Duke & Ducks

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Title: Duke & Ducks


"So, he's... Scared of ducks?" George asked, blinking in confusion.

"No." Jason said, as if the very notion was impossible. "He has Anatidaephobia. Which is the fear that ducks (or geese) are watching you."

Blaise rubbed his head as if he had a headache, which Tim did not understand at all. What could possibly be giving him a headache right now? "Which is not the same thing?"

"Obviously." Tim intoned.

George and Blaise sighed in unison, sharing a look over the Wayne's heads that said simply: what is wrong with this family.

"Okay, so for April Fools you're making him think a duck is watching him?" Fred questioned, fiddling with the fake glasses he had worn just for this occasion.

"Yes." the brothers chorused.

"But you don't want an actual duck there?" his twin continued.

"Of course not!" Jason exclaimed.

"That would be mean!!" Tim said, shocked.

"Right." Theo murmured, remembering the dare the two had made Dick do in a messy game of Truth or Dare. (The dare had basically been to chug a disgusting concoction of a popsicle, orange juice, hot sauce, mustard, frozen blueberries & red pepper flakes. After drinking the entire thing, Dick had even asked for more. If Theo hadn't been terrified of the Wayne Family before, he certainly was now.) "That would be mean."

"Yeah, you get it!" Jason cheered. Tim high fived him, both ignoring the simultaneous facepalm between their four friends. Whatever that was about, they didn't care to know.

"Let the games begin!" Tim said with an evil sounding chuckle. Everyone else shivered slightly.


Duke was walking down the corridor. Peacefully. Just chillin', ya know, living life.

And then he heard it.

"QUACK." the sound echoed, slowly fading into the walls of Hogwarts.

He jumped, looking around the empty stone halls in fear, heart pounding.

"What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck." He whispered to himself, voice borderline hysterical.

The candles flickered, then went out.

"Oh, fuck no." He yelped. He snapped his fingers and an aura of shadow surrounded him, hiding him completely from sight. No way was he gonna let a duck follow him. Hell no.


"What the hell was that?" Blaise questioned, staring in shock at where Duke just disappeared from view.

"Maybe it was a spell that we don't know about?" Theo suggested, though his tone made it obvious he didn't think that was the case.

"There ain't no spell like that-" George started.

"We've looked." Fred finished.

The four exchanged looks. Something was going on. And they were gonna get to the bottom of it.


Jason and Tim cackled when Duke burst into the Room of Requirement, making everyone send them confused looks.

"IT WAS YOU?!?!?!?!" Duke yelled, a fierce glare on his face. He chased them around the room, yelling obscenities as he did, making the family laugh loudly as they watched the two pranksters scream in exaggerated terror.

It was a good first day of April.

If only they had also paid attention to that gut feeling that was just faint enough for them to write off. 


To all the people who've teased me about that one certain autocorrect: You've brought this upon yourselves. Enjoy the chaos 😜and thanks for the inspiration 

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