Celebration Time, Come On!

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Title: Celebration Time, Come On!

Canon birthdays? Psh, who cares about those? Not me, for sure!
Okay, in all honesty, I only changed their birthdays to match the story. Also because I was Cass to be 17 before the Triwizard Tournament, for obvious reasons.
Also, I promise this story does actually have a plot. It's just taking a bit to get there.
Anyway, let's get started!
Now that I think about it, this could totally be a one shot.

Cass thought her brothers were adorable.

The past week, they've been "secretly" planning her birthday party, trying not to act too suspicious.

But this is Cass we're talking about. Of course she knew what they were planning.

It was quite amusing to see them come up with silly excuses and stumble over their words as they tried to make it believable.

Quite amusing, indeed.


"Brother, what are you doing?" Cass asked when Tim ran past her holding a bag of some sort.

Tim froze, looking like a deer caught in headlights. "Uh... Helping Jason prank people?" he said, though it sounded more like a question.

Hiding her amusement, Cass nodded in understanding. Of all her brothers, Tim was probably the one who came up with the best excuses. He knew exactly what to say that could be in-line with his emotions and body language. He couldn't trick Cass though.

But really, who could?


The four boys were in an abandoned classroom on the 4th floor, gathered around a table and talking quietly with each other when she found them.

They didn't know she was there, in the corner of the room. Not until she stepped out, that is.

"What's going on? Mission?" Cass asked, startling them.

"Damian is gay for Jon!" Dick exclaimed, trying to change the subject.

Cass quirked an eyebrow as Tim and Jason burst out laughing.

Damian turned red, whether by anger or not wasn't any of her business, and brandished a sword that came from nowhere.

"Where the hell did he get that?" Tim asked as Dick screeched in fear and began to run away from the 12 year old who was trying to stab him.

Shaking her head, Cass couldn't not smile at their antics.

Silly brothers.


Cass was walking down the corridor towards her next class, grinning evilly when she spotted Jason. She pretended not to see him so she could see how he'd react.

He walked forward, stopping in his tracks as he spotted her familiar hair and...

Turned and walked away.

They really couldn't be more obvious.


"Cassandra." Damian greeted as he sat down beside her in the Great Hall.

Cass smiled at him, waving.

Damian sighed, rolling his eyes. "Tt. I know you know what we're planning. There is no point in hiding it from you. Therefore, I find it reasonable to ask you what you would like to receive for your... Birthday present."

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