Duke was Bored, He's Pretty Sure this is Illegal

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Title: Duke was Bored, He's Pretty Sure this is Illegal


Duke had always thought of himself as a, generally, good, law-abiding, citizen...

Oh, wow, he can't even say that with a straight face. No, no, he was definitely not a good kid, and this was no different.

Had he been coerced into smuggling 2 preteens into Hogsmeade because he was bored as fuck and had (mistakingly) thought his youngest brother would be nice & helpful for once.

Yes, yes he was.

Did he regret listening to them?

That has... Yet to be decided.


"Why did I decide to do this?" Duke wondered, glaring at the dark corridor in front of him.

Damian rolled his eyes. "Quit complaining, Thomas."

Currently, Duke stood with Damian and his friend, Diego, who Duke could not for the life of him figure out.

The kid had said no more than 3 words since he'd been introduced to Duke, and he was finding it mildly disconcerting.

Especially since Damian had seemingly latched onto the poor kid like a koala, holding Diego's hand tightly in his own. (Later, he'd mention this to Dick, who'd explain that Damian and his two other friends had figured out that Diego was touch starved, and were doing their best to give him as much love and attention as possible. It was adorable, and Duke couldn't be prouder of his kid brother)

He's gotten off topic, back to the problem at hand.

"You don't have to, Mr. Duke." Diego whispered, which 1. adorable 2. Mr. Duke? Really? Duke is not that old and this 12 year old made him feel 60 in 2 words. Fuck.

Damian glared at Duke like he was the bane of his existence -which, the feelings very much mutual, little man- and hissed, actually hissed, when Duke rolled his eyes.

This is the last time he does something for his brother when he's bored, goodness gracious.

He'd rather be watching Dick and Babs be mushy than be here.

No, wait. That's not true.

Dick and Babs being mushy is honestly one of the most disgusting things he's ever seen, which is saying a lot because Duke is a vigilante for fuck's sake.

Duke sighed, closing his eyes and looking up at the Heavens, trying to gather the strength to get through the day.

He should've hung out with Cass today. Cass is the best.

"Go on, Thomas. Lead the way." Damian ordered, lifting his chin in defiance when Duke stared at him.

Duke groaned, whispering lumos under his breath, leading them into the corridor that was now light enough so they wouldn't trip.

Damian smirked.

"What strange creatures brothers are!" Diego mused, following after the two Wayne's in wonder.

Duke snorted. Diego was an odd one, that's for sure. He wondered how Damian had managed to befriend him. They seemed nothing alike.

"Come, Diego. Richard was telling me about the candy shop. I think you'd like it." Damian said quietly. Diego nodded, allowing Damian to pull him down the corridor.

"Okay. But make sure you don't eat too much. You'll get sick." Diego insisted.

Duke had to work very hard to stop himself from cooing. So that was how. Diego kept Damian from doing something incredibly stupid, but still allowed him to live, to have fun. Damian was so used to being ordered around that it must come as a surprise for someone he wasn't siblings with to do what he actually wanted to do.

Diego is Duke's new favorite person. Hopefully he and Damian stay friends after all of..... this.


"Duke?" a voice asked, making Duke jump in surprise and whirl around from where he was watching Damian and Diego choose their sweets.

"Dammit, Tim! Stop sneaking up on me!" Duke exclaimed, hand on his pounding heart, trying to calm the faster than usual beat.

Tim, at least, looked apologetic. "Sorry, I just... Wasn't expecting to see you here today."

Duke shrugged, smiling. "I wasn't, originally, but Damian has some major skills when it comes to convincing people to do stuff. He could totally succeed as a lawyer."

Tim slapped a hand over Duke's mouth, eyes widening considerably. "Don't give him any ideas! You'll create a monster and unleash him on the courtroom!!"

Duke snorted, rolling his eyes.

Damian decided that that was the moment he would appear at Duke's side, eyes narrowed as he watched his older siblings with suspicion.

"Thomas." Damian greeted, before turning towards Tim, eyes narrowing even more, if such a thing were possible. "Drake."

Tim pouted. "We're back to Drake? But we bonded Dami, don't discount the bonding."

Damian just quirked an eyebrow, unimpressed.

He sniffed, deeming Tim unworthy of reply and turned to Diego, who was walking towards them, slowly.

"Are you ready?" he asked, voice softening considerably, as he reached over to grab Diego's hand.

Tim's eyebrows rose, glancing between Damian, Diego, and Duke.

"Don't question it." Duke said, sighing.

Tim bit his tongue, nodded, waving a hello at Diego.

"Come along, Duke, we must be going." Damian said, walking towards the register.

Duke glanced over at Tim, apology in his eyes as he followed after the young Hufflepuffs.

"Duke?" Tim exclaimed, "Duke is on a first name basis but I'm not?!"

"It is what it is, Darling." Steph said, appearing beside him. "I found the sugar quills. Let's go pay."

She dragged him away, laughing when they passed a smirking Damian.


Short chapter, yet again, but I have major Writer's block, and I have no idea what else to write, but I wanted Dami and Duke bonding. Plus we needed some of Damian's friends to show up, cause they've been neglected and I needed to show them some love.

What did y'all think of Diego? I love him, honestly, he's very fun to write.

Look at the photo if you wanna see what he looks like.

Edited: July, 2022

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