, the betrayers, only laughed evilly. Alfred smirked when Bruce met his gaze and he sighed, closing his eyes in resignation. 

There's always something with this family. He shouldn't have expected otherwise.

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